Ophthalmia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Ophthalmia - Purulent conjunctivitis, commonly called gonococcus. Ophthalmia is accompanied by swelling and redness century, suppuration of the eye; in adverse cases, may be complicated by the development of purulent corneal ulcers, cataracts, panoftalmita with the outcome of the atrophy of the eyeball and blindness. Diagnosis of Infections set using ophthalmologic examination and bacteriological examination of conjunctival discharge. ophthalmia Treatment is abundant washing conjunctival cavity of p-rum potassium permanganate, frequent instilljatsijah r-ra Albucidum and penicillin, conducting systemic antibiotic therapy.

  • Causes Infections
  • Symptoms Infections
  • Diagnosis of Infections
  • Treatment of Infections
  • Prediction and prevention of ophthalmia
  • Ophthalmia - treatment

  • Ophthalmia

    conjunctivitis in which develops purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The peculiarities of transmission of the disease and recovered Infections newborns and adults. In view of the pathogen distinguish gonococcal ophthalmia etiology (gonoblennoreyu) and non-gonococcal ophthalmia nature. Currently blennophthalmia newborn found in ophthalmology is extremely rare, due to the conduct of its specific prevention in hospitals.

    streptococci, pneumococci, E. coli, bacillus of Koch-Weeks, a mixed flora. Among the etiologic agents found the causative agent of trachoma - Chlamydia trachomatis, which is usually found in association with gonococcus.

    The mechanism of neonatal ophthalmia associated with infection of the child during childbirth, during the passage of the fetal head through an infected birth canal sick mother. Less common intrauterine infection of the fetus ophthalmia due to protracted labor or premature opening of the membranes. Also not ruled out postpartum infection of the child by the hand, water care items with non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.

    In adults ophthalmia develops due to introduction of the agent in the eye by the patient suffering from urinary tract gonorrhea.

    corneal ulcers.

    The outcome of this condition in ophthalmia may be resorption of infiltration, epithelialization of the ulcer with a residual surface clouding of the cornea. In case of unfavorable development in the outcome of ulcer process forms rough wall-eye (cataract), glued to the iris. In the case of penetration of purulent process in the internal structures of the eye can be complicated by endophthalmitis ophthalmia and panoftalmitom with subsequent atrophy of the eyeball.

    ophthalmia adults begins with the destruction of one's eyes, but in almost all cases is more severe than neonatal ophthalmia. Symptoms Infections in adults expressed more sharply; severe complications occur more frequently.

    Non-gonococcal ophthalmia is usually easier for than gonococcal form. Clinically, it is similar to other bacterial conjunctivitis. When ocular Chlamydia (chlamydial conjunctivitis) often develop otitis media, pneumonia, lymphadenitis.

    bacteriological smear from a conjunctiva (sowing gonorrhea), PCR detection of gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis, REEF, IFA. When ophthalmia in children is a compulsory inspection of their parents.

    In order to avoid destruction of the cornea and the deep structures of the eye biomicroscopy holding eye may be required for ophthalmia, fluorescein instillyatsionnoy sample diaphanoscope and others. Ophthalmologic research.

    The differential diagnosis is carried out with ophthalmia conjunctivitis another etiology (adenovirus, herpes, bacterial), Reiter's disease, trachoma.

    ophthalmologist, pediatrician, dermatologist. When ophthalmia held local and general therapy aimed at the elimination of a specific pathogen.

    Results frequent (every 1-1.5 hours), jet washing conjunctival cavity with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (saline furatsilinom) followed by instillation of drugs (p-ra sulfacetamide and penicillin). For the eyelids at night lay antimicrobial ointment (tetracycline, erythromycin). To prevent the other eye infections in adults impose on it a special protective bandage.

    Inside with ophthalmia and prescribed sulfa antibiotics (tetracycline, penicillin); in severe ophthalmia antibiotics are administered intramuscularly. Active local and systemic treatment of ophthalmia spend about 2 weeks with obligatory repeated bacteriological examination of conjunctival smear. When corneal lesions treatment is the same as in keratitis.

    premature babies likely complications. In severe cases, blindness can be the outcome of ophthalmia. Timely and proper treatment to prevent ophthalmia severe corneal complications.

    Prevention of neonatal ophthalmia requires screening for STDs women planning pregnancy, early treatment of urethritis, obesity, bartholinitis specific etiology. To prevent gonoblennorei newborn buried in the conjunctival cavity in both eyes 1-2 drops sulfatsil sodium chloride. To exclude ophthalmia adults need to identify and treat urogenital infections - gonorrhea, chlamydia.