Teething - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Teething teeth. - The physiological process of exit of the tooth crown to the surface of the alveolar bone of the jaw and gums. The eruption of primary teeth is accompanied by local symptoms (redness, swelling, and "itching" gums, excessive salivation) and general symptoms (anxiety, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance). To facilitate the process of teething, you can give your child a special "teethers" to massage the gums, use anesthetic gels, make applications with herbs. With the deterioration of general condition it is advisable to consult a pediatrician or pediatric dentist.

  • Dates
  • eruption of teeth.
  • Factors affecting the timing of eruption
  • teeth.
  • Symptoms of teething
  • teeth.
  • Help
  • erupting teeth.
  • Caring for your teeth after the eruption
  • Teething - treatment

  • Teething

    dentistry there is a tendency to reduce the time of development and earlier teething, which is associated with the overall acceleration. Evaluation of the correct course of teething child may be given child specialists - pediatricians and dentists.

    Pediatrics for a rough estimation of the amount of the child's teeth, the formula used to: N - 4 where N - age in months. Dates teething normally developing children may move in one direction or another: for example, in some baby teeth appear at the age of 4 months. - 2 years; others - from 8-10 months. up to 3.5 years.

    Immediately after the eruption of primary teeth are porous and rough enamel, which contains a few trace elements. Therefore, failure to comply with proper hygienic care of the teeth, diet, dental prophylaxis (fissure sealing, application of fluorine-containing products, deep fluoridation) there is a high risk of caries of deciduous teeth. The consequence of prenatal underdevelopment dental tissues can serve as enamel hypoplasia.

    Dates dentition usually coincide with terms of loss of milk. As a rule, after the temporary loss of a tooth in the hole visible bumps or part of the cutting edge of the permanent tooth. Eruption of permanent teeth begins with the first molars at the age of 5-6 years. The permanent central incisors (bottom, then the top) appear in 6-8 years; after them, in 8-10 years, there is a change of side cutters. Eruption of canines, first and second premolars (small molars) between the ages of 10-12 years. The last 13-14 years in second molars erupt. By 17-25 years there wisdom teeth (sometimes they do not erupt at all).

    Children's permanent teeth are very different from the adult teeth to their anatomy. In particular, in permanent teeth of children and volume of the tooth pulp cavity is much larger and the number of hard tissues - less so various exogenous factors may easily cause caries and pulpitis. Because it is so important from the outset to provide the right care, to undergo regular professional hygiene, fluoride treatment drugs teeth.

    toxemia of pregnancy, Rh-conflict, intracranial birth trauma, prematurity, infectious diseases and other neonatal period.

    These children teething periods may be delayed approximately 2-fold. Later teething observed in children born to women with heart defects who have had herpes infection, toxoplasmosis and others. Disease.

    Proper formation of the dental system largely depends on the development of the child in the first year of life. Thus, it is seen that the timing of the eruption of primary teeth broken in congenital hypothyroidism, and the time and order - in rickets. Violations processes eruption and change of teeth may occur when the pituitary gland pathology, complete avoidance of breastfeeding, newborn sepsis, frequent acute respiratory infections, pneumonia and others. In turn, a violation of teething can lead to the formation of malocclusion in children.

    Some scientists say that the firstborn teeth erupt earlier than subsequent children; boys later than girls, and the children of young parents - later than pozdnorodyaschih children. There are cases of children born with teeth have erupted (usually the central lower incisors). Causes of intrauterine teething unknown, but definitely we can say that the teeth are prematurely appeared defective in structure and have unformed until the end of the roots. Such teeth to be removed soon after the eruption. Otherwise, they will continuously sucking injure mother nipple, which can lead to the development of mastitis. Intrauterine erupted teeth are milk, so permanent teeth after removing them appear only in 6-7 years.

    diarrhea, skin rashes, seizures episodes) pediatric dentists insist on the falseness of such representations. As a physiological process, lasting for 2.5 years, teething can not and must not be accompanied by any pathological manifestations.

    Most of the symptoms, it is noted in this period, not directly related to teething, and a manifestation of the general infection or malnutrition. This is due to the introduction of complementary foods, except for the protective effect of breast milk, vitamin deficiency and other factors that increase the susceptibility of the child to various infections. Often during teething chronologically coincides with SARS, an acute intestinal infection, viral stomatitis, sore throat, rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, a reaction to the vaccine, or the appearance of a new product in the child's diet.

    However, the majority of teething infants is accompanied by manifestations of the same type that can be considered as symptoms of this condition it is, but not the background diseases. Typically, the harbingers of teething appear for 3-5 days prior to the apex out of the mucous membrane and gums immediately thereafter subside. Local signs of imminent eruption of the tooth are swelling and redness of the gums. Sometimes 2-3 weeks before the eruption of the tooth to the gum hematoma appears as a small tumor bluish color. Typically, the presence of a hematoma does not require intervention, but its increase in the size of the incision is performed and the evacuation of mucous content. Sometimes the tooth eruption is accompanied by a slight bleeding from the gums.

    The consequence of mechanical irritation of sensory nerves penetrate the gum teeth is the so-called "itching" gums, manifested in the fact that the child begins to pull in the mouth different objects, gnaw and bite their gums rollers. For the same reason, when teething is noted increased salivation. Profuse salivation is partly due to a new baby to a sitting position, as well as the small depth of the mouth and the inability to time swallowing, thereby adjusting its amount. Due salivation may appear rash and irritation of the mouth, chin, cheeks, breasts.

    Common symptoms of teething can serve as an increase in body temperature over 37.5 ° C, not related to other causes; vomiting caused by ingestion of saliva; cough due to saliva getting into the respiratory tract. The children may be disturbed sleep, decreased appetite (up to refusal of food), there is irritability and tearfulness.

    ortopantomogrammu to assess the state of the rudiments of teeth and edentulous exceptions.

    To facilitate the child teething can be surrounded toddler parental care and affection and regularly carrying out simple procedures. To remove the itching and pain special gels are used with topical anesthetic effect, which can be rubbed into the gums several times a day. You can handle the gum solution of soda, a decoction of sage, chamomile or oak bark. When expressed pain syndrome permissible use of pain medications (ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.). If the child does not tolerate teething, you can visit the children's pre-homeopath who will recommend the individual homeopathic remedies.

    During the period of teething is advisable to use the so-called teethers - special toys made of soft plastic, which the child can chew on without the risk of damage to the gums. Help your child can special massage the gums with your finger, wrapped with gauze soaked in cold water.

    caries prevention.

    The first baby teeth should be cleaned 2 times a day with the help of a piece of gauze or a silicone brush on a finger without using toothpaste. With 1 year can be cleaned with a dry toothbrush, but with 2 years old - use a baby toothpaste.

    Health permanent teeth depends largely on the state of the dairy. Different lesion of temporary teeth can damage the beginnings of permanent, so treatment of caries of deciduous teeth is a must. For proper flow of enamel mineralization process, products need to enrich the diet, rich in phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C; limiting consumption of sweets.