Simple contact dermatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Simple contact dermatitis - Inflammatory skin reaction that occurs in response to a direct effect of irritating substances (alkalis, acids, detergents, solvents, bleach, etc). Symptoms depend on the strength and nature of the impact. It can be a skin redness, dryness and cracks, swelling, blistering or ulceration covered with scab. Diagnosis of a simple contact dermatitis and its differentiation from other dermatitis is based on the detection of the disease due to exposure to the skin of the affected area of ​​the chemical. Treatment consists of removal of the causative agent, the local application of glucocorticoids, anti-inflammatory, healing and antibacterial agents.

  • Symptoms of a simple contact dermatitis
  • Diagnosis of a simple contact dermatitis
  • Treatment of a simple contact dermatitis
  • Simple contact dermatitis - treatment

  • Simple contact dermatitis

    dermatitis include allergic contact dermatitis. However, in dermatological practice, it is less common. A simple contact dermatitis is a reaction to the immediate impact of the stimulus, and there at the first contact with him. Allergic contact dermatitis is caused by a variant delayed-type hypersensitivity develops with repeated exposure to the allergen.

    Dermatology distinguishes acute and chronic forms of a simple contact dermatitis. Depending on the nature of the substance to the skin, and the individual characteristics of the epidermal permeability may develop one of three acute contact dermatitis: erythematous, bullous or necrotic.

    Erythematous dermatitis is manifested by redness and swelling into contact with an irritant skin. Soreness and itching are mild. Possible dry skin and the appearance of cracks on it. Bullous version of a simple contact dermatitis is represented by bubbles of various sizes, filled with a clear liquid. Bubbles appear on hyperemic background and burst with the formation of erosions. Characterized by pain, feeling of heat or burning.

    Necrotic dermatitis occurs when exposed to corrosive materials and is characterized by the formation of ulcers, the surface of which is covered with a scab. Pronounced pain. After healing occurs ulcers, scars remain on the skin.

    The chronic form of a simple contact dermatitis develops after repeated exposure to a weak stimulus. Most commonly affects the skin of hands. The disease is usually associated with the use of household chemicals or professional activities. Chronic dermatitis is characterized by increased skin pattern, congestive hyperemia, infiltration, dry skin and hyperkeratosis. In some cases, there atrophic processes in the skin. Subjective feelings are mild and a little worried about the patient.

    a dermatologist from the characteristic clinical manifestations and firmly established the onset of symptoms due to exposure to skin irritants. If you suspect an allergic contact dermatitis character should consult an allergist and holding of skin allergy tests. The appearance of signs of purulent inflammation suggests infection lesion location and is an indication for bacterial inoculation test discharge with the mandatory drafting antibiotikogrammy.

    Histological examination of a sample of the affected skin reveals the inside of the upper layers of the epidermis blisters, containing clusters of neutrophils. In chronic simple contact dermatitis is observed acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, expansion and extension of the dermal papillae.

    Treatment of a simple contact dermatitis

    The basic principle of treatment - the definition and elimination of the causes of a simple contact dermatitis. Erythematous dermatitis usually does not require treatment and independently runs in eliminating the causative factor. To reduce the symptoms of inflammation might use anti-inflammatory creams or powders. When bullous variant produce large bubbles piercing without removing their tires. To prevent secondary infection lubricate the area bubbles with a solution of potassium permanganate or aniline dyes. In the treatment of necrotizing dermatitis healing ointment is applied.

    In severe cases of acute simple contact dermatitis possible topical application of glucocorticoid ointments and systemic administration of low doses of corticosteroids. Joining a secondary infection is an indication for antibiotic therapy. In chronic dermatitis option recommended regular use of emollient ointments and creams, with the defeat of the hands - use protective gloves.