Pseudopolyposis colon - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Pseudopolyposis colon. - Secondary pathological condition in which multiple protrusions appearance resembling polyps formed on the colon mucosa. It occurs in inflammatory bowel disease and some infections of the gastrointestinal tract. The clinical picture of colon pseudopolyposis defined underlying disease, patients may experience diarrhea, abdominal pain, tenesmus, flatulence, weight loss and pathological impurities in the feces. Diagnosis is exposed on the basis of endoscopy and biopsy. In some cases, the use of CT and X-ray with contrast. It requires treatment of the underlying pathology.

  • Reasons pseudopolyposis
  • colon.
  • Symptoms pseudopolyposis
  • colon.
  • Diagnosis pseudopolyposis
  • colon cancer.
  • Treatment pseudopolyposis
  • colon cancer.
  • Pseudopolyposis colon - treatment

  • Pseudopolyposis

    intestinal polyps, but are preserved mucosa portions or islets excessive glandular epithelium regeneration arising on a background of inflammation or infection in the colon. The most common cause of pseudopolyposis colon becomes ulcerative colitis. According to various reports, pseudopolyps detected in 22-64% of patients suffering from this disease.

    Sometimes pseudopolyposis detected colon in Crohn's disease and dysentery. The disease usually develops between the ages of 40-65 years. The researchers note that pseudopolyps not prone to malignancy, while in some cases, in the process of regeneration of glandular epithelium of the sigmoid colon may occur areas of dysplasia, later transforming into colorectal cancer. Treatment carried out by experts in the field of proctology.


    diarrhea. Chance of mushy stools with mucus, blood and pus. Patients pseudopolyposis colon disturb frequent false desires and pains in the left abdomen. There have been a weakness, disturbances of appetite and weight loss. Intensity of hyperthermia depends on the severity of the disease, the body temperature can fluctuate between 37 and 39 degrees. Sometimes identified extra-intestinal symptoms: joint pain, ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis), aphthous stomatitis, uveitis, erythema nodosum, etc.
    For pseudopolyposis colon in Crohn's disease is also characterized by abdominal pain, stool disorders, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, and pyrexia of varying severity. Reveals the same extra-intestinal manifestations, as in ulcerative colitis. Distinctive features pseudopolyposis colon in Crohn's disease is a tendency to form scar constrictions intestinal lumen, a higher incidence of complications (intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation of the colon), and disorders of the liver and kidneys. When dysentery pseudopolyposis colon observed acute onset of common symptoms of intoxication and expressed intestinal disturbances (frequent diarrhea, rumbling, cramping pain, pathological impurities in the stool).

    sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, the doctor examines the state of mucosal ulceration and identifies other changes that are typical of ulcerative colitis and other diseases that can provoke pseudopolyposis colon. Endoscopist estimates the number, size and shape pseudopolyps, take samples of tissue sites and neighboring areas of the mucous membrane for morphological studies.

    In the process of studying the morphological structure of formations encountered in patients with colon pseudopolyposis determined unaltered epithelium, proliferation of epithelial and granulation tissue. When the mucous membrane of the study, the affected ulcerative colitis revealed dilated capillaries, bleeding, ulceration and crypt abscesses. Submucosal layer is usually changed only slightly. The intestinal mucosa of patients with Crohn's disease rough, bumpy, and looks like "cobblestones".

    Irrigoscopy at pseudopolyposis colon uninformative since it allows detecting only large enough pseudopolyps and thus makes it impossible to assess the form of nodes, the state and the general appearance of the mucosa. A CT scan provides more accurate results, but as contrast radiography, does not give the doctor enough information to differentiate pseudopolyposis colon and other diseases associated with the appearance of filling defects on radiographs. Both techniques only apply if unavailable, endoscopic, or the presence of contraindications to colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy.

    Differential diagnosis pseudopolyposis colon performed with multiple polyps, a family diffuse polyposis, colorectal cancer, lipoma and colon carcinoids. The final diagnosis is based on microscopic examination of the data.

    megacolon, perforation of the sigmoid colon, intestinal hemorrhage, malignancy section of the changed mucosa) performed surgery.

    Pseudopolyposis Therapy of colon in Crohn's disease also involves the use of corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents, drugs 5-aminosalicylic acid and antibiotics. Additionally designate the tumor necrosis factor blockers, blockers of integrin receptors, vitamin D and hyperbaric oxygenation. When complications are conducting operations. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are chronic diseases with recurrent course. Patients need regular check-ups and maintenance therapy during remission.

    When pseudopolyposis colon, caused dysentery and other intestinal infections, prescribed a special diet, causal treatment is carried out with the use of antimicrobial drugs, exercise detoxification activities. The prognosis of this disease depends on the type and characteristics of the underlying disease. Patients with pseudopolyposis colon are under the supervision of the proctologist and the gastroenterologist.