6 signs of glaucoma, which should not be ignored

Glaucoma is a complex eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision.

There are two most common types of glaucoma: open-and-closure.

The first state occurs quite often results from clogging of drainage channels eye, which leads to increased intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve. In open-angle glaucoma eye between the iris and the cornea form a wide angle. It develops slowly and the symptoms may go unnoticed for a long time.

Angle-closure glaucoma least common form. As a result of the disease due to blocked drains sudden increase in intraocular pressure. With this type of glaucoma, the angle between the iris and the cornea narrow or closed and it requires immediate medical attention.

The risk of glaucoma increases a person:

With age.
If they suffered from your parents.
The presence of cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Here are some basic signs of glaucoma.

1. Severe headache and eye pain

These are two key early sign of glaucoma that stands out. This eye disease often has no early symptoms. However, with the development of angle-closure glaucoma, the eye pressure increases rapidly, as a result of damage to the optic nerve headache. Therefore, with such symptoms should see a specialist who start pinging your condition.

2. Foggy or blurred vision

Sight impaired due to lack of sharpness, leading inability to see fine details. Blurred vision may occur on one or both eyes. This condition is also triggered by redness of the eyes or a headache, which are symptoms of glaucoma. Therefore, do not ignore these things and visit an ophthalmologist.

3. The appearance of colored rings around light source.

It is also one of the main signs of glaucoma. Light is vital to our vision. We see the surrounding objects after the light enters in both eyes. However, sometimes, it can be the result of vision problems.

This symptom of glaucoma is caused by light which passes through the water or on the surface of the eye, by creating their spectral colors. As a result, you feel uncomfortable, squinting his eyes begin to tear, there is a desire to turn away when you try to see objects at a very bright light. In order not to provoke these symptoms are wearing sunglasses.

4. Nausea or vomiting

Nausea, vomiting and headaches. When everything happens at the same time is very difficult to handle. If such a state is repeated periodically, you'd better sign to the doctor to check your eye health.

5. Sudden loss of vision

This is a serious medical symptom. Sudden loss of vision may occur on one or both eyes, but it does not mean complete blindness. It may be a loss of central vision or a sudden blur of subjects. Such a state is able to last for a few seconds, minutes or hours. However, it may become permanent if you do not take swift action. In fact it is the most obvious sign of glaucoma.

6. Redness eyes.

When this happens the eyes look red and inflamed because the blood vessels on the surface of the eye receive additional blood. Such frequent inflammation should be a wake-up call for you.