Powerful products for cleaning

Recently, detox treatments are becoming increasingly popular. People began to realize how many toxins accumulate in the body and how important it is time to get rid of them.

One of the most in need of cleaning organ is the liver, which is responsible for all the consequences of the style of modern life.

The easiest way to carry out detoxification of the liver - to include in the diet of foods that contribute to the renewal of its cells and disposal of hazardous substances.

Experts have compiled a list of products that have the most powerful cleansing effect.

Warm water and lemon

Daily consumption of warm water with lemon juice stimulates the liver, which removes toxins and wastes from the body.


This is one of the best foods for cleansing the liver. It is not necessary to use too much. If you decide to carry out the cleansing diet for the liver, then turn on the clove of garlic in every dish. Even if you are carried away by Live Juice Therapy, then add some juice a little garlic juice. Garlic improves the functioning of the liver enzymes, will occur as a result of this active liver cleansing. Spiced minced garlic salads have a wonderful aroma and is very useful for the liver.


Why is the use of vitamin C-rich foods helps cleanse the liver? Because vitamin C promotes the synthesis of a substance such as glutathione. This is one of the best connections to enhance liver health. The ideal product for this is the avocado. This product contains a lot of nutrients, which together contribute to the ideal cleansing the liver.


Cilantro is a champion among the other members of the green on the removal of the body from heavy metals. The chemical components of cilantro binds these metals, releasing blood cells, organs and tissues, and removes them from the body. Add the cilantro in juices, smoothies, salads, soups, main dishes.


People who have liver problems, turmeric is not merely necessary, but vital. Since turmeric gepatobilliarnaya human system will begin to work harmoniously as a watch. This is a favorite spice of the liver. Try adding it to the stew of lentils or other vegetarian dishes and the effect of healing and restoration of the liver does not take long.

Cleansing the liver is crucial in our life and in the proper operation of all our organs. So do not hesitate to include these defenders of the liver in your diet right now.