Scientists describe the food to burn fat

There are burn fat? It seems impossible, but there are products that help get rid of excess fat in the body.

Meat and fish

There is good news for lovers of seafood and sea fish. Studies show that iodine contained in them improves the thermal regulation of the body, ie the production of energy, which helps to burn fat.

If you can not do without meat, especially pay attention to the veal. This meat, which contains the highest L-carnitine.


Citrus fruits are struggling with excess adipose tissue. There are a great content of vitamin C, which, in turn, is a champion in the burning of fat in our body. To work on burning fat, you can start with grapefruit, which is ideal for this purpose.

Dessert with cinnamon

Choose desserts, which include cinnamon. This additive prevents the sugar is deposited as fat. In addition, it reduces appetite, so for products that burn fat.

Suitable additives.

It turns out, it is to eat spicy food and spices - dishes with the addition of red pepper, cayenne pepper or ginger. Capsaicin contained therein, increases thermogenesis, which in turn leads to an increase in metabolism. A good supplement is garlic. It supports the digestive system and blood pressure. Furthermore, it removes the "bad" cholesterol.

Peppermint increases the secretion of gastric juices, so that digestion is improved, and the nutrients are better absorbed.