What threatens the night waking

Waking at night can cause excessive set kilograms. This conclusion was staff Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University (USA).

Of their study showed that "owls" are consuming more calories in the evenings, strongly overlap in the fast food, not very much interested in fruit and vegetables and ultimately more fatter than those who go to bed early and get up early.

The study involved 51 people (23 and 28-nighter those who observe normal daily routine); the average age of test - about 30 years.

"Owls" went to bed on average at 03:45 and woke up at 10:45 lunch at noon, lunch at 14:30 dinner at 20:15 and snack for the last time at 22:00. Other participants are usually wake up at 08:00 lunch at 09:00 lunch at 13:00 dinner at 19:00 at 20:30 something else to intercept, and went to bed at 00:30.

For at least seven days, the subjects recorded what they ate and when, and recorded during sleep. In addition, all had to wear a wrist activity recorders, controlled the cycles of sleep and wakefulness.

The results showed that the daily arrival of calories in "owls" by 248 units more than in "normal". Night owls eat twice as much "junk" food and half the vegetables and fruits. Plus they do not know the steps of sweet carbonated beverages. In addition, dinner and a last snack "owls" differs excess calories. There is nothing surprising in the fact that body mass index in these subjects was higher than in participants with normal mode. b

According to scientists, the consumption of excess calories leads to significant weight gain, to a kilogram a month, if a person does not increase physical activity. However, to explain why "Owl" overeat - for the love of a more nutritious product, or because they do not have much choice at night - the researchers are not yet able to.

The results demonstrate the importance of not only calories, but also a meal.

Human circadian rhythms and metabolism synchronized with the daily rotation of the Earth, so it is assumed that normally we have to go to bed when the sun goes down. If the dream and food does not correspond to the internal clock, this leads to disruption of appetite and metabolism, causing weight gain, researchers summarize.