Woman yawning when he wants

Is yawning something sexy? Scientists from around the world discussed the matter in Paris, for the first ever international conference on the issues of yawning.

The French capital was visited by scientists from Russia, USA, India, the Middle East and other countries - only about two dozen experts yawning. For the first time in the history of medicine, scientists discussed yawning on a specially dedicated to this subject of the conference.

Threads of different someone may even seem fun meetings. So scientists are seriously struggling with the features of the "yawning throughout life", as well as find out the mysteries of the "yawning among non-human primates." Perhaps the most surprising seems the theme "Theory of hidden sexuality yawning."

Maybe someone of these scholars will soon be awarded the Ig Nobel prize for the most dubious scientific achievements. But the meeting in Paris, Professor and Doctor of Sciences set up very seriously. They emphasize that the average person in my life yawns 240 thousand times, and therefore this phenomenon must be studied in detail.

Most people believe that yawning is a need to provide the brain with plenty of oxygen, which we seize mouth slowly. But the Parisian scientists do not believe it.

They believe that yawning creates a number of emotional "triggers". The interest in something or someone, stress and even sexual desire - all can play a role. Most of the participants are scientists believe that yawning is a complex and significant phenomenon remains largely the same for science mystery, as, for example, and dreams.

"We can send a man to the moon, but can not explain why he yawns," - said the scientist from the Netherlands Voltaire Seuntens. He himself believes that yawning is nothing but a subconscious erotic promises. It turns out that if a woman with a man yawns, she wants intimacy. And we thought