15 simple ways to save a good mood

We are getting used to the internal state depends on external factors and perceive the "good" days, when there was no reason to be upset as well. As a result, we become even more dependent on the circumstances. However, as they like to repeat the spiritual leaders, the source of all of our experiences is within ourselves, and only we choose how to relate to what is happening around. But there are ways by which you can be in good emotional well-being, despite the weather, the news or the mood of others.

1. Good sleep

So, where every "good morning" and begins "a good day". It is difficult to enjoy life when all thoughts are just waiting for a new meeting with a pillow. British company Yeo Valley Experts have calculated that the ideal sleep time - six hours and 15 minutes.

2. Fresh air

Most ventilate the room and the office, and if the weather permits, let the window will remain open. When brain cells are saturated with oxygen, the body enthusiastically support your initiative to be happy, no matter what.

3. More often you walk

If you live close to work, leave early and rather spend a little time on the road than to spoil your mood in the public transport. If you are working away from home, get out one stop early and walk foot. In this several advantages. So you will move more, which will give an extra dose of endorphins. Also distracted from oppressive ideas and be inspired by the observation of the world around them. If your path goes through the park or square, the nature will be an additional factor in maintaining your good mood.

4. Add a day of pleasant aromas

This may be your favorite colors, perfumes, etc. There is a universal solution that will please and the people around you, for example, citrus scents. Apply a few drops of essential oils of lemon, orange and grapefruit on the wrist or objects workspace, and your day will be accompanied by cheerfulness and optimism.

5. Creativity

Most get distracted from work tasks to do something that will cheer up. The easiest way - to read at lunch favorite book. Or, for example, can take a set of colored pencils and paint a clean sheet. Incidentally, the immersion in the process as a result will help you determine its internal state, and at the same time and fix it.

6. Music

Make a set of playlists for each day and include the most appropriate.

7. Help others

Even a small support may be the fact that change someone's day, and with it - and your emotional well-being. Give something - not less pleasant than to receive.

8. recalls the past achievements

When it seems that you are not going to get that failures more than successes, often back in my memory to the events when everything was "just right". Realize that this happy people from the past and one that is now immersed in sad thoughts, - the same, which means that you can give the first word at any time, as soon as it dare.

9. Dream of future.

Moving forward encouraging. Think of your goal not as something unrealizable, but how feasible your future as a goal, which is embodied through everything that you are doing now and will do tomorrow. It is very important to confirm the actions of dreams: you commit to that today have done something, bring you closer to the goal, so the dream starts to come true.

10. Live in the present

The past and future help and support, but also, and more - a frame that you are creating right now. «Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift, thats why it's called the present» - make it your motto.

11. Be a

The game is not his "role" binds and obligates match. But when you are in harmony with each other, without feeling obliged to conform to someone else (or even his) expectations, everything comes naturally - it is easy, simple and natural, and you released the energy potential, which had previously been spent on decoys. Of course, be yourself - does not mean that you do not have to work on yourself and forgive yourself your same drawbacks as procrastination or lack of motivation to do anything.

12. Smile

The relationship of mind and body, internal and external, allowing to manifest what we experience through the emotions. But feedback is not as strong. For example, it is known that self-confidence enough to take "a confident posture," and to cheer up - to smile. Take the initiative in their hands and stop waiting for an external reason for this. By the way, do over a "force" will not for long: in five minutes you will feel that you really want to smile.

13. Try something new

Any new, even a little, the experience will feel the interest and enthusiasm. Go to work the other way. Brew tea unusual variety. Get a wardrobe for something in a different style than you are used to wear every day, for example, a bright scarf. Prepare a new dish. Make a habit of opportunity to delight and amaze themselves pleasant trifles.

14. Stop arguing

In the world there are many factors that separate us from each other. Author of the book "Happiness Prescription: 7 Keys to endless joy", an American physician Deepak Chopra says that to be neutral - it means to be happy. Of course, you can pick up a discussion with friends about where better to go on the weekend. Or a character has turned the most successful in the performance of the actor. In general, for any reason, which in the end will only cause a splash of good humor. Of course, the neutral position "works" not in all situations, especially when you need to defend your opinion. However, to reduce the number of useless disputes that only spoil the whole mood, you can.

15. Observe good of all

At the bottom there is any reason for joy, the way even the most modest, for example, delicious coffee. Every day, no matter what, analyze, what good has happened to you during the day. After all of these things and get a good day.