Morning sex improves health. With this agreement, many sexologists and doctors who shows us what benefits it brings to our emotional and physical state.
Kiwi - is a fruit that is cultivated by mankind for centuries. Its fruits are low in calories, are high in fiber and rich in vitamins and minerals.
Fitness Diet, also known as a diet beauty and health, designed for at least a month.
Busy schedule and hectic lifestyle - not an excuse to be lazy and hurt your body substandard fast food meal.
coffee. Many of us simply do not represent their morning without coffee. A breath of fresh coffee - it's like the first step that sets the rhythm of the day ahead.
Recently, researchers studying the immune system of mice, found that chewing food can stimulate the appearance of a special type of immune system cells.
"Broken heart syndrome" or cardiomyopathy is a disease with the same symptoms as that of a heart attack.
We all know that eating these foods, like cabbage, peas or soft drinks, can cause flatulence and bloating.
heart. Improper tableware has a negative effect on physical health, and its use, in particular, can cause vascular abnormalities in the body.
face. Cleaners person has in the arsenal of nearly every modern woman, and many feel that they are well informed about this product.
The researchers found that marrying at an average age of women is much more likely to become victims of obesity later.
peoples of the world. Christmas - one of the most beloved and long-awaited holiday among Christians worldwide. For many it is associated with happiness, joy and good mood.
The ice is not only put on one's shoes and dress properly, but also to choose a place for the walking route, doctors say.
The results of a large-scale studies have shown that the chili in the diet reduces the risk of premature death, especially from heart attack and stroke.
Perhaps, healthy and unhealthy relationships - is the result of our conscious choice? What mistakes hinder us on the path to a healthy partnership?
The researchers reported that they were able to figure out how to milk tea is harmful to health.
From power directly affects the quality of our lives, so do not let it take its course.
errors. Council invites the Council to help achieve results for weight loss and do not harm the body.
Buckwheat or buckwheat as it is often referred to in everyday life, is considered one of the most useful products, which is available in every home.
energy. We would like you to please: coffee - not the only way to cheer up. These natural energy will provide you with a burst of energy and help to get everything you need.
Even if you follow the health and proper nutrition, it is not necessary to give up going to the restaurant.
sleep. American physicians reported that they were able to find a way that will normalize the daily routine for people suffering from sleep disorders and wakefulness.
A person may not even be aware, however, especially the navel may help diagnose disease tends to some people.
Nutritionists offer "rock" your metabolism to quickly return to the form spoiled during the Christmas holidays the figure.
Combine in your diet proteins, fats and carbohydrates are just as important as harmoniously combine the dress, shoes and accessories.
Psoriasis - a chronic skin disease, which is accompanied by the appearance of stains on it, and unpleasant itching.
The dangers lie in wait for our body at every turn. If you do not take care of yourself and your health, a person will be very difficult to survive in the big city.
How to learn to eat less - this question takes not just those who are trying to follow the figure, but also scientists.
Leave futile attempts to lose weight! Did you - one of those who never lose weight!
Drinking small amounts of alcohol (one serving per day for women and two servings for men), appear to be associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease.