Eosinophilic pneumonia - an allergy, inflammation of lung tissue, accompanied by the formation of unstable migratory infiltrates of eosinophilic nature and development of hypereosinophilia. The disease usually occurs with malaise, low-grade fever, a small dry cough, sometimes with scanty sputum; the acute form - with chest pain, myalgia, development of acute respiratory failure. Set eosinophilic pneumonia allow data radiography and CT of the lungs, the general analysis of blood, bronchoalveolar lavage, allergy tests, serodiagnosis. The basis of treatment is specific desensitization and hormonal therapy.
ependymoma brain - tumor tissue of ependymal ventricular system of the brain. Clinically evident, above all, signs of increased intracranial pressure, as well as ataxia, disorders of the eye and ear, convulsive seizures, speech and swallowing. Diagnosis is carried out mainly with the help of MRI of the brain, spinal puncture, EEG, histological examination. The basis of treatment is radical removal of ependymomas followed by radiation or chemotherapy. In adults, the use stereotactic radiosurgery.
Epiglottitis in children - acute bacterial inflammation, epiglottis and hypopharynx exciting fabrics and accompanied by life-threatening upper airway obstruction. Development of epiglottitis in children occurs rapidly: within a few hours increases dysphonia, dysphagia, sore throat, excessive salivation, difficulty breathing, wheezing. The diagnosis of epiglottitis in children helps to hold the neck radiography or fibrolaringoskopii pharyngoscope, bacteriological seeding swabs from the throat. Treatment of epiglottitis in children requires the restoration of patency of the respiratory tract by tracheostomy and tracheal intubation, purpose antibiotic, infusion and symptomatic therapy.
Epidemic pemphigus newborns - a highly contagious staphylococcal skin lesion newborns, manifested appearance of fine bubbles with purulent contents, which increase and bursting with the formation of erosions. It may be accompanied by lesions of the mucous membranes. Diagnose epidemic pemphigus newborns allows age of onset, the typical clinical picture and results of bacteriological studies of fluid from blisters and erosions discharge. Treatment includes antibiotics, vitamins, albumin, bath with potassium permanganate, UFO, opening blisters and erosions processing. Given the contagiousness of epidemic pemphigus newborns necessarily conduct quarantine and disinfection.
Epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis - an acute highly contagious oftalmoinfektsiya caused by picornavirus that affects the conjunctiva of the eye and is accompanied by massive subconjunctival hemorrhages. Epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis occurs with severe erythema, edema and chemosis mucosa, sharp pain in the eyes, photophobia, sero-purulent discharge, subconjunctival hemorrhage, which occur against a background of general symptoms (adenopathy prootic lymph nodes, headache, high temperature, tracheobronchitis, etc). In order difdiagnostiki performed Biomicroscopy eyes instillyatsionnaya Fluorescein test, serological, virological and cytological studies. The treatment of epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is carried out by instillation of antiviral, anti-allergic and anti-bacterial drugs.
Mumps (pig) is an acute infection caused by an RNA virus genus paramyxovirus, primarily affecting the salivary glands and nerve cells. The causative agent of mumps is transmitted by airborne droplets, sometimes, by contact through objects contaminated with the patient's saliva. svinki Clinic begins with a fever and symptoms of intoxication, against this background, growing swelling and pain in the parotid region. Suffice typical clinic to diagnose mumps without further examination. Treatment is mainly symptomatic.
Athlete's nails - a common fungal infection of nails on the feet, manifesting the appearance of yellow stripes or spots, and then diffuse yellowish entire nail plate, its thickening, deformation and increased fragility. Diagnostic event at the athlete's nails include inspection of the affected nail and microscopy scrapings taken from its surface. Treatment of diseases involved dermatologists, chiropodists and mycologists. It involves the removal of the nail plate, post-operative treatment and the imposition of bandages on her bed with antifungal ointments and keratolytic agents.
Athlete's foot - a widespread fungal skin lesions and nails stop. Depending on the clinical form of plaques may appear red, flat spots and papules with whitish scaling on the surface bubbles, cracks, erosions, the appearance of yellow stripes and spots on the nail plate thickening, or its rejection. Diagnosis of athlete's foot include dermatoscopy, fluorescent study, the definition of the pH-skin scrapings microscopy on pathogenic fungi, identification of related foot problems. athlete's foot treatment is carried out by the system and the local application of antifungal agents to conduct preliminary exfoliating or anti-inflammatory therapy.
Epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis. It is characterized by sudden onset, body temperature rise to 39-40 degrees. Appears pain and swelling in the scrotum by the defeat, increased epididymis several times, redness of the skin of the scrotum. Often combined with inflammation of the testicle (orchiepididymitis). Can develop bilateral disease of the appendages, a chronic form of epididymitis, vas obstruction flow, infertility. As a rule, in respect of epididymitis urologists conduct outpatient treatment, hospitalization is necessary only in case of complications. In acute epididymitis requires bed rest, anti-bacterial and local treatment; abscess is an indication for surgical incision and drainage of an abscess.
Epidural hematoma - blood congestion, filling formed as a result of the injury the space between the skull bones and hard cerebral membrane. In typical cases, characterized by a disturbance of consciousness with the presence of the light period, signs of intracranial hypertension and brain compression, focal symptoms, relevant hematomas location. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinic using craniography, Echo-EG, cerebral angiography, CT and MRI. The treatment mainly surgical - craniotomy, removing a hematoma, search and elimination of the source of bleeding.
Epicondylitis - degenerative and inflammatory disease of the tissues in the elbow joint. Developed in places of attachment of tendons, internal and external surface of the forearm to, respectively, the internal and external epicondyle of the humerus. Taking into account the localization distinguish external and internal epicondylitis. Outdoor epicondylitis occurs in 7-10 times more internal. The disease develops gradually and affects mostly middle-aged patients. The cause - repetitive microtrauma due to overload of the forearm muscles. Epicondylitis causes pain in the elbow, aggravated by extension (for external epicondylitis) and grasping (for internal epicondylitis). Treatment is usually conservative. Forecast favorable in the majority of cases, the disease responds well to treatment.
Epicondylitis of the elbow joint - degenerative and inflammatory lesion tendons in their attachment to the external and internal condyles of the humerus. The reason for the development is overloaded muscles of the forearm and hand. The disease is manifested by pain in the elbow, aggravated by movements of the wrist and fingers. Diagnosis is exposed on the basis of medical history, complaints and inspection data. Instrumental studies provide little information and are used only to exclude other diseases. Treatment is conservative.
Epilepsy - a condition characterized by recurrent (more than two), epileptic seizures, is not provoked by any immediately determines the cause. Epileptic seizures - clinical manifestation of abnormal and excessive discharge of brain neurons causes a sudden transient pathological phenomena (sensory, motor, mental, vegetative symptoms, changes in consciousness). Keep in mind that some provoked or caused by any distinct causes (brain tumor, head injury) epileptic seizures do not indicate the patient has epilepsy.
Epilepsy in children - chronic cerebral disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped seizures that occur without obvious precipitating factors. The leading symptoms of epilepsy in children are seizures that may occur in the form of tonic-clonic seizures, absence seizures, myoclonic seizures with impaired consciousness or without its violation. Instrumental and laboratory diagnosis of epilepsy in children involves performing EEG, skull X-ray, CT, MRI and PET brain, biochemical analysis of blood and cerebrospinal fluid. General principles of treatment of epilepsy in children suggest observance of protective mode, anticonvulsant therapy, psychotherapy; if necessary - neurosurgical treatment.
Status epilepticus - one epipristup, lasting more than 30 minutes, or a series of seizures of the same duration, between which there is not a complete or almost complete recovery of consciousness and the normalization condition. Status epilepticus may be convulsive and non-convulsive form, occur against a background of epilepsy or wear symptomatic. The diagnosis is made based on history and clinical status, complemented by EEG data, laboratory analysis, MRI, spiral CT or CT of the brain. Status epilepticus of any etiology is a medical emergency. Held sedative, anticonvulsant, dehydration, symptomatic therapy.
Epispadias - malformation of the urethra development, characterized by partial or complete splitting of the upper wall. Epispadias occurs in both boys and girls, and in addition to the anatomical defect manifests itself in violation of urination (spray, incontinence), sexual function (painful erections, difficulty in sexual intercourse), urinary tract infections. The complex of diagnostic measures when epispadias includes full urological examination: ultrasonography, excretory urography, cystography, X-rays of the symphysis pubis, urodynamic studies. epispadias treatment - surgery, depending on the shape and the degree of severity of defect.
Epithelial coccygeal course - congenital abnormality characterized by the presence of the defect (narrow channel) in the subcutaneous tissue mezhyagodichnoy area. Clinical manifestations associated with inflammation coccygeal. It appears pain sacrococcygeal region selection ichor or pus, redness and thickening of the skin. Neglect of the disease leads to prolonged recurrent course: abscess, fistula formation of the secondary purulent, the development of pyoderma on the skin of the perineum and buttocks.
Epithelioma - tumor of the skin and mucous membranes, which develops from the cells of the surface layer - the epidermis. Epithelioma different variety of clinical options from small nodules to the considerable size of tumors, plaques and ulcers. There may be benign or malignant nature. Their diagnosis includes dermatoscopy, bakposev discharge, ultrasound education, histological examination of removed tissue or biopsy material. Treatment is mainly surgical, with the malignant nature of the tumor - radiation, chemotherapy, photodynamic, using both general and local methods of influence.
Pseudoerysipelas - an infectious disease transmitted to humans from animals and manifested inflammatory lesions of the skin and joints. The preferential localization process at pseudoerysipelas - the skin and the joints of the fingers, its rear surface. Perhaps the development of a generalized form of the disease. Diagnosis is based on pseudoerysipelas his clinic, epidemiological anamnesis and abjection of skin biopsy or blood of a patient. The basis of treatment is antibiotics pseudoerysipelas. According to the testimony used anti-inflammatory, detoxification, anti-histamines, physiotherapy.
newborn Erythema - transient redness of the skin associated with the adaptation of the child to extrauterine life and accompanied by polymorphic eruptions. The main symptom is a pinkish-red color of the skin, which is celebrated in the first hours or 2-3 days of life. Against the background of redness in some cases found small gray-yellow rash. The general condition is usually not affected. Diagnosis erythema newborn based on characteristic symptoms appearing at a certain age (the first days of life), and the clinical and laboratory signs of inflammation and infection are absent. Treatment is usually not required, according to testimony appointed desensitizing agents.
Pemphigus erythematosus (seborrheic pemphigus, Senir-Usher syndrome) - clinical form of pemphigus that combines the true manifestations of pemphigus, seborrheic dermatitis and erythematous variant of systemic lupus erythematosus. Typical symptoms are erythematous pemphigus covered with thick crusts red lesion areas of the skin combined with seborrheic lesions on the scalp. It is characteristic for a long period of remission. Diagnosis of pemphigus erythematosus based on the study of smears and biopsies. Treatment is carried out glucocorticosteroids, extracorporeal blood correction methods, local administration and the imposition of glucocorticoid triamcinolone ointment.
Erythrasma - psevdomikoz chronic bacterial origin which affects the epidermis mainly in large areas of skin folds. Manifested erythrasma appearance and merging painless gray-brown, brownish-red or yellowish-brown spots, covered with fine desquamation. Diagnosis erythrasma based on her clinical picture, localization of foci, typical glow under fluorescent study the characteristic microscopic picture. In the treatment of erythrasma considerable importance is the disinfection of linen and clothes. Held treatment of lesions, antibiotic therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, blood sugar correction, hyperhidrosis treatment.
Erythroderma - generalized diffuse inflammation of the skin, accompanied by hyperemia and edema of the dermis, rash papules, pustules and bullae, which erode with crusting and scaling, have a tendency to peripheral growth and mergers. Spreading, inflammatory foci capture all the new portions of the dermis, marked hair loss and nail. Rash accompanied by prodrome, itching, cracking, joining a secondary infection. Erythroderma diagnosed clinically and based on laboratory tests. Treatment stationary includes antibiotics, steroids, immunomodulators, antihistamines and other drugs.
Erytrophobia (blushing-syndrome, stress facial redness, facial flushing stress, idiopathic erythema) - fear of facial flushing, or the appearance of red spots on the face in front of others. The reason for the development of a common erytrophobia facial flushing, resulting from the increased activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Diagnosis "erytrophobia" is set on the basis of complaints, medical history, the results of external examination and additional research data. Treatment - psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, sympathectomy, clipping of the sympathetic nerve trunk.
Erosive bulbit - pathology department bulbar duodenum characterized by the formation of surface defects in the mucosa. The main clinical symptom is pain in the epigastric region, possible diarrheal phenomenon, bleeding. The most informative method of diagnosis - esophagogastroduodenoscopy; also used X-ray techniques to identify H. pylori. Treatment in most cases, conservative, aimed at eliminating the causes of erosion (H. pylori therapy, correction of primary diseases); with no effect neepiteliziruyuschihsya performed surgical removal of tissue.
Erosive gastritis - acute or chronic inflammation of the stomach, characterized by the formation of erosions of the mucous membrane. The clinical picture is polymorphic, but the major symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, blood in the stool and vomit. Diagnosis is based on clinical examination, laboratory (blood test, identification of H. pylori infection, stool occult blood test) and instrumental investigations (endoscopy, gastrokinesograph with and without contrast). The treatment plan includes gemostatiki, antisecretory and antacid drugs gastroprotectives and analgesics, if indicated - antibiotics.
Erosive gastro - an inflammatory disease characterized by damage to the epithelial layer of the stomach and duodenum, and the formation of erosions (defects of the mucous layer, which, unlike the plagues, did not affect the submucosa and muscle membranes). Symptoms of the disease can be a pain in the epigastric area, heartburn, vomiting, dark with the presence of blood clots and black chair. For the diagnosis of erosive gastroduodenitis used esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy and determine the presence of H. pylori infection. Treatments aimed at reducing gastric acidity, eradication of Helicobacter pylori and protecting the mucosa.
Erosive proctitis - a type of inflammation of the rectum to form the surface of the mucous membrane defects, healing without scarring. Manifested by pain in the rectum, burning in the anus area, tenesmus, stool disorders, bloody or mucous secretions in the faeces. In the subsequent recovery, or perhaps deepening erosion with the formation of ulcer surface. Erosive proctitis is diagnosed based on symptoms, rectal examination data, endoscopic techniques, biopsy and stool tests. Treatment - diet, enemas and suppositories with anti-inflammatory and regenerating action, hip baths.
Dental Erosion - a kind of non-carious lesions, characterized by the formation of defects of enamel and dentin on the buccal surfaces of the teeth. Lots dental erosion are located symmetrically on the incisors, canines, premolars; their education leads to discoloration of enamel, dental hypersensitivity, cosmetic defects. Dental erosion is detected by visual inspection after drying the tooth surface, and treating the iodine tincture. Treatment of dental erosion include conducting complex remineralizing therapy (the ingestion of calcium supplements, phosphorus, vitamin-mineral complexes, local application, electrophoresis), if necessary - filling defects or covering the crowns of the teeth.
esophageal erosion - common disease, which is based on casting acidic gastric juice into the esophagus with the subsequent formation mucosa defect. The main symptoms are heartburn, chest pain after eating, pain when swallowing, regurgitation, nausea in the mornings, vomiting with blood, and difficulty swallowing in the late stages. For the diagnosis of esophageal erosion used esophagogastroduodenoscopy, esophageal manometry, radiography, endoscopic biopsy, blood tests and fecal occult blood. Treatment involves the use of antisecretory drugs, prokinetics, antacids and alginates.