Cholinergic Urticaria - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Cholinergic urticaria - a rare autoimmune kind of allergic urticaria. Clinically is characterized by acute (within an hour), minor rash pruritic vesicles with serous content on exposed skin. The rash tends to spread, accompanied by a prodrome. Diagnosis is based on history, clinical manifestations, provocative tests to acetylcholine, artificial stimulation of an allergic reaction, blood tests for allergens, consultation narrow specialists. Cholinergic urticaria treatment is to neutralize provoking factor correction and concomitant pathology.

Cold dermatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Cold dermatitis - inflammatory skin changes, emerging as a response to its cooling. Manifested in the form of red itchy spots, the surface of which is prone to flaking and cracking. Cold localized dermatitis on the face, ears, neck, hands, knees or hips. It can be accompanied by a runny nose, and conjunctivitis. Diagnosis cold dermatitis includes skin pH meter and dermatoscopy, further examination of the patient to identify chronic infectious foci or gastrointestinal disorders. Treatment consists in the removal of cold exposure, correction related disorders, and the appointment of antihistamines funds, improving circulation.

Chondroblastoma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chondroblastoma - a rare benign tumor, which is usually formed on the articular ends of bones. It comes from chondroblasts and its structure resembles a fairly mature cartilage. Usually of slow growth and favorable course, but in the literature individual cases of malignancy and primary malignant course chondroblasts. As usually develops in childhood or adolescence (10-25 years, the largest number of cases occur in the age of 10-18 years), but can occur in people of older age groups. It causes pain and swelling in the joint. X-ray findings can be nonspecific, so to clarify the diagnosis often requires other additional methods of research. Surgical treatment in a planned manner. Prognosis is usually favorable.

Chondroid siringoma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chondroid siringoma (mucinous gidradenoma) - solitary chondroid-epithelial skin tumor benign nature. The primary elements are small nodules plotnoelasticheskoy consistency that appear spontaneously on previously unaltered skin of the trunk. They rise above the level of the dermis, have a smooth surface, have a slow growth in peripheral, sometimes ulcerate. Diagnostics carries a dermatologist based on history and clinical manifestations with histology results, scarification smear of the lesion and punctate tumors. Treatment is surgical excision or electrosurgical chondroid siringomy.

Chondrocalcinosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chondrocalcinosis (pseudogout) - a chronic disease caused by the accumulation of crystals of calcium pyrophosphate in the joint fluid and in the cartilage. Causes of not exactly clarified, however, in certain forms of communication is marked with heredity and metabolic disorders at some other diseases. Chondrocalcinosis often manifested in the form of sharp pain in the affected joints in combination with a local redness, swelling and fever. Exacerbations last from several days to 2-3 weeks, alternating with long remissions. In some cases, chondrocalcinosis can occur chronically or asymptomatic. Diagnosis is based on X-ray studies and synovial fluid. Sometimes performed synovial biopsies. Treatment is conservative.

Chondroma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chondroma - a benign tumor consisting of mature cartilage cells (usually hyaline). It may develop in any bone, but most often affects the long bones of the hand. Sometimes there is cartilage or on the larynx in soft tissues. Inclined to slow growth during favorable. In some cases, possible malignancy with degeneration in chondrosarcoma. Symptoms appear gradually. In the initial stages of the clinic is scanty or non-existent, so small chondroma often accidental discovery during the X-ray for another reason. As the deformation occurs at the location in the area of ​​possible joint arthralgias, at least - synovitis. Diagnosis is exposed on the basis of X-ray examination and biopsy data. Treatment operative in a planned manner. Weather favorable.

Chondromatosis joints - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chondromatosis joints - dysplastic process, accompanied by the formation of cartilage (hondromnyh) bodies in the synovial membrane of joints. The clinical course chondromatosis joints accompanied by arthralgias, local swelling, crunch at movement, limited mobility limb periodic blockades affected joint. Chondromatosis joints diagnosed by ultrasound, X-ray examination, MRI, CT, arthrography, arthroscopy. Treatment chondromatosis joint operational; It involves arthroscopic removal of free intraarticular bodies or conducting synovectomy.

Hondromiksoidnaya fibroma - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Hondromiksoidnaya fibroma - a very rare benign tumor hryascheobrazuyuschaya. Most often it occurs in the metaphysis and metadiaphysis long bones, but can grow and other bones of the skeleton. During usually beneficial, however, tends to recur, and in some cases may ozlokachestvlyatsya. Manifested gradually intensified pain in the affected area, in severe cases (especially in children) can be blurred or moderate atrophy of the muscles of the affected limb, and limitation of movement in the nearby joint. Surgical treatment is carried out in a planned manner. Running a radical removal of the tumor to prevent recurrence and malignant transformation. Weather favorable. Relapses occur in 10-15% of patients, usually - in the first two years after surgery.

Chondrosarcoma - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chondrosarcoma - one of the most common malignant tumors of the skeleton. It comes from the cartilage. Most often occurs in flat bones of the shoulder and pelvic girdle, however, can be found in the long bones. It may develop on the bones or unmodified form as a result of degeneration of some benign tumors. Manifested by progressive pain and swelling in the affected area. In some cases, there is a local increase in temperature, the network expansion of the saphenous veins of the tumor area and limitation of movement in the nearby joint. There are several current options - from relatively favorable, with slow growth and late metastasis to negative, with the rapid growth and the early appearance of metastases. surgical treatment. Prognosis depends on the version of the course and the possibility of radical surgery.

Chordoma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chordoma - a rare neoplasm, presumably originating from the remnants of the notochord. Currently, increasingly seen as malignant. There is near the spine, can be located at any level, from the coccyx to the base of the skull. Usually develops in the sacrococcygeal department or occipito-basilar skull. Symptoms of chordoma tumor localization are determined and the degree of lesion of different nerves. There may be pain, paresis, sensory disturbances and disorders of the pelvic organs. The diagnosis put considering neurological examination data, X-ray, CT, MRI and biopsy. Treatment - surgery, radiation therapy.

Huntington's Chorea - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chorea Huntington - an inherited, slowly progressive disease of the nervous system characterized by trochaic hyperkinesis, mental disorders and progressive dementia. The notion of "Huntington's chorea" correspond to: Huntington's disease, hereditary chorea, chorea a degenerative, chronic progressive chorea. Typically, Huntington's disease begins to manifest itself clinically in the age period from 20 to 50 years. Patients with Huntington's disease symptomatic therapy aimed at the suppression of hyperkinesis. The disease has a poor prognosis, death occurs on average after 10-13 years after the onset of the disease.

Horionkartsinoma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Horionkartsinoma - trophoblastic tumor that develops as a result of malignant transformation of the chorionic epithelium. horionkartsinoma Clinic is characterized by bloody, serous or purulent discharge from the genital tract, pain in the abdomen; when metastasis - symptoms of the relevant bodies. Diagnosis requires horionkartsinoma determine the level of hCG and trophoblastic globulin in the blood, histological analysis scraping, US. horionkartsinoma Treatment may include chemotherapy, surgery.

Chorioretinal dystrophy - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chorioretinal dystrophy - involution degenerative changes affecting mainly horiokapillyarny layer of the choroid, retinal pigment layer and extending therebetween glassy plate (Bruch membrane). Symptoms include chorioretinal dystrophy distortion of straight lines, the emergence of the field of view of blind spots, flashing lights, loss of visual acuity, the ability to read and write. The diagnosis of chorioretinal dystrophy confirmed by data ophthalmoscopy, visual acuity test, test Amsler, campimetry, laser scanning tomography, perimetry, electroretinography, fluorescein angiography of retinal vessels. When chorioretinal dystrophy provide medical, laser, photodynamic therapy, electrical and magnetic stimulation, as well as vitrectomy, retinal neovascularization and vazorekonstruktsiyu area.

Snoring - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Snoring - violation of breathing during sleep, accompanied by a vibration of the soft tissues of the larynx and throat, and emit a low-frequency rattling sound. It may indicate the presence of upper respiratory disease, obesity or functional disorders. Snoring is often accompanied by bouts of respiratory arrest (apnea), leading to a lack of oxygen to vital organs and systems and increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Snoring leads to disruption of sleep full of snoring and the people around him.

Chromhidrosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chromhidrosis - secret staining of sweat glands in the red, yellow, blue, green and other colors. Chromhidrosis may be due to synthesis of apocrine glands in the specific pigment with the release into the body and then received by chemicals or dyes forming a result of the activity of microorganisms living on the skin surface. chromhidrosis Treatment depends on its origin and can include removing the sweat glands, elimination of contact with substances leading to the sweat stain, careful skin hygiene.

Chronic anal fissure - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic anal fissure - nonhealing mucosal defect in the anal area. It manifested burning pain, occurring at the time of defecation and persists for a few minutes or hours. Patients are observed itching, increased sphincter tone and allocation of drops of blood during defecation. Chronic anal fissure is diagnosed on the basis of complaints, inspection of the perianal region, anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, barium enema and other studies. Treatment - diet, medicines of general and local action, physiotherapy, lateral sphincterotomy, at least - isolated fissurektomiya.

Chronic diarrhea - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic diarrhea - polietiologic pathological condition in which a period of 3-6 weeks or more is observed more frequent defecation 2-3 times or more per day with a discharge of unformed stool. It may be accompanied by tenesmus, bloating, rumbling, abdominal pain, urgency and presence of pathological admixtures in stool. Chronic diarrhea is diagnosed based on complaints, medical history, physical examination data, contrast radiological methods, colonoscopy (perhaps - with a biopsy), fecal tests and other diagnostic procedures. Treatment - diet, symptomatic and pathogenetic drug therapy.

Chronic diffuse streptoderma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic diffuse streptoderma - recurrent diffuse inflammation of the skin coccal etiology. The primary elements are flat bullae appearing on the background of edematous erythema, confluent, forming large pockets with jagged edges. Seropurulent bubbles erode, crusted, next appear new. Leather diffusely infiltrated. They diagnose the disease based on clinical, bacteriological microscopy scrapings and smears from the lesion. Treatment involves improving trophism, sanitation foci of infection. Bulla opened, applied wet-drying antiseptic dressings, used vitamin therapy and means of improving peripheral circulation.

Chronic respiratory failure - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic respiratory failure - a secondary syndrome, respiratory failure occurs when the gas system to maintain homeostasis, leading to a decrease in PaO2 and PaCO2 increase in arterial blood. Developed over a number of years; show signs of dyspnea (shortness of breath), hypoxemia and hypercapnia (cyanosis, tachycardia, CNS effects by), the weakness of the respiratory muscles (the change of the black hole, the participation of auxiliary muscles). Assess the degree of chronic respiratory insufficiency helps blood gas analysis, respiratory function tests, pulse oximetry. Therapy includes correction of causal factors, the appointment of bronchodilators, mukoregulyatorov, long-term O2 therapy. Individually addressed the issue of lung transplantation.

Chronic cerebral ischemia - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic cerebral ischemia - cerebrovascular insufficiency caused by progressive deterioration of blood supply to brain tissue. The clinical picture of chronic cerebral ischemia is composed of headaches, dizziness, decreased cognitive function, emotional lability, and motor coordination disorders. Diagnosis is based on symptoms exhibited on the data and Doppler ultrasound /USDS vessels of the brain, CT scan or MRI of the brain, hemostasiogram research. Therapy of chronic brain ischemia involves a antihypertensive, lipid-lowering, antiplatelet therapy; surgical tactics elected if necessary.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Under chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are now realizing a progressive disease characterized by an inflammatory component, bronchial obstruction at the level of distal bronchi and structural changes in the lung tissue and blood vessels. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease today is isolated as a distinct disease of the lungs and distinguished from a number of chronic respiratory system processes that occur with obstructive syndrome (obstructive bronchitis, secondary pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma and others.).

Chronic liver failure - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic liver failure - gradually developing liver dysfunction associated with progressive chronic diseases of the parenchyma. Chronic liver failure manifested symptoms of the underlying disease, dyspepsia (anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea), fever, jaundice, encephalopathy. In the diagnosis of chronic liver disease are taken into account the data of biochemical analyzes, liver ultrasound, gepatostsintigrafii, liver biopsy, EEG. Treatment of chronic liver failure is aimed at detoxification, elimination of metabolic disorders and phenomena of multiple organ failure.

Chronic pneumonia - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic pneumonia - a local non-specific inflammation of lung tissue, morphological features which are carnification, pulmonary fibrosis and deforming bronchitis. Is the outcome is not completely resolved acute pneumonia. Clinically manifested by periodic relapses of inflammation (rise in temperature, sweating, weakness, cough with muco-purulent sputum). Chronic pneumonia diagnosed based on radiological and laboratory signs, the results of bronchoscopy and spirography. In periods of exacerbation is assigned to antimicrobial therapy, bronchodilators, mukoregulyatory; performed bronchoscopic brushing, massage, FTL. When frequent exacerbations is a lung resection.

Chronic ulcerative pyoderma vegetans - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic ulcerative pyoderma vegetans - deep chronic inflammatory disease of the skin caused by STAF-streptococcal infection and manifests the formation of long-existing ulcers with vegetative growths on the periphery. Diagnosis of chronic ulcerous vegetating pyoderma is to conduct the inspection, study separated ulcers with the definition of the causative agent, the identification of concomitant diseases and disorders of the immune system. Treatment includes antibiotics, immunocorrection, treatment of opportunistic diseases, local antimicrobial, proteolytic and healing therapy, laser treatment, and UHF.

Chronic nonspecific lung disease - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic nonspecific lung diseases (COPD) - a variety in the etiological and pathologic against diseases of the respiratory system, proceeding with a constant productive cough and dyspnea due to a primary lesion of the bronchi and parenchyma. Include such nosologically independent forms as chronic bronchitis, BEB, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic pneumonia. COPD diagnosed according to the results spirography, X-ray and endoscopic examination. Methods of treatment of COPD may include drug therapy, bronchoscopic sanitation, physiotherapy, exercise therapy; when persistent morphological changes - surgical treatment.

Chronic lung abscess - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic lung abscess - Chronic suppurative destructive process, which is a consequence of incomplete elimination of acute abscess in the lung. Proceeds with remissions and exacerbations; in the acute phase expressed cough with a lot of purulent sputum, chest pain, high fever, purulent intoxication, respiratory failure. When the diagnosis of "chronic lung abscess" guided by history, physical findings, radiographic and endoscopic examination. Surgical treatment of chronic lung abscess is carried out after a thorough preoperative preparation.

Chronic Appendicitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic appendicitis - indolent form of inflammation in the appendix of the cecum, most often associated with the previously transferred an attack of acute appendicitis. The clinical picture of chronic appendicitis is characterized by discomfort, aching pain in the right iliac region, aggravated by physical exertion; nausea, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation, vesical, vaginal or rectal symptoms. Diagnosis of chronic appendicitis is based on the exclusion of other possible causes of the symptoms and can include a medical history, conduct a review X-rays, barium enema, colonoscopy, ultrasound and other differential diagnostic examinations of the abdominal cavity. Treatment of chronic appendicitis with unexpressed forms - conservative, with persistent pain syndrome shows appendectomy.

Chronic arthritis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic arthritis - an inflammatory disease of the joints characterized by a long, progressive course with periodic exacerbations activity of pathological process. Regardless of location, chronic arthritis is characterized by local pain, stiffness when moving, swelling of tissues and eventually leads to joint deformities, contractures, subluxations. Diagnosis of the various forms of chronic arthritis involves a complex X-ray, ultrasound, tomographic examination, laboratory analysis. The basis of treatment of acute exacerbations of chronic arthritis is a temporary immobilization of the joint, the appointment of non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, basic equipment. The remission periods shown restorative treatment (FTL, exercise therapy, massage).

Chronic atrophic acrodermatitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic atrophic acrodermatitis - atrophic skin lesion character corresponding to the third stage of borreliosis. The first clinical symptom of the pathological process is cyanotic erythema, developing on the background of unpleasant subjective sensations, minor skin pain, arthralgia. With the passage of time in the spots appear phenomenon of atrophy, bluish tinge to the skin is replaced by a whitish, epidermis and dermis become thinner, easy to begin to gather in folds, shelled. Diagnosis is based on history, clinical, histological data, RNIF, ELISA, PCR, immunoblotting. The treatment - antibiotics, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy.

Chronic atrophic gastritis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Chronic atrophic gastritis - a disease characterized by atrophy of the gastric glands, degeneration of the stomach into the intestinal epithelium, moderately severe inflammation. Manifestations depend on the location and etiology of atrophic processes: basically, this heaviness in the stomach after eating, fast satiety, belching, nausea, unpleasant taste in the mouth, anemia. Gold standard of diagnosis - endoscopy with biopsy of the mucosa, intragastric pH monitoring, detection of H.pylori; other methods are complementary. Treatment consists in the introduction of glucocorticoid hormones, natural gastric juice, vitamin B12 the use of H. pylori regimens.