Tuberculosis of bones - the second most common form of tuberculosis after pulmonary tuberculosis. Perhaps the spine and loss of limbs. It may be diagnosed at any age. The disease occurs under the influence of a number of factors, including - Hypothermia, adverse social conditions, hard physical labor, low immunity and so on, but the decisive role played by contact with TB patients. Diagnosis is exposed on the basis of X-ray, tomography and other studies. In the initial stages of treatment is conservative, with significant bone destruction operations are conducted.
Pulmonary Tuberculosis - Infectious diseases caused by the bacillus of Koch, characterized in a variety of clinical and morphological variants against destruction of lung tissue. The variety of forms of pulmonary tuberculosis causes the variability of symptoms. The most typical of the pulmonary respiratory problems (cough, coughing up blood, shortness of breath), and symptoms of intoxication (long low-grade fever, sweating, weakness). To confirm the diagnosis using radiation, laboratory tests, tuberculin. Chemotherapy pulmonary tuberculosis conducted by special agents tuberkulostaticheskoy; in destructive forms of surgical treatment.
Tuberculosis of the breast - a specific form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis process, flowing from the breast lesion. Manifested seal and hypertrophy of the affected breast, skin hyperemia, fluctuation, increase in the axillary lymph nodes. Tuberculosis of the breast diagnosed by studying the anamnesis, mammography, biopsy with cytology, tuberculin. Treatment of breast tuberculosis TB includes the administration of chemotherapy; in some cases it shows the execution of sectoral resection.
Tuberculosis of the spine - a form of bone tuberculosis. It may affect any part of the spine. Diagnosed in people of all ages. The first symptoms of the spinal column may appear as a short time later, and a few years after infection. Often, multiple lesions are observed. Manifested by pain, limitation of movement and gait disturbance. In advanced cases, the spinal deformity may develop. Diagnosis is exposed on the basis of the tuberculin test and X-ray data. Treatment is usually conservative.
Tuberculosis of the mouth - a chronic infectious disease caused by a bacillus of Koch. Patients complain of a deterioration of general condition, fever, lethargy. Locally detected tubercles, in the central part of which there is a painful shallow ulcer surface with uneven edges and grainy yellow bottom. Diagnosis of tuberculosis of the oral cavity includes the collection of complaints, compiling medical history, clinical examination, cytologic and direct microscopic examination. Treatment of patients with oral tuberculosis is carried out in TB.
Tuberculosis of the kidneys (nephrotuberculosis) - extrapulmonary infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and affecting the renal parenchyma. Clinic nonspecific renal tuberculosis; may include malaise, low-grade fever, back pain, makrogemmaturiyu, dysuria. Tuberculosis of the kidney diagnosed by laboratory urinalysis, tuberculin, renal ultrasonography, urography, retrograde ureteropyelography, nefrostsintigrafii, morphological studies. Treatment of renal tuberculosis includes the appointment of a specific anti-TB therapy; at a destructive process in the kidney may need to perform kavernektomii or nephrectomy.
Tuberculosis of the joints - a form of bone tuberculosis, one of the manifestations of general tuberculosis infection. Usually it affects a large or middle joint, and the lower limbs are affected more often higher. Multiple bone-articular lesions are rare. Shows weakness, lethargy, fatigue, gait disturbance, pain, restricted motion and muscle atrophy. Perhaps the formation of sinter abscesses and fistulas. To clarify the diagnosis using tuberculin tests and X-rays. Treatment in the early stages of a conservative, in the later - operative.
Tuberculosis in children - specific infectious inflammation of various tissues and organs, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The main clinical forms of TB in children are early and chronic tuberculous intoxication, primary tuberculosis complex, bronhoadenit tuberculosis, acute miliary tuberculosis; rarer tuberculous meningitis, mesadenitis, tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes, skin, kidneys, eyes, bones and joints. Diagnosis of tuberculosis in children include microscopy, bakposev, PCR study of biological fluids; setting tuberculin tests, X-rays, tomography, bronchoscopy, and so on. In tuberculosis in children shows the assignment tuberculostatic drugs.
Tuberculous intoxication - a form of manifestation of tuberculosis infection, which develops during the initial infection of the Office and flowing with signs of intoxication in the absence of local foci of tuberculosis. Tuberculous intoxication is usually diagnosed in children. Its symptoms are fatigue, sweating, swollen lymph nodes, recurrent low-grade fever, retarded physical development, weight loss, and others. The diagnosis is confirmed by a positive tuberculin skin test, changes of the peripheral blood. Detection of tuberculosis intoxication requires chemotherapy three major anti-TB drugs.
Tuberculous arthritis - osteo-articular tuberculosis caused by mycobacteria Koch and having chronic destructive for. In tuberculous arthritis patients concerned about the symptoms of general intoxication, weakness in the extremities, arthralgia, defiguratsiya joints, formation of purulent fistulae. Diagnosis of tuberculous arthritis is based on the particular features of clinical, radiological and laboratory data, the results of tuberculin tests. The basis of the treatment of specific TB therapy with subsequent restoration and rehabilitation activities; additionally held intra puncture surgery.
TB meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges caused by infiltrating them with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Manifested sharply coming after prodromal phenomena deteriorating state of health of the patient with hyperthermia, headache, vomiting, disorders of the cranial nerves, disorders of consciousness, meningeal symptom. TB meningitis is diagnosed primarily by comparing the clinical data and the results of cerebrospinal fluid studies. It held a long and complex treatment consisting of anti-tuberculosis, dehydration, detoxification, vitamin and symptomatic therapy.
Tuberculous pleurisy - inflammation of the pleural tuberculosis etiology, occurring in dry form, and with the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity. The main symptoms of tuberculous pleurisy - stabbing pain in his side, a dry cough, shortness of breath, low-grade or febrile body temperature, malaise. When the diagnosis of X-ray picture is taken into account, the results of Mantoux test, MBT detection in sputum or pleural exudate, data plevroskopii. Treatment of tuberculous pleurisy carried tuberkulostaticheskoy drugs, corticosteroids, NSAIDs; with massive exudation shows a series of pleural effusion puncture aspiration; in the resorption phase is assigned to exercise therapy, physiotherapy.
Tuberkulomah easy - encysted caseous lesion in the lung tissue diameter greater than 1 cm, resulting in the outcome of the various forms of tuberculosis. lung tuberculoma often asymptomatic, so in most cases it is found randomly. With the progression is accompanied by signs of toxicity, low-grade fever, cough, hemoptysis. The main way to detect lung tuberculoma - x-ray. The positive tuberculin reaction; MBT in sputum are not always detected. With regard to lung tubercles applied conservative tactics (specific chemotherapy), in some cases - surgical approach (segmentectomy, lobectomy).
Tuberous sclerosis - gene disease characterized by damage to the nervous system in the form of epilepsy and mental retardation, polymorphic skin symptoms, tumor and non-tumor processes in somatic organs. Diagnostic algorithm consists of the examination of the nervous system (MRI, brain CT, EEG), eye examination, examination of the internal organs (ultrasound, cardiac MRI, CT scan of the kidneys, chest X-ray, sigmoidoscopy). The main areas of treatment are: antiepileptic therapy, neuropsychological correction, monitoring and timely surgical treatment of tumors.
Tubular renal cell carcinoma - a type of kidney cancer histological emanating from the renal tubules (loop of Henle). Symptoms of kidney tubular carcinoma are similar to other types of cancer: hematuria, pain and palpable swelling in the kidney projection, anemia, intoxication. Diagnosing tubular carcinoma is based on laboratory tests, renal ultrasonography, urography, aortography, nefrostsintigrafii, CT, MRI. The main form of treatment of kidney tubular carcinomas - surgical that, if necessary, supplemented by radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy.
Hearing loss - a persistent weakening of the hearing, which interferes with the perception of the world of sounds and speech communication. The degree of hearing loss can vary from mild hearing loss to complete deafness. Diagnosis of hearing loss and held otolaryngologist otonevrologa through research complex (otoscopy, audiometry, kamertonalnyh samples, recording the hearing the EP and otoacoustic emissions, impedance, rotational sample stabilography et al.). Depending on the form of hearing loss can be applied conservative (hearing aids, physiotherapy, drug therapy) or surgical (tympanoplasty, myringoplasty, cochlear implants, etc.). Methods.
Hearing loss in children - hearing loss of varying severity, complicating the perception of speech and environmental sounds. Symptoms of hearing loss in children can be a lack of response to sound toys, maternal voice call, request, whispered speech; lack of Gulen and babble; violation of speech and mental development, and others. Diagnosis of hearing loss in children involves performing otoscopy, audiometry, acoustic impedance, the registration of otoacoustic emissions, the definition of hearing the EP. Taking into account the reasons for and the type of hearing loss in children can be used by medical and physiotherapy treatment, hearing aids, methods of functional otohirurgii, cochlear implantation.
Tularemia - natural focal acute infection of the lymph nodes, skin and sometimes mucous membranes of eyes, throat and lungs. Tularemia occurs with severe symptoms of intoxication, prolonged fever, generalized lymphadenitis, hepatosplenomegaly, polymorphous rash and other symptoms. The specific diagnosis of tularemia is conducted using serological tests (ELISA, RA, Phragmites), PCR, skin-allergic test. In the treatment of tularemia antibiotic is used, detoxification therapy, surgical opening and drainage festering bubo.
Blunt abdominal trauma - Closed traumatic abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. It belongs to the category of life-threatening injury, often complicated by acute peritonitis and hemorrhagic shock. The cause of the injury can become drop, hit in the stomach or back pain, accident, industrial or natural disaster. Diagnosis is exposed on the basis of clinical symptoms, ultrasound data, CT, X-ray, laparoscopy and other studies. surgical treatment.
Uveitis - general concept that refers to the inflammation of various parts of the choroid (the iris, ciliary body, choroid). Uveitis is characterized by redness, irritation and soreness of the eyes, increased sensitivity to light, blurred vision, watery eyes, the appearance of floating spots before the eyes. Eye diagnosis of uveitis include visometry and perimetry, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, intraocular pressure measurement, holding retinographia, US eyes, optical coherence tomography, electroretinography. uveitis Treatment is carried out taking into account the etiology; assignment of general principles are local (in the form of drops and ophthalmic ointments, injections) and systemic drug therapy, surgery complications of uveitis.
Acne is a particular manifestation of acne - skin sprinkler elements, and do not reflect the full clinical picture of the disease. The term "acne" includes various types of acne in adolescence, adult acne, dermatoses and group akneiformnymi rash (acne rosacea, rosacea, sarcoidosis melkouzelkovy face, perioral dermatitis, lupus). Depending on the type of acne and acne flow is determined by the method of its treatment.
neonatal acne - rashes as small white dots located mainly on the skin of the chin, cheeks, nasolabial folds. Newborn Acne occur in children during the first 6 months of life and are associated with hormonal changes occurring in the body. With their appearance is important an adequate skin care baby face, aimed at preventing the inflammation of acne elements. Diagnosis and treatment of newborn acne are only necessary when infection with the development of the inflammatory response. In most cases, neonatal acne are spontaneously within a few weeks.
Doubling of uterus and vagina - a congenital abnormality of the structure of sexual organs, characterized by the presence of two separate uteruses and vaginas of two bifurcated. Clinic doubling of the uterus and the vagina depends on the anatomic form of vice; It may be accompanied by algomenorrhea, forming hematocolpos, hematometra, infertility, miscarriage, or be asymptomatic. Doubling of uterus diagnosed by pelvic exam, ultrasound, MRI, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy. The method of surgical treatment of the doubling of the uterus depends on the nature of the anatomical and functional disorders.
Polyarteritis nodosa - systemic vasculitis characterized by inflammatory and necrotic lesions of the walls of the small and medium-sized visceral and peripheral arteries. Periarteritis nodosa Clinic begins with fever, myalgia, arthralgia, joined by trombangiitichesky, skin, neurological, abdominal, cardiac, pulmonary, renal syndromes. To confirm the diagnosis of periarteritis nodosa conducted morphological study of skin biopsies. In the treatment using corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, cytostatics. Forecast periarteritis nodosa is largely determined by the severity of internal organ involvement.
Narrow pelvis - midwifery concept, implying a reduction of at least one of the female pelvis size compared with the norm (anatomical narrowing) or mismatch of the pelvis and fruit sizes (functional restriction), obstructing the passage of the fetus through the birth canal bony base. Narrow pelvis during childbirth often promotes nuisance the outpouring of water, premature placental abruption, anomalies of labor, bleeding, birth injuries fetus and the mother, postpartum infections. narrow pelvis Diagnosis is via external examinations pregnant, measuring the size of the pelvis and the fetus, vaginal examination, ultrasound, rentgenopelviometrii. Keeping labor with a narrow pelvis has its own characteristics, and often requires surgical benefits.
Erythema nodosum - inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous vessels having an allergic genesis and formation of dense manifested painful inflammatory hemispherical nodes of various sizes. The most common process is localized on the symmetric parts of the lower extremities. Diagnosis of erythema nodosum is based on dermatological examination data, laboratory tests, X-ray light, the conclusion of a pulmonologist, rheumatologist and other specialists. Treatment of erythema nodosum include the elimination of foci of infection, antibiotic therapy, general and local anti-inflammatory therapy, extracorporeal blood correction, application VLOK and physiotherapy.
Uzlovatokistoznye eels - one of the forms of acne adolescence manifested form on the face and body deep infiltrative cells or pus-filled cavities. Resolution uzlovatokistoznyh acne is accompanied by a process of scarring. Diagnosis involves examination of a dermatologist, skin pH meter, dermatoscopy, bakposev with antibiogram. When uzlovatokistoznyh acne held general and local antibiotics, used external means to zinc and azelaic acid, mesotherapy is used, ozone therapy, cryotherapy, and others. Treatments.
Nodal mastopathy - dishormonal benign changes in the breast, characterized by the formation of nodules and cysts in the tissues. Nodal breast disease manifested by the presence of seals in the chest, mastalgia, swelling and breast tenderness before menstruation, discharge from the nipples. Diagnose nodal mastopathy allows holding ultrasound, mammography, ductal studies, biopsy. Treatment of nodular mastopathy includes background correction disorders (inflammatory, endocrine, neuro-humoral), carrying out a sectoral resection or enucleation of breast cysts.
Nodal melanoma - one of the varieties of melanoma, characterized by rapid progression and poor prognosis. Unlike other types of melanoma has no horizontal phase of growth from the start growing vertically penetrates deep into the underlying tissues. It is a dark brown, gray, black or navy blue domed exophytic node or polyp on a stalk with easily bleeding surface. On the surface of the tumor necrosis sites are identified and ulceration. Nodal melanoma is diagnosed based on medical history, data epiluminescence dermoscopy and blood tests for tumor markers. Treatment operative.
Nodular goiter - a group of diseases of the thyroid gland, proceeding with the development of her voluminous nodules of different origin and morphology. Nodular goiter may be accompanied by a visible cosmetic defect in the neck, a sense of compression of the neck, symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Diagnosis of nodular goiter is based on data palpation, ultrasound examination of thyroid gland, thyroid hormone parameters, fine needle biopsy, scintigraphy, esophageal X-ray, CT, or MRI. Treatment of nodular goiter may include suppressive therapy with thyroid hormone, treatment with radioactive iodine, thyroidectomy or hemithyroidectomy.