Endotelioma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Endotelioma - A rare tumor originating from the inner lining of the blood or lymph vessels. It can occur in all organs and tissues, but usually affects the skin, subcutaneous fat, nasopharynx, bone, testes and ovaries. It is a round-shaped knot. node color ranges from gray to deep red. Depending on the type of growth endotelioma can be benign or malignant. Malignant tumors are characterized by slow infiltrative growth and rarely metastasize. Diagnosis is exposed to the light of the inspection data and histological examination. Treatment - surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy.
otolaryngology, dermatology, orthopedics and other areas (depending on the localization of tumors).
metastases. Malignant neoplasms are also growing quite slowly, but their growth is infiltrative. Metastasis is rare endothelium. usually affects the lungs In the propagation process.
Benign endotelioma look like plexus endothelial cell masses, separated by connective tissue septa. There are also tumors that resemble angioma. Such endotelioma consist of multiple branching and intertwining lymph or blood vessels of different diameters. vascular epithelium differs from conventional flat endothelial cells and is a tall cylindrical cells. The lumen contains gemangioendoteliom blood in lumen limfoendoteliom - lymphatic fluid. Seldom endotelioma, which are located within the large blood vessels, and partially or completely block the lumen, playing the role of a blood clot.
Malignant endotelioma diagnosed very rarely. Histological examination revealed a malignant hemangioendothelioma alternating sections of the alveolar and solid structure. Are revealed abnormal cells oval or round shape with large nuclei. There a large number of mitosis. Malignant limfoendotelioma consists of a large number of cavities of different size and shape. The inner shell cavities presented large cells that form portions of solid tissue and papillary structures. Setting endotelioma diagnosis based on histological studies of the sample is associated with certain difficulties, it may require the use of special dyes.
nasal bleeding, anemia may develop. With a further increase endotelioma there is obstruction of the nasal cavity with the development of nasal and deafness, disturbances of taste and smell. When metastases occur dysfunction of the relevant authorities.
Malignant endotelioma derived from lymph vessels are located in areas of the skin, bone, testicular, ovarian and other organs. There is a risk of breast area a few years after radical mastectomy. As hemangioendothelioma, limfoendotelioma is a tight knot round or oval, with endotelioma usually does not have red or pink and grayish or whitish in color, which is caused by lack of blood to the tumor cavity. Symptomatology of the process depends on the extent and presence or absence of distant metastases.
rhinoscopy, appoint CT or MRI of the skull. With the defeat of the internal organs perform CT scan or MRI of the abdominal cavity or chest. When endotelioma operate in the field of bone radiography or scintigraphy. If you suspect a distant metastasis of patients sent for chest X-rays. The final diagnosis is based on histological examination of the data.
surgical treatment. Endothelial excised within healthy tissue. In malignant tumors, lymphadenectomy is performed, postoperative use rentgenterapiyu. According to recent studies, a good effect is observed in the appointment sarkolizina. When using chemotherapeutic agents initially carry medication, after reducing endotelioma perform surgery, and then prescribe a course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.