Erosion of the esophagus - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Erosion esophagus. - A common disease, which is based on casting acidic gastric juice into the esophagus with the subsequent formation mucosa defect. The main symptoms are heartburn, chest pain after eating, pain when swallowing, regurgitation, nausea in the mornings, vomiting with blood, and difficulty swallowing in the late stages. For the diagnosis of esophageal erosion used esophagogastroduodenoscopy, esophageal manometry, radiography, endoscopic biopsy, blood tests and fecal occult blood. Treatment involves the use of antisecretory drugs, prokinetics, antacids and alginates.

  • Reasons
  • erosion of the esophagus.
  • Symptoms of esophageal erosion
  • Diagnosis of esophageal erosion
  • Treatment of esophageal erosion
  • Erosion of the esophagus - Treatment

  • Erosion

    gastroesophageal reflux disease. GERD is one of the most common and economically significant problems in modern gastroenterology. Erosion occurs in approximately 5% of patients with gastroesophageal reflux. The complexity of the diagnosis of erosive lesions of the esophagus is a disease that often occurs with no clear symptoms. At the same time the erosion of the esophagus can cause serious complications, such as stricture, bleeding, or Barrett's esophagus cancer. Therefore, if one of the clinical symptoms is necessary to address to the gastroenterologist to confirm and treat this disease.

    smoking and so forth.

    It is also an important role in the formation of reflux plays an increased intra-abdominal and intragastric pressure. Abdominal pressure can be increased with obesity, pregnancy, flatulence, abdominal tumors. Vnutrigastralnoe pressure increases against the backdrop of frequent overeating and move into a horizontal position immediately after a heavy meal. Most esophageal erosion occurs on the background of hiatal hernia, which increases the acidic contents of the cast into the esophagus. Such a hernia, which still bears the name of moving, evolving with the weakening of the esophageal muscle tone, stretching of the lower esophageal aperture, shortening the lower third of the esophagus and the curvature of the thoracic spine. Under the influence of any of the above or combinations thereof causes frequent reflux formed with hydrochloric acid, which injures the epithelial layer of the esophagus and leads to the appearance of erosions.

    angina pectoris. It can also occur after a meal or taking a horizontal position immediately after a meal. Both of these symptoms are associated with the fact that the hydrochloric acid enters the esophagus mucosa injure it is particularly felt in place of erosions. At the initial stage of the disease and heartburn pain pass quickly, so people may not pay attention to them. The patient often explains the symptoms of poor quality food intake. But with the growth of the severity of the disease pain and heartburn occur more frequently and are characterized by a greater intensity.

    A frequent sign of the erosion of the esophagus is a nausea in the morning, which is due to passive leaking of gastric juices into the esophagus. Periodically may arise regurgitation, hiccups, profuse salivation and retching. When there are multiple erosions of the esophagus bothers pain in swallowing, often in the use of dry or rough food. In severe erosion of the esophagus may occur vomiting with a dash of bright red blood. These symptoms appear when the complications of the disease. This is often seen in people who abuse alcohol and do not receive the necessary treatment. In some cases, for the erosion of the esophagus can be almost asymptomatic, making it difficult to diagnose the disease. In this case the only manifestation of disease can be dull pain in the chest on the type of discomfort that will not irradiate. This discomfort usually occurs at the transition from vertical to horizontal position, or immediately after a meal.

    esophagoscopy, esophageal manometry, ultrasound of the abdomen and x-ray of the esophagus. During the esophagoscopy can assess the degree of severity of the esophagus, the number and depth of erosion. Furthermore, the study makes it possible to identify complications, such as stricture, esophageal cancer, bleeding. To clarify the morphological form of the disease is carried out endoscopic biopsy. It allows you to determine the severity of the pathological process and the presence of esophageal dysplasia. This complication is called Barrett's esophagus. The danger of this disease is that it may lead to the development of esophageal cancer.

    Esophageal manometry is used to measure the pressure in the esophagus, which is regulated by the lower esophageal sphincter. X-ray examination of the esophagus to determine the presence of a hernia of the lower esophageal opening, which is one of the most frequent causes of the formation of esophageal erosion. Furthermore, X-rays used to diagnose stricture scar at which contrast broken passage through the esophagus.

    From laboratory techniques necessary to conduct a general analysis of blood and urine, and fecal occult blood. If you have a frequent bleeding from erosive defects in the general blood test may show signs of anemia. Fecal occult blood test reveals minor bleeding from esophageal erosions that do not lead to changes in the general analysis of blood. Exclusion of other causes for the presence of blood in feces colonoscopy is recommended, which is used to detect colon diseases. Detection of H. pylori infection is not essential for the diagnosis of esophageal erosion. However, the presence of this bacteria aggravates reflux of stomach contents, it is recommended that the definition of Helicobacter in blood and feces antibody ELISA, holding the breath test.

    dissection of scar stricture and expansion of the stenosis of the esophagus. To eliminate diaphragmatic hernia using endoscopic fundoplication and gastrokardiopeksiya.

    In order to prevent the erosion of the esophagus is recommended timely treatment of diseases associated with high acidity of gastric juice. Forecast favorable with proper treatment. However, without appropriate treatment of esophageal erosion can lead to various complications, the most formidable of which is esophageal cancer.