14 signs that indicate a problem with the thyroid gland

Abnormalities in the thyroid occur much more often than we think. And suffer from this mostly women.

Symptoms may be invisible, or can we just do not pay attention to them. But if you watch your health, it is very important to know what symptoms are associated with the thyroid gland.

Thyroid: what about it you need to know?

The thyroid gland - a small-sized body, butterfly-shaped and located above our collarbones in the throat area. Meets the thyroid gland for the production of two important hormones (T3 and T4).

They, in turn, regulate:

body temperature.
The heart rate.
Blood pressure.

If for some reason, the thyroid gland is not working properly, it can cause the following problems: Hyperthyroidism (when more hormones than usual) and hypothyroidism (when these hormones are not enough).

Both conditions are associated with an immune factor. That is to blame for antibodies that disrupt the work of this body.

Signs of improper functioning of the thyroid gland

Try to be more attentive to the signals, which sends your own body, in time to detect possible diseases and secure the appropriate treatment.

Sadness and depression

Yes, the mood may be associated with thyroid operation. Especially if apparent reason to be sad you do not.

Just when the gland produces not enough hormones, the levels of serotonin in the body is reduced, and this causes negative feelings and emotions.

If the thyroid hormone, on the contrary, too much, people will be very excited and annoyed.

Sharp fluctuations body weight.

If over time you exercise and stick to a strict diet, and weight, however, remains at the same level, it may be a problem with the thyroid gland work.

The same can be said about the reverse situation, when you eat a lot, but to gain weight does not work. And all because of changes in metabolism are closely linked to an imbalance of thyroid hormones in the body.


One of the main signs of malfunction of the thyroid gland is constipation, particularly if you eat enough fiber (dietary fiber).

If constipation have become a frequent occurrence in your life and cause bloating and intestinal pain, should immediately seek medical attention.

Sleep disorders

For unexplained reasons, you can not fall asleep or wake up suddenly in the middle of the night. Recurrent problems with sleep, nightmares and insomnia may also be associated with the thyroid gland.

Another sign is the increase in the need for rest and difficulties with early rises. Low-active thyroid slows down, and other body functions.

Pain in the joints

This symptom may be associated with various diseases or even just daily habits, such as a large amount of exercise or heavy lifting.

A poorly functioning thyroid gland causes pain in the joints, especially in the hands and feet. And it is necessary to pay attention, because sometimes it can develop even fibromyalgia.

Dry skin

In this case, there is insufficient use of moisturizing creams and oils. The skin is still dry and rough, no matter what you do.

Most of these changes are noticeable on the face and legs, even unusual dryness can be seen in the armpits and on the scalp. In most cases, this is due to the fact that you sweat less.

Elevated levels of cholesterol

If you stick to a balanced diet and consume almost no fat, it is very strange to see a blood test, which reflects the increase in cholesterol levels.

But if a person suffers from hypothyroidism, its metabolism becomes slower, resulting in the body can not burn fat properly. Therefore, blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels increased.

Loss of sexual desire

Lack of sexual desire may also be associated with problems in the thyroid gland. A bad mood, weight gain, joint pain and other symptoms, no doubt, could further aggravate the situation.

Discomfort in the neck

By turning the head in certain directions can be created pressure on the neck, which make it difficult swallowing. Another sign of the presence of thyroid problems is hoarseness. This is due to the fact that iron is increased in size, and begins to "hit" on the trachea.

Muscle aches

For the most common movement may be for you a real nightmare because unabating muscle pain. If everything else is some part of the body you occasionally go numb, then you need to consult a doctor.

loss of hair.

This may stem from previous symptoms: dryness of the scalp or problems with the metabolism of the organism.

A small amount of hair in the shower or on the comb - this is normal, but if the hair sypyatsya, they say, beams, and soon as you touch the hair, whole strands remain in your hands, there is already need to take some action (as the hair is not should remain on your pillow when you get up in the morning from the bed).

Once you can start to thin eyebrows, and on the other parts of the body hair (underarms, legs or pubic) will grow much more slowly.

Heart palpitations

My heart beats so hard that you can hear it even while sitting on the couch or when you go to relax.

If you clearly see a surge in their neck or on the wrist, but it did not do any exercise and peretruzhdaetsya not, then most likely, your thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of hormones.

High blood pressure

Hypertension may occur due to various reasons, doctors do not always associate it with impaired thyroid operation.

However, if you are taking medication for blood pressure regulation, practice a healthy diet, and the pressure you are still high, it is possible, after all, you should check your thyroid.

Unstable appetite

First, you did not notice for a similar, but now it can hardly survive 30 minutes to nothing to eat, and the more often want a different food (the salt, the fat, the sweet).

Sometimes it can be observed and reverse "effect": the earlier you ate 4 times a day, and now you only have 2. Keep in mind that these changes may be associated with impaired thyroid operation. So look at it their attention.