When the high pressure demands immediate call an ambulance?

Increased blood pressure - always an unpleasant situation, but not a reason to panic. Instead convulsive attempts to call "emergency" aid, which comes to the patient is not always very fast, experts from the German Heart Foundation advised to carefully consider all possible measures and to take home.

Keep in mind that blood pressure should be measured at rest. Pressure level is valid if it coincides approximately several consecutive measurements at intervals of 1-3 minutes. If the patient is convinced that the excess of the systolic ( "upper") pressure is actually higher than the normal figure of 50-60 units (for example, up to 190-200 mm Hg at normal level 140), you should think. If a person has a normal level of - 120 mm, the indicator 170 mmHg It can be extremely dangerous.

To judge the need to call the doctor should also be on the accompanying high blood pressure complaints:. Pain in the chest, shortness of breath, blurred vision, etc. These complaints point to the inability of the vessels to withstand such pressure without adverse effects.

Experts remind that the common cause of the extreme increase in arterial blood pressure in hypertensive patients is a badge of medication. If the pass was really, you should immediately take the usual medication and monitor the condition. The big danger is not present, if the pressure will be able to quickly reduce the materials at hand. If a patient already treated for hypertension, he certainly has a doctor's advice, what to do in an emergency. Following these recommendations will be superfluous.

Experts list the symptoms that require call "emergency" patients with hypertension:

- Pain, burning or tightness in the chest;
- Shortness of breath;
- Dizziness, which may be associated with headaches;
- Seizures and convulsions;
- Paralysis or speech disorders;
- Severe nausea with or without vomiting it;
- Blurred vision;
- Bleeding from the nose;
- Explicit dizziness.