Top 7 taboo for communicating with cancer patients
In dealing with patients who are going through cancer treatment, you need to be particularly careful and cautious. Psychologists from the UK named 7 so that it is not necessary to discuss with these patients.
1. Do not talk to them about what you would do in their place. Many people think that such assumptions should strengthen the morale of cancer patients. However, in reality it only causes irritation. You do not have cancer, and healthy, so just can not talk about what you would do in this situation.
2. Do not be discouraged to the point that you yourself need their support. Cancer patients requires your attention, a friendly shoulder and vest, which you can complain. But do not change places with them, do not let your emotions spill over to such an extent that the patients themselves began to comfort you.
3. Do not assume that they need help in absolutely everything. Unless the patient does not ask you about this, you should not try to help him with dressing, eating or showering. This kind of assumption makes him feel helpless that only upsets the patient. Politely ask the patient whether he needs any help, but in any case, do not force it.
4. Do not pour out on patient statistics from the internet that you have read on the Internet. Many families struggle to find any encouraging data on the treatment of cancer diseases on the Internet, then to please their patients. However, this kind of information is unlikely to raise their spirits, as they perceive their case as unique and not as a pretext for statistics.
5. Do not think that they will change their entire lives . Their lives have changed because of a serious illness, and they are trying to adapt to the new reality. Let them believe that you are fully prepared for this, keep them to patients with a sense of confidence in the future.
6. Do not consider their return to work, as a sign of complete recovery. When the patient returns after cancer treatment to work, it is often heard from the congratulations that he is fully recovered. Thus, people are trying to show that they perceive the nightmare through which just passed the man, as some common cold or allergies. Not too pleasant attitude for a person who has survived so much.
7. Do not become to the attending physician. Ponabrali various information on the internet, you can assume that the house will be able to play the role of the doctor, giving different valuable advice, recommending medication and other therapies. This is fundamentally wrong tactics - you are only expected to understand and psychological support, but not medical advice.