Purple foods: types and use

Purple fruits and vegetables can simultaneously multiply the amount of nutrients in your body and make the dishes more vivid and colorful.


The color of beet root crops can range from maroon to dark red with a violet hue. The structure of the beet contains many different vitamins and mineral elements, and, more importantly, during the heat treatment, they do not break and do not lose their nutritional properties.


As ripening blueberry color changes from green to deep blue-violet. Berry referred to superfudu, which is able to regulate the work of the cardiovascular system, improve brain activity, slow the aging process and normalize bowel function. Its beneficial properties are retained even frozen berries: they can be added to baked goods, make sauces or cooking compotes.


In addition to colors there are many reasons why the eggplant should take pride of place in your menu. It contains fiber, vitamin C, B1 B2 B5 RP, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and sodium. All this set of elements helps to lower cholesterol, remove toxins from the body, improve heart and withdraw excess fluid from the body. Most useful in baked eggplant and stewed.


Figs is a natural source of vitamins A, B1 B2 B6 C, various minerals and antioxidants. The dried figs content of minerals and vitamins increases about 2-3 times per 100 grams of product. Fruits figs help regulate digestion, has a diuretic effect and beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Figs fits well with the cheese plate, as well as blends of wild meat poultry and pork.

Purple potatoes

This potato variety contains four times more antioxidants. This is due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition and high amounts of anthocyanins, giving potatoes such an unusual color. Violet roots reduce the rate of the aging process, strengthen the immune system, improve vision, and strengthen blood vessel walls.

Red cabbage

From this variety of cabbage it is distinguished not only color, but also the later period of maturation, a high density of head and a high content of nutrients. As a purple potatoes, in much red cabbage anthocyanin. Regular use of this cabbage normalize the process of hematopoiesis, the kidneys, the thyroid gland and helps in the treatment of various respiratory diseases.

Purple cauliflower

High anthocyanin content, on the one hand gives bright cabbage color, on the other, prevent heart disease and circulatory system. Half a cup of inflorescences provides almost half the daily requirement of vitamin C. In addition, purple cauliflower is rich in fiber, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, potassium and selenium. Preparing it is faster and has a white cabbage delicate flavor.


This is a rare variety. To asparagus bought a color, it briefly left in direct sunlight. Purple asparagus is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Best of all its "therapeutic" potential it reveals when used in its raw form, to the same when cooked asparagus changes color to green.


berry color can vary from gray-black to blue-violet. For the high content of nutrients called miraculous berry blackberries. Blackberry helps to regenerate blood cells, improve metabolism, cleanses and strengthens the blood vessels, and displays the body of heavy metals. Usually it is added to desserts, make compotes, jams and sauces.


By the end of the 16th century almost all the cultivated carrot was purple. Now it returns to its former popularity, and not only because of its unusual color. Violet varieties contain more anthocyanins and hence possess strong antioxidant properties. Besides purple carrots normalizes cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, improves circulation and has anti-inflammatory effect.