Why is it important to go to bed and get up at the same time?

We save on sleep all week, sitting up late at work, but on the weekend we organize a "sleepy marathon." Many live in this rhythm for years, not knowing that this violence. Why good health is so important to live by the clock? He explains the biologist Giles Duffield.

The term "biological clock" sounds like an abstract metaphor, like "the degree of tension." Of course, we feel more cheerful in the morning and in the evening we want to sleep. But many believe that the body is simply tired accumulates and begins to demand rest. You can always make it work a little longer, then relax to their hearts' content. However, this mode does not take into account the work of circadian rhythms, quietly knocking us out of the rut.

Circadian rhythms govern our lives unnoticed, but in fact it is the exact program written in the genes. Different people have variations of these genes may be different & minus; That is why some work better early in the morning, while others are "swinging" just for dinner.

However, the role of circadian rhythms, not only in time to tell us "go to sleep" and "wake up, sleepyhead!". They participate in the work of almost all organs and systems & minus; example, brain, heart and liver. They regulate cellular processes, to ensure the consistency of the whole organism. If it is broken & minus; for example, because of irregular work schedules and jet lag & minus; it can lead to health problems.

What happens when there is a failure?

Take, for example, the liver. She is involved in a variety of biological processes related to the storage and release of energy. Therefore, the liver cells work in conjunction with other systems and organs of & minus; primarily the fat cells and brain cells. Liver harvests vital substances (sugars and fats) that come to us from the food, and then purifies the blood, choosing from it slag. These processes are not simultaneously but alternately. Their switching just govern circadian rhythms.

If you come home from work late and pounces on food right before bedtime, you knock down this natural program. This may prevent the body to purify and store nutrients. Jet lag due to long-distance flights or shift work also play havoc with the work of our organs. After all, we can not say his liver: "So, today I work all night, I'll sleep tomorrow afternoon, so you'd better be good, podstroy your schedule."

In the long term, the constant conflicts between the rhythm in which we live, and the internal rhythms of our body can lead to the development of pathologies and disorders such as obesity and diabetes. Those who work in shifts, the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, obesity and diabetes are indeed higher than the other. But those who work in this mode, not so little & minus; about 15%.

Of course, it is not always possible to live as the body requires. But watch out for yourself and follow some simple rules under the force of each.

For example, do not load up before going to bed. Late dinner, as we have seen, a bad effect on the liver. And not only on it.

Sitting at a computer or a TV, too late is not worth it. Artificial light prevents us from falling asleep: the body does not realize that it was time to "close up shop" and extends the activity time. As a result, when we finally put off the gadget, the body does not respond immediately. In the morning, it will ignore the alarm and claim a legitimate sleep portion.

If the evening bright light hurts in the morning, he, on the contrary, needed. In nature, it is the morning sun rays are launching a new daily cycle. Constant awakening in the pitch dark, and the road to work in the dark can cause seasonal depression.

To cope with her help methods chronotherapy & minus; for example, the reception of the hormone melatonin, which affect the falling asleep, and the bath in the morning light (but only under the control of experts).

Remember that the work of subordinate his will the body can only temporarily & minus; in the long term you will still have to deal with the consequences of such violence.

Adhering to the regulations, as far as possible, you'll hear better your body and, ultimately, feel healthier.