5 common myths about diabetes, which is to forget once and for all

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, it is more than just going through because, from what he would have to refuse.

No more cereals and bread. Even more frightening common myths about diabetes, which are growing like mushrooms after rain. That's when the frustration begins.

Now you need to closely monitor what gets into your body.

Since then, how did you know about the disease, for sure you think about how hard it is to live and to so closely monitor their health.

After all, people who do not have diabetes can eat sweets as much as necessary, and in this case they will not have any complications.

Diabetes - a chronic disease, which affects a significant portion of the world's population. Experts told about some of the myths associated with the disease, which is better ignored.

Diabetes is the first and the second type is no different

This myth leads to the fact that many people incorrectly picked up their treatment and are faced with new and more serious health problems. Imagine, if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and your family buys medicines for type 1 diabetes.

Of course, they have good intentions, but they only exacerbate the situation.

To avoid falling into the trap of the first myth and understand clearly what are the differences between the two types, you need to know what they look like:

If you are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which means that your body can not produce insulin.

Insulin is needed by all the people. It is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas.
It saturates the cells with energy in the form of glucose.

Type 1 diabetes - an autoimmune disease associated with the fact that our body mistakenly attacks the cells that produce insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is associated with the fact that our body produces insulin but does not use it as it should be. With this type of diabetes to talk about insulin resistance.

If this is your case, you may need a little extra dose of insulin to go to work.

People suffering from diabetes must use insulin

This myth is closely related to the previous one. Many patients believe that all those who suffer from insulin, insulin injections have to do.

In fact, 100% of patients with type 1 and only 30% of patients with type 2 should.

In the latter case, such treatment is rarely required. Type 2 diabetes is easily monitored by conventional oral medications that reduce the blood sugar level and increase the insulin production in the body.

Both types of diabetes can be controlled with exercise and a nutritious diet that avoids the spike in blood sugar and maintains the pressure is normal.

Type 2 diabetes can reduce medication when blood sugar balance achieved. In type 1 diabetes need insulin for life, despite compliance with the recommendations given above.

In diabetes, you can not eat carbs

Of course, possible, but only in small amounts. Completely abandon them does not make sense.

To overcome the third myth about food, you should visit a nutritionist who will choose the amount of carbohydrates you can eat without worrying about the consequences.

Pamper yourself only occasionally. If you eat carbohydrates every day, you do harm to their health and their lives.

You need to completely abandon the synthetic carbohydrates or carbohydrates with low nutritional value of bread, sugar, sweeteners, sodas, candy.

Eat carbohydrates are foods that are high in fiber, such as beans, lentils, pumpkin and potatoes. They slow down digestion and make it possible to maintain a stable blood sugar level.

Too much sugar causes diabetes

It is the most common myth about the disease. In fact, there are studies that prove that no sugar causes this disease.

Diabetes - is a response to the complex interaction between carbohydrates and sugars.

It can also be related to genetics, being overweight, or individual organism response to external stimuli.

Remember that sugar can be of different types. Fructose, which is contained in natural fruits, less harmful than sugar sweets.

Diabetes - is a mild disease

In fact, quite serious and heavy. That diabetes die does not mean that the disease is not associated with certain difficulties. If you do not treat diabetes and to take appropriate action, it can lead to: heart disease, stroke, leg amputation, blindness, kidney disease.

It's sad to see people start to neglect the treatment of diabetes, because they see that the disease does not kill them. In fact, complications can be much more serious.