Herbal prescriptions for diseases of the digestive system

The holidays are frequent aggravation of chronic diseases of the digestive system. Come to the aid-tested recipes from the arsenal of traditional medicine. There are many effective recipes based on herbs that will eliminate heavy and unpleasant symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and help its recovery and purification.

Each plant has its own characteristics of action on the organs and their functions. The action of the body on the same plant may not be the same, depending on the characteristics of the organism.

The efficiency of a plant is considerably higher in a mixture with other one directional action. A particularly effective application of the collection of herbs in the treatment of chronic diseases, and in cases where there are related disease.

To improve the appetite, digestion, diseases of the liver and gall bladder, cancer svezhootzhaty yarrow juice mixed with honey drink 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day. 1 tbsp. spoon herb yarrow to 1 cup of boiling water. To insist, wrapped, 1 hour, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 - 4raza a day before meals for rheumatism, neuralgia, gall bladder, biliary tract.

To improve the appetite and improve digestion , Gastric ulcer, gastritis, diarrhea, use the following infusion of yarrow: 1 tbsp. spoon dry grass pour 1 cup boiling water, leave, wrapped, 1 hour, drain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

When the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, ulcers and other diseases, which result in pain in the stomach and intestines, as well as in breach of digestion. 1 h. Spoon yarrow brew two cups of boiling water. Take 15-20 minutes before meals for 1 st. spoons. In the case of low acidity of gastric juice is recommended to take 1/3 cup of freshly prepared infusion.

In acute gastritis 1 tbsp. spoon dry grass yarrow push for an hour in 200 ml of boiling water, drain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

When heartburn Pour 200 ml of boiling water for 1 hour. A spoon with the top herbs yarrow, insisting in a few minutes, drain. Drink 400-600 ml of tincture daily.

When the feeling of heaviness in the stomach 1 h. Spoon with the top herbs yarrow pour 200 ml boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, drain. Take 200 ml of infusion in the morning and evening.

In chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease useful decoction of herbs Yarrow. A teaspoon pour 250 g of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes on low heat, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day. To enhance the effect, you can stick with honey.

In chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease stomach take a decoction of herbs yarrow and plantain. 1 hr. Of the mixture (in equal parts), pour 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes on low heat, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 25-30 days.

Gastritis with high acidity use tax: grass, yarrow, grass St. John's wort, chamomile blossoms - 2 parts, 1 part grass chistotela-. 1 tbsp. spoon collection brew 1 cup of boiling water. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.

When colic in the intestines, flatulence, ulcerative colitis , Spasms of the stomach, gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, dysentery, diarrhea is very useful decoction of herbs: 1 tablespoon. tablespoons dried minced raw pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and drink 13 glasses 3 times a day after meals.

In diseases of the stomach, intestines and gallbladder useful recipe of herbal tea of ??yarrow: Yarrow - 30 g, chamomile - 50 g, Peppermint - 50 g Take 2 hours spoon collection, pour a glass of boiling water, to insist 15 minutes, drain Drink warm 2-3 cups a day.

To clean the digestive tract of toxins and toxins applicable from plants: sweet flag, St. John's wort, marshmallow, plantain, cassia, buckthorn, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, dandelion, Yarrow. Plants (all or which are) mixed in particulate form. 2 tbsp. spoon mixture pour 1 liter of water to boil in an enamel saucepan for 20 minutes. Infuse for 35 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. Course of treatment: 1-2 months. Then you can continue.

Spastic colitis, enterocolitis. Mixture: peppermint, ground sheet -15 g, bobovnik - 2 g, yarrow, basket of flowers -15 g, fennel seeds - 15 g, grass hypericum - '30 2 tablespoons. spoon collection pour two cups of boiling water, float for two hours, strain and take over the entire portion of the day at 1-2 tbsp. spoons to reception.

Gastritis take the infusion of herbs yarrow; Preparation of infusion: 1 tablespoon. a spoonful of dry raw pour a glass of boiling water and infuse in a sealed container for about an hour; strain and drink 1 tbsp. spoon infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.

Gastritis It helps decoction of herbs: leaves mother and stepmother - 5 g, black elderberry - 5 g, knotweed - 5 in 1 tbsp. spoon the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Gastritis useful collection of herbs: Cudweed, grass - 10 g, chamomile, grass - 10 g, Crimean rose and white petals -10 g, Calendula officinalis -10 g, hvosh field, shoots - 10 g, repyashok, aerial part - 20 g, Artemisia campestris - 20 g, cinnamon rose hip, the fruit - 30 g, dill seeds - 30 g, St. John's wort - 40 g, plantain - 40 g, yarrow - 70 g

6 g of the mixture boil 500 ml of boiling water, simmer for 30 minutes, do not boil. Take 4 times a day for 100 ml for 15 minutes before eating. Taste slightly bitter brew.

If the patient has a tendency to diarrhea, to this collection to add 10 g of oak bark. If the tendency to constipation - buckthorn bark, senna or rhubarb.

Coriander seeds are recommended to be added to the drug charge is in the form of crushed like flavor and improves the taste and digestion cholagogue.

If stomach pains are acute, with this collection of 10 g of peppermint leaves, to avoid overdose.

In acute gastritis and gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer You can add to this collection of flax seeds 10 grams, having shielding, anti-inflammatory and laxative. With the same purpose, you can use the tubers spotted orchids.

When gastritis is useful decoction of herbs: yarrow flowers - 15 g, Peppermint - 15 g, bobovnik - 2 g fennel seeds - 15 g of St. John's wort - '30 2 tablespoons. spoon mixture pour 2 cups boiling water and soar 2 hours, strain and take sips.

At low acidity stomach. is a mixture of: peppermint - 20 g, grass cudweed marsh -15 g, knotweed herb 15 grams, yarrow flowers -15 g, chamomile - 10 g fennel seeds - 10 grams, cumin seeds - 10 g, valerian root - 10 g hop cones - 5 the mixture was stirred and 4 tbsp. spoon collection pour 1 liter of boiled water in the oven for 10-12 hours. Morning fasting drinking cup 1 and further through a 1 glass 2 hours during the day.

Constipation is treated in such a gathering : Grass Cudweed - 15 g, yarrow flowers - 20 g herb St. John's Wort - 30 g, peppermint leaves - 20 g of chamomile flowers pharmacy -10 g, grass knotweed - 15 g of fennel seeds - 10 grams, cumin seed - 10 g hop cones - 5 grams, buckthorn bark - 20 g, valerian root - 10 g 4 tbsp. spoon collection to fill a liter of boiling water and put in the oven overnight. In the morning strain and drink on an empty stomach a glass of napara, and the rest in 4 divided doses throughout the day, every time an hour after eating. Depending on the degree of constipation dose of buckthorn bark to reduce or increase, as a laxative.

When constipation helps the remedy: Cudweed (grass) -10 g, chamomile (grass) - 10 g, Crimean rose and white (petals) -10 g, Calendula officinalis -10 g, hvosh field (shoots) - 10 g, repyashok ( aerial part) - 20 g, Artemisia campestris - 20 g, rosehip cinnamon (fruits) - 30 g, dill (seed) - 30 g, St. John's wort - 40 g, plantain - 40 g, yarrow - 70 g, bark buckthorn (or senna, or rhubarb) - 10 g 6 g of a mixture (1 tbsp.) brew 500 ml of boiling water, simmer for 30 minutes, do not boil Take 4 times a day for 100 ml for 15 minutes before eating. Taste slightly bitter brew. Coriander seeds are recommended to be added to the drug charge is in the form of crushed like flavor and improves the taste and digestion cholagogue.

Spastic colitis, enterocolitis. With increased acidity of gastric juice is used the following mix: peppermint, crushed leaves - 15 grams, bobovnik - 2 g -15 g yarrow, dill, 15 g of seeds, herb St. John's wort - '30 2 tablespoons. spoon collection pour two cups of boiling water, float for two hours, strain and take over the entire portion of the day at 1-2 tbsp. spoons to reception.

Gastritis It helps decoction of herbs: yarrow flowers - 15 g, grass veronica drug - 10 g of fennel seeds - 15 g of St. John's wort - '30 2 tablespoons. spoon mixture pour 2 cups boiling water and soar 2 hours, strain and take sips.

Gastritis take the infusion of herbs yarrow; Preparation of infusion: 1 tablespoon. spoon of dry raw materials, 1 fresh leaf pelargonium pour a glass of boiling water and infuse in a sealed container for about an hour; strain and drink 1 tbsp. spoon infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.

When constipation useful to collect: grass Cudweed - 15 g, yarrow flowers - 20 g herb St. John's Wort - 30 g, peppermint leaves - 20 g of chamomile flowers pharmacy - 10 grams, buckthorn bark - 20 g, corn silk -10 of Article 4 . spoon collection pour a liter of boiling water and put in the oven on the b-8 hours. Strain and drink a glass of fasting napara and the rest during the day, in several stages, each time an hour after eating. Depending on the degree of constipation dose of buckthorn bark to reduce or increase, as a laxative.

For good digestion prepare tax: Cudweed (grass) -10 g, chamomile (grass) - 10 g, Crimean rose and white (leaves) - 10 g, Calendula officinalis - 10 g, horsetail (shoots) - 10 g, repyashok (overground part) - 20 g, Artemisia campestris - 20 g, rosehip cinnamon (fruits) - 30 g, dill (seed) - 30 g, St. John's wort - 40 g, plantain - 40 g, yarrow - 70 g, the bark of buckthorn (or senna, or rhubarb) - 10 g b g mixture boil 500 ml of boiling water, simmer for 30 minutes, do not boil. Take 4 times a day for 100 ml for 15 minutes before eating. Taste slightly bitter brew. Coriander seeds are recommended to be added to the drug charge is in the form of crushed like flavor and improves the taste and digestion cholagogue.

In spastic colitis, enterocolitis When gastric acidity is used the following mixture: flax seed - 2 g, yarrow - 15 g fennel seeds - 15 g, grass hypericum - '30 2 tablespoons. spoon collection pour 2 cups boiling water, to float for two hours, strain and take over the entire portion of the day at 1-2 tbsp. spoons to reception.

In chronic gastritis with high acidity , Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer take this extract: 1 tbsp. spoon herb placed in an enamel bowl, pour 1 cup of hot boiled water, close lid and heated in a water bath with frequent stirring for 10-12 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes, filtered, the remaining raw materials squeeze. The volume of the resulting infusion was adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml, prepared infusion stored in a cool place no more than 2 days. Inside take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

At low acidity is a mixture of: peppermint - 20 g, grass cudweed marsh - 15 g, grass knotweed - 15 g, yarrow flowers - 15 g, chamomile - 10 g fennel seeds - 10 grams, cumin seeds - 10 g, valerian root - 10 g hop cones - 5 the mixture was stirred and 4 spoon collection pour 1 liter of boiled water in the oven for 10-12 hours. Morning fasting drinking cup 1 and further through a 1 glass 2 hours during the day.

Gastritis with low acidity take a decoction of 20 g of dry grass to 2 cups of water, boil for 10-12 minutes, leave for 1 hour, drain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. Some authors recommend to drink half a cup 3 times a day.

At a stomach ulcer useful this recipe: 1 teaspoon herbs yarrow boil in 2 cups of boiling water Take 1 tbsp. spoon for 15-20 minutes before meals with gastric ulcer, 12 duodenal ulcer and other diseases involving digestive disorders and pain in the intestines and stomach.

If flatulence and a tendency to diarrhea a useful collection: herb wormwood -10 g, horsetail herb - 20 g, grass, yarrow - 20 grams, the rhizome erect cinquefoil - 10 g 2 hours spoon collection in a glass of boiling water Defend, drain. Drink 1-2 cups per day with flatulence.

Flatulence, a tendency to treat diarrhea collection : Herb wormwood -10 g, horsetail herb - 20 g, grass, yarrow - 20 g According to two teaspoons per cup of water collection. Take 1-2 cups a day.

If flatulence considered good medicine of the following plants: Yarrow - 2 tbsp. spoon, cumin seeds - 2 tablespoons. spoons, fennel seeds - 1 tbsp. spoons, oat straw, finely chopped - 3 tbsp. spoon calamus root - 1 tbsp. spoon, coarsely grated valerian root - 1-2 tbsp. spoon mixture is thoroughly mixed, take 3 tbsp. spoon, pour three cups of water, boil for 15 minutes, take 3 cups a day.

With diarrhea and a tendency to flatulence It helps to collect: grass wormwood -10 g, horsetail herb - 20 g, grass, yarrow - 20 grams, the rhizome erect cinquefoil - 10 g 2 hours spoon collection in a glass of boiling water Defend, drain. Drink 1-2 cups per day.

If flatulence, the propensity to diarrhea recommended fee: herb wormwood -10 g, herb plantain - 20 g, grass, yarrow - 20 g to 2 hours spoon collection in a glass of boiling water, leave Take 1-2 cups a day.

When the pain and spasms stomach. It helps the following recipe: take a mixture of yarrow and chamomile flowers (tie). 2 tbsp. spoon mixture brew a cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day in severe pain.

For better digestion 20 g of dry grass pour 100 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol, to insist in the week. Take 30 drops 3-4 times daily.

For better digestion liquid extract of yarrow. Take 40-50 drops 3 times a day.

To improve the appetite recommend fresh juice with honey mix (to taste) and take 1 hour. spoon 3 times a day.

In acute gastritis 1 tbsp. spoon dry grass yarrow push for an hour in 200 ml of boiling water, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

When heartburn Pour 200 ml of boiling water for 1 hour. A spoon with the top herbs yarrow, 1 g seeds of Schisandra powder, leave for a few minutes, drain. Drink 400-600 ml of tincture daily.

In the sense of heaviness in the stomach 1 h. Spoon with the top herbs yarrow pour 200 ml boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, drain. Take 200 ml of infusion in the morning and evening.

When colic in the intestines, flatulence, ulcerative colitis, stomach cramps , Gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, dysentery, diarrhea take broth herbs: 20 g of dried minced raw yarrow to 1 cup of warm water, boil for 15 minutes, infuse 1 hour, drain, bring the volume to the original. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals

In chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease stomach take a decoction:. 1 teaspoon herbs yarrow, 1 g of powder from the leaves of betony pour 250 ml of boiling water, drain. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 25-30 days.

Gastritis with high acidity use tax: grass, yarrow, grass St. John's wort, grass mother and stepmother - 2 parts herb Celandine - 1 part. 1 tbsp. spoon collection brew 1 cup of boiling water. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.

When muscle colic, flatulence, colitis 1 teaspoon of mixture of yarrow, sage, mint and chamomile in equal proportions to brew boiling water as a tea, leave to cool under the lid, drain and take a day, divided into 4 doses