What makes people happy shopping
On the eve of New Year and Christmas holidays, US researchers from the University of San Francisco and Michigan have found what purchases bring people happiness.
To find out, they conducted an interesting survey among people of purchase. Subjects were asked to rate their state of satisfaction after the purchase.
Sami shopping scientists were divided into three groups. The first group carried material things, that is, clothes, gadgets and other objects. The second includes the purchase of thumb related to hobbies and interests of the buyer.
The third includes all purchases that bring people new emotions and experiences, whether it is a ticket to the resort or theater tickets.
As a result, it turned out that the purchase, which bring people to the highest happiness - these are the things and acquisitions that relate to their interests and hobbies. In second place were buying, bringing experience and impressions. The third and last place was taken by the material purchase of the first group of products.