5 common myths about oral sex

Many practitioners in bed oral sex, but few people know that they can be no less dangerous, than having unprotected sex. Experts have voiced some facts related to this aspect of the intimate life, which will be useful to every sexually active person.

The information provided by doctors, based on the 5 common myths about oral sex.

1. Pineapple juice makes sweet sperm

On that only men do not go to persuade the partner to oral pleasures. The legend of the magical properties of pineapple juice appeared exactly because of this, according to ActualNews. In fact, this drink can change the taste of a selection as any other. This is due to high concentrations of certain substances. In the same way the body affects a change of diet. But to expect that the semen will resemble fruit juice, it is not necessary - the specific taste of semen remains in any case.

2. Women Orgasm during oral sex fake

This myth is not baseless. Moreover, according to the study, classic sex ends with an orgasm for women is only 20% of cases, and oral - more often. It is also known that some of the fair sex can experience the fun, even what they do not satisfy orally, and they - his partner.

3. Ill STDs through oral sex is impossible

Many still believe that infections, sexually transmitted diseases, can spread only during vaginal sex. But fans of oral sex risk, no less. Infections, including HIV, herpes, gonorrhea and others, passed through sores on the genitals or in the mouth, through the menstrual blood or discharge.

4. Oral sex does not spread syphilis

Syphilis, like other STDs spread through oral sex, and quite often. In this connection, the scientists recommend to try to avoid accidental oral communications.

5. Before oral sex not clean teeth.

But the myth of scientific confirmed. The fact is that during brushing often traumatized gum, which increases the risk for STDs. Interestingly, HIV is transmitted through oral sex is at times less than with vaginal or anal. This is due, primarily, to the composition of human saliva - it copes with the destruction of a large number of potentially harmful bacteria before they enter the body. Chances are sick are small, but not zero.