Bruised tailbone - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Bruised tailbone - Soft tissue injury in the coccyx and the sacrococcygeal joint. Usually occurs in the fall on the buttocks, it is more common in the winter season. Manifested by swelling and pain, growing in a sitting position and during movement. Perhaps the formation of a hematoma. In the long term, such an injury may be complicated coccygodynia - chronic pain resulting from damage to the nerve plexus located in the coccyx. Diagnosis bruised tailbone is exposed on the basis of symptoms, examination and X-ray data. Treatment is conservative.

  • Anatomy
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of coccyx injury
  • First aid and treatment for coccyx injury
  • Bruised tailbone - treatment

  • Bruised tailbone

    hematoma, hemorrhage occur in soft tissues. In a subsequent hematoma may resolve or osumkovyvatsya, compressing the surrounding anatomical structures. At the site of hemorrhage formed small scars, which may also affect the functioning of the ligaments and muscles of the coccyx. After injuries often develop myositis, accompanied by pain syndrome. All of these increase the likelihood of developing coccygodynia - chronic pain in the coccyx, it is difficult to treat.

    X-rays of the coccyx fracture is prescribed. In doubtful cases, the patient is sent to a computer tomography (if possible - a spiral). If you suspect a large deep hematoma located using magnetic resonance imaging, which allows you to assess the condition of soft tissue structures and identify three-dimensional formation (including - hematoma).

    coccyx fractures, breaks between synchondrosises fused coccygeal vertebrae, coccygeal vertebrae shift), so that any damage to this anatomical area should immediately contact the traumatologist.

    Treatment of injuries of the coccyx is performed on an outpatient basis in the emergency room. Patients are advised not to sit or lie on your back to avoid pressure on the affected area. While sitting, you can use a rubber circle, or a special orthopedic pillow that allows to unload the coccyx area. In the early days to injury is applied cold, later the patient is sent to UHF. The victim advised to take light food, not provoking constipation.

    When expressed pain syndrome, NSAID administered in tablets as gels and ointments for topical application. Note that the duration of treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration should be no more than a week, as long-term use these medications can have a devastating effect on the stomach wall. Along with NSAIDs for the treatment of pain, you can use rectal suppositories with analgesics. disability period is usually 2-3 weeks.

    The consequences of injuries coccyx

    In most cases the prognosis is favorable, there comes a full recovery. In some patients the pain becomes persistent character. The pain can be aching, stabbing, cutting or blunt, occur during movement, sitting or defecation, sometimes appearing at night, are on their own or after taking analgesics. In such cases, the trauma exhibited diagnosed posttraumatic coccygodynia and prescribe conservative treatment, which includes physiotherapy (ultrasound with novocaine, lidocaine or glucocorticoids, mineral wax, paraffin, mud, UHF, infrared radiation), massage the rectum, alcohol-novocaine blockade, blockade with kenalogom, diprospanom and other drugs.