Balanoposthitis boys - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Balanoposthitis boys - Inflammation exciting glans penis and the inner layer prepuce (foreskin). Balanoposthitis boys is characterized by itching and burning in the head, swelling and redness of the foreskin difficult urination, purulent discharge from the prepuce. Balanoposthitis boys is diagnosed on the basis of external characteristics and laboratory data (KLA, OAM, bacteriological culture results separated, PCR, ELISA). balanoposthitis treatment in boys include local baths with disinfectant solution, wash the glans penis, the removal of smegma and discharge, the use of anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory ointments; in chronic balanoposthitis shown circumcision.
Balanoposthitis boys
Balanoposthitis diagnosed in approximately 6% of boys and 11% of adult men, not previously subjected to circumcision. Inflammatory diseases of the head of the penis (balanitis) and prepuce (postity) are most common in boys under 5 years of age and in men, sexually active. balanoposthitis treatment of boys is a serious problem of pediatrics, pediatric urology and pediatric surgery. Prevention, timely and quality treatment balanoposthitis a child - a guarantee of its reproductive and sexual health in the future.
phimosis, which occurs normally in children 3-5 years of age and complicating hygienic care due to inability to fully expose the head by pulling the foreskin. Often balanoposthitis in boys occurs when parents attempt to force open their own head - in this case, different pathogens easy to fall into the preputial sac from the external environment. Infringement self cleaning prepuce can contribute expressed foreskin adhesions. The most common pathogens balanoposthitis boys act streptokkoki, E. coli, staphylococcus, Proteus, herpes virus, yeast (Candida).
However, in some cases, balanoposthitis boys, on the contrary, may be due to overzealous hygiene and frequent washing the head of the penis with soap or other irritating agents. Allergic reactions (contact dermatitis) may result from the use of cream, linen with the remnants of detergents and so on. D. Children's cosmetics and household chemicals can provoke not only balanoposthitis, and inflammation of the buttocks and crotch area of the child (ie. N. Diaper dermatitis ).
The development of balanoposthitis in children may contribute to a rare change diapers or wrong selection of (the use of too large in size or too tight diapers). At older ages, balanoposthitis boys may occur at a constant injury of the foreskin tight panties, the seams on underwear and so on. D.
The appearance balanopastita boys may predispose endocrine diseases (diabetes, obesity), urological diseases (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis), hypothermia, beriberi.
diaper rash. With further progression of balanoposthitis in boys may cause erosions and sloughing of the skin.
In addition to local features, with balanoposthitis boys expressed the common symptoms: malaise, loss of appetite, poor sleep, irritability. Often children body temperature rises to 37-38 ° C, increasing the inguinal lymph nodes. Due to the fact that the child is trying to delay urination because of his pain, may develop daily and nocturnal enuresis.
Symptoms of acute balanoposthitis boys grow for 4-5 days; at independent autopsy preputial cavity and its clean-up of smegma possible self-healing. However, often in the absence of adequate or proper treatment of acute balanoposthitis boys transformed into chronic. Chronic inflammation is fraught with the formation of scars on the foreskin of the development of pathological phimosis and paraphimosis, chronic urethritis, deformation of the penis head.
pediatric surgery, and better - to a pediatric urologist for an individual solution. In most cases the diagnosis of balanoposthitis in boys does not require special instrumentation research. Necessary information pediatrician gets in the analysis of complaints, inspection of genitals of the child and performing a number of laboratory tests.
The general analysis of urine in children with balanoposthitis revealed leukocytosis and bacteriuria. In order to identify the causative agent is conducted urine culture, and discharge from the prepuce (if indicated - bakposev candidiasis). In some cases, to clarify the type of agent may be required PCR and ELISA diagnostic.
To eliminate the associated diseases the child may need to check the children's endocrinologist, children's nephrologist, dermatologist children, determination of blood glucose, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, and others. Research and consultation.
separation of adhesions of the foreskin and clean prepuce held pediatric surgeon or urologist.
To reduce pain and swelling can be used NSAID, particularly ibuprofen. In severe forms of balanoposthitis in boys may require systemic administration of sulfonamides, antibiotics, antifungal drugs.
In chronic balanoposthitis boys and the development of pathological phimosis shown circumcision (circumcision).
Prevention balanoposthitis have
boys.For the prevention of balanoposthitis boys enough to observe and teach the child to the daily hygiene care for the sexual organs. Young children need careful selection and frequent changes of diapers, regular toilet genital and perineal skin care, use of hypoallergenic hygiene products.
At older ages, useful everyday skills are hygienic shower, removing excess smegma, a change of underwear. Importance for the prevention of balanoposthitis in boys is the normalization of body weight, treatment of opportunistic diseases.