Bartolini - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Bartolini It is the result of infectious and inflammatory processes in a large (Bartholin) gland vestibule. Bartholin glands provide moisturizing vaginal mucosa due to release secret. When defeat comes Bartolini and most ductless gland. Pathogens can be bartholinitis staphylococci, gonococci, Escherichia coli, Trichomonas, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When Bartolini infection can get into the prostate or through blood (in chronic diseases - tonsillitis, sinusitis, dental caries, pyelonephritis), or directly through the ducts (in violation of rules of personal hygiene, promiscuity). Bartholinitis may also occur with the weakening of immunity (stress, hypothermia, vitamin deficiency) and after surgery (surgery medabort).

  • Classification bartholinitis
  • Acute Bartholinitis
  • Chronic Bartholinitis
  • Treatment bartholinitis
  • Prevention bartholinitis
  • Bartolini - treatment

  • Bartolini

    gonococci, Escherichia coli, Trichomonas, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. When Bartolini infection can get into the prostate or through blood (in chronic diseases - tonsillitis, sinusitis, dental caries, pyelonephritis), or directly through the ducts (in violation of rules of personal hygiene, promiscuity). Bartholinitis may also occur with the weakening of immunity (stress, hypothermia, vitamin deficiency) and after surgery (surgery medabort).

    sepsis. To prevent bartholinitis complications to come for consultation of the gynecologist is necessary as soon as possible.

    infectious diseases. In chronic Bartholin observed slight pain in the area of ​​inflammation, discomfort when moving, seal gland. Temperature is usually normal, sometimes low-grade.

    With long-term course of chronic iron bartholinitis cyst is formed, as a rule, small size, filled with inflammatory exudate. Diagnosis bartholinitis includes inspection of the patient, medical history, a colposcopy, microscopy and bacterial inoculation test discharge to determine the pathogen and antibiotic susceptibility testing, PCR - diagnosis.

    Gynecology is a list of effective methods bartholinitis treatment, both conservative and surgical. Selectable bartholinitis treatment strategy depends on the stage of inflammation.

    At kanalikulita shown conservative treatment:

  • cold on the genital area, bed rest
  • Local anti-inflammatory therapy (warm hip baths with manganese, chlorhexidine, miramistinom, ointment application with ihtiola, liniment for Wisniewski)
  • antibiotics (amoxicillin, doxycycline or ofloxacin combination with metranidazol). Treatment can be changed with the ineffectiveness of the drug, or after seeding readiness
  • results.
  • analgesic agents.
  • physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, UFO, UHF) when stihanii acuity
  • process.
  • restorative therapy (vitamins, immunomodulators).

  • Treatment of Bartholin's gland abscess

    If in the early stages bartholinitis abscess could not be stopped, and developed an abscess, the treatment is only surgical. Produce abscess dissection and removal. The cavity is drained and washed with disinfectant. At the same time prescribed antibiotics, vitamins, physiotherapy. Dissection psevdoabstsessa at Bartolini only leads to a temporary improvement, still a secret freely flows away from the gland. When closing the edges of the incision formed cyst again.

    Treatment of Bartholin's gland cyst

    Cyst barotolinievoy gland to be removed. The operation was carried out in a "cold period", ie without exacerbation by one of two methods: marsupializatsii extirpation of cysts or cancer. Marsupializatsiya cysts - the creation of an artificial gland duct, to the liquid it does not accumulate and the cyst was not formed - is more sparing surgery with fewer complications and relapse rate (1-2%). Extirpation glands - complete surgical removal of the Bartholin gland, held in recurrent Bartolini.

    urethritis, vaginitis), personal hygiene, ordering sexuality.