Blepharitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Blepharitis - Bilateral recurrent inflammation of the ciliary edge of the eyelids. Blepharitis is manifested by redness and swelling of the eyelid margins, feeling of heaviness and itching of the eyelids, a heightened sensitivity to bright light, fatigue the eye, abnormal growth and loss of eyelashes. In the diagnosis of blepharitis leading role played by external examination of the age, visual acuity, biomicroscopy, bacteriological seeding, research eyelashes on Demodex. blepharitis treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease and usually includes conservative measures (toilet eyelids, massage eyelids, eye drops, ointments, laying, etc.).

  • Reasons belefarita
  • Classification of blepharitis
  • Symptoms of blepharitis
  • Diagnosis of blepharitis
  • Treatment of blepharitis
  • Prevention and prognosis of blepharitis
  • Blepharitis - treatment

  • Blepharitis

    Ophthalmology blepharitis make up a large group of non-uniform etiology of inflammatory diseases of age, accompanied by the defeat of their ciliated edges with relapsing course and are difficult to treatment modality. Heavy and persistent course of blepharitis can lead to chalazion, conjunctivitis, keratitis, impaired vision.

    tonsillitis), sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis), oral cavity (caries), the skin (impetigo) and so on. Often, blepharitis causes damage to the edges of the eyelids Demodex mites (Demodex). Most people mites live on the surface of the skin, in the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, while reducing the overall reactivity of the organism can be activated and fall on the eyelid skin, causing blepharitis. Less common etiological agents in blepharitis appear herpes virus I, II and III types, molluscum contagiosum, Haemophilus influenzae, coliform bacteria, fungi, yeast, and others. With the combination of conjunctivitis with blepharitis develops Blepharoconjunctivitis.

    The development of non-infectious blepharitis is often associated with uncorrected vision pathology (hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism), dry eye syndrome. People who have an increased sensitivity to irritants (pollen, cosmetics, hygiene products, medicines), may develop allergic form of blepharitis. Defeat age often occurs when contact dermatitis. Endogenous allergy of the body is possible with helminths, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, tuberculosis, diabetes, in which the changing composition of meibomian gland secretions.

    By the emergence and exacerbation of any etiology blepharitis predispose decline in immune status, chronic intoxication, hypovitaminosis, anemia, excessive smoke and dust and air, stay in the solarium, in the sun, in the wind.

    seborrheic dermatitis).
  • Ulcerative or staphylococcal (ostiofollikulit).
  • Demodectic.
  • Allergic.
  • Acne or rosacea, blepharitis (often combined with pink acne).
  • Mixed.

  • conjunctivitis, the syndrome of "dry eye", keratitis, acute meybomita, chalazion development, education, barley, conflicts and corneal ulcers, threatening loss of vision. Blepharitis is almost always take a chronic course, tend to recur for years.

    ophthalmologist on the basis of complaints, data inspection century, identify comorbidities, laboratory tests.

    During the diagnosis of blepharitis are being identified visual acuity, and biomicroscopy of the eye that allows you to assess the condition of the edges of the eyelids, conjunctiva, ocular tear film, cornea, and so on. In order to identify previously unrecognized hyperopia, myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism investigated the state of refraction and accommodation.

    To confirm demodectic blepharitis produced microscopic examination of eyelashes on Demodex mite. If you suspect an infectious blepharitis shown conducting bacteriological sowing smear conjunctiva. If allergic blepharitis should consult an allergist-immunologist to conduct allergy tests. In order to avoid the appointment of helminthic invasion advisable feces analysis on helminth eggs.

    Long existing blepharitis, accompanied by hypertrophy of the edges of the eyelids, requires the exclusion of cancer of the sebaceous glands, squamous or basal cell carcinoma, which is performed a biopsy with histological examination of tissue.

    otolaryngologist, dentist, dermatologist, allergist, gastroenterologist), conducting rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection and deworming, normalization of supply, improvement of sanitary conditions at home and at work, improving immunity. In identifying violations of refraction necessary to carry out their glasses or laser correction.

    Blepharitis Topical therapy requires consideration of forms of the disease. In the treatment of blepharitis any etiology requires careful hyena age, clearance of crusts and scales wet swab after prior imposition of penicillin or sulfatsilovoy ointments, instillation into conjunctival cavity r-ra sulfacetamide, edging century p-set of brilliant green, holding massage century.

    Ulcerative blepharitis apply ointments containing corticosteroid hormones and antibiotics (gentamicin dexamethasone + dexamethasone + neomycin + polymyxin B). When conjunctivitis and keratitis edge treatments complement similar eye drops. In cases of ulceration of the cornea eye gel is used with dekspanteolom.

    In seborrheic blepharitis shown lubrication century hydrocortisone ophthalmic ointment, instillation of "artificial tears". In the treatment of demodectic blepharitis, except obschegigienicheskih events used special ointments antiparasitic (metronidazole, zinc-ihtiolovaya), alkaline drops; conducted systemic metronidazole therapy.

    Allergic blepharitis requires the elimination of exposure to identified allergens, allergy drops instillation (Lodoxamide, cromolyn sodium), processing century corticosteroid eye ointments, receiving antihistamines. When meybomievom and acne blepharitis expedient assignment inside tetracycline or doxycycline course of 2 to 4 weeks.

    Systemic therapy for blepharitis include vitaminoterpiyu, immunostimulatory therapy, autohemotherapy. Effectively a combination of topical and systemic drug treatment with physiotherapy (UHF, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, darsonvalization, UFO), radiation rays Bucca.

    In complicated forms of blepharitis may require surgical treatment: removal of chalazion, eyelid when trichiasis, inversion or eversion correction century.

    barley, chalazion, deformation edges of the eyelids, the development of trichiasis, chronic blepharoconjunctivitis and keratitis, blurred vision function.

    To prevent blepharitis need treatment of chronic infections, avoid contact with allergens, carrying out the correction of refractive errors, prompt treatment of sebaceous gland dysfunction, compliance with hygiene, improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions of work and life.