Toadskin - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Toadskin - A rare pathology of the skin associated with the lack of retinol in the body on the background of violations of its consumption or absorption in the intestine. Clinically manifested in the process of keratinization zone of the hair follicle, resembling hyperkeratotic "grater phenomenon", eventually transforming the patient's skin in the rough "shell toad." The process involved the mucous membranes of the mouth, losing shine and moisture. Diagnose toadskin taking into account medical history, clinic, histology and analysis of blood serum carotene, vitamin A, systemic pathologies requires consultation of relevant experts. toadskin retinol treatment is carried out at high doses: a medication, and by increasing its revenue from food.
keratosis pilaris. The dryness of the dermis, the formation of her horny follicular and perifollicular nodules the size of a millet seed make the skin look like skin toad that gave rise to the name of the pathological process toadskin. American dermatologists believe toadskin analogue styloid lichen Crocker or Piccardi, but the relationship between these dermatozov lishaёm with the hair, not the avitaminozm A, refutes this hypothesis. Pathological process practically does not occur in the developed countries of the West, rare in Russia, widespread in the third world, where hunger, poor sanitation, poor living and social conditions are factors that provoke the development toadskin. The urgency of the problems in modern dermatology associated with a tendency to increase the incidence of drug toadskin because of uncontrolled admission of drugs, the development of dysbiosis.
tartar, there conjunctivitis, keratitis (spots Bito), deteriorating vision, especially in the dark and dusk. There is a typical manifestation of beriberi A symptom known as "night blindness".
dermatologist, taking into account medical history, clinical dynamics of the pathological process, the results of the histological study, the conclusions of specialists (gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist, dentist). Serum concentration was determined carotene and retinol. The biopsy of the hearth swept toadskin okolofollikulyarny infiltration with hyperkeratosis, atrophy of the glandular system of the dermis. There is a clear hyalinization collagen and elastin fibers, the lack of subcutaneous fat. Differentiate toadskin subulate with lichen, flat lishaёm, ichthyosis, pityriasis red hairy lishaёm, nodular pochesuhoy, Darier's disease, lichenoid skin tuberculosis, psoriasis, keratosis, oil folliculitis (acne), chronic ulcerous pyoderma.
Treatment of pathological process long, based on the administration of a patient large doses of vitamin A, which is connected with its epithelial-plastic properties. Introduction to the diet of high-calorie foods rich in vitamin A, improves trophic tissue, minimizes skin manifestations toadskin. Externally applied salicylic, keratolytic ointments, aniline dyes, products containing fish oil and vitamin A. At the same time correcting the pathology of the digestive tract, are reviewing the feasibility of previously designated otherwise, except toadskin, indications of drug therapy. Prevention consists of regular good nutrition. Relatively favorable prognosis.