Ulcerative Stomatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Ulcerative stomatitis - Inflammatory diseases of the mouth, accompanied by focal destruction of the mucosa. Ulcerative Stomatitis manifests edema and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, against which produce single or multiple bleeding and painful ulcers covered with bloom. Ulcerative process is accompanied by halitosis, fever, regional lymphadenitis. Diagnosis of ulcerative stomatitis involves performing dental examination, study mucosal scrapings. Treatment of ulcerative stomatitis is a local treatment of ulcers and oral anesthetics, antimicrobials, and proteolytic enzymes; if necessary shown antibiotics, antihistamines, multivitamins.
Ulcerative stomatitis
stomatitis because it causes deeper lesions of the oral mucosa and gives the patient great pain. Depending on the affected area (tongue, gums, cheeks, lips) distinguish ulcerative glossitis, ulcerative gingivitis, ulcerative Palatine ulcerative cheilitis.
Most often ulcerative stomatitis occurs in children from 6 months to 3 years, as well as in elderly patients. Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis suffer mostly young men.
catarrhal stomatitis.
The development of ulcerative stomatitis contribute to the lack of oral hygiene, the presence of abundant plaque and tartar, dental caries, oral dysbiosis. Using toothpaste containing the sodium lauryl sulfate, results in drying of the oral mucosa, and enhances its sensitivity to various stimuli. By the development of ulcerative stomatitis can cause microtrauma obtained in violation of the art dental procedures during treatment and prosthetics, due to improper fitting dentures, the use of biologically incompatible materials.
In many cases, ulcerative stomatitis is infectious nature. For example, necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis Vincent ( "trench mouth") is called symbiosis of opportunistic bacteria - fusiform rods and spirochetes Vincent found in the mouth and under special conditions provoking acute erosive and ulcerative process with necrosis of soft tissues.
Ulcerative Stomatitis is more common in patients with gastrointestinal diseases (stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic enteritis), cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the blood (leukemia), allergic and infectious diseases (scarlet fever, influenza, measles), immune deficiencies, metabolic disorders. In the development of ulcerative stomatitis special role played by vitamin deficiencies, especially the lack of vitamins C, P, and group B, inadequate and poor nutrition, poor hygiene, and social conditions of life. Aborted child immunity makes young children more susceptible to other developing ulcerative stomatitis.
necrotizing stomatitis Vincent develops a heavy defeat across the oral mucosa with the rapid increase in inflammation and necrotic changes. Forming multiple ulcers with jagged edges, covered with gray-green patina and surrounded by edematous, unsealed, crimson cloth. Ulcerative process can go on the tongue and palate ulcers can merge and penetrate deep into the tissue, forming a vast deep pockets. When you remove necrotic masses ulceration of the mucosa bleeds. Any movements of the tongue, lips and cheeks severely painful. Characteristic putrid breath, profuse fetid thick saliva. In severe ulcerative stomatitis may experience swelling of the cheeks.
Regional lymph nodes are sealed, and increased sharply painful; Body temperature may rise to febrile. The patient's condition is deteriorating: he becomes restless, loses appetite, sleep. The duration of the acute period of ulcerative stomatitis ranges from 10 to 15 days. Necrotizing process can go exposing the sky, and the bone of the jaw, complicated by the development of osteomyelitis.
Ulcerative Stomatitis can become chronic mild to severe symptoms, and minor pain. Chronic ulcerative stomatitis can lead to various complications (rhinitis, otitis media, gastroenteritis, pleurisy, endocarditis) and cause tooth loss.
dentist on the basis of the patient's complaints and data visual inspection of the oral cavity. During the dental examination assessed the hygienic indices, the location and appearance of ulcers identified local irritating factors. An important diagnostic role cytological, microbiological, PCR study scraping from a mucous membrane.
Since ulcerative stomatitis can be a symptom of other diseases, can additionally be carried out clinical, biochemical analyzes of blood, determination of blood sugar, immune status. If necessary, patients with ulcerative stomatitis recommended consulting gastroenterologist, hematologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, allergist-immunologist, and others.
Application anesthesia performed professional oral hygiene, removal of tartar and plaque reduction should sharp teeth edges. The oral cavity is irrigated by warm low interest hydrogen peroxide solution, furatsilina, chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate and decoction of herbs; appointed gel application metrogil-dent of the affected areas. To cleanse the ulcer surface from necrotic masses used proteolytic enzymes - trypsin, lizoamidaza, deoxyribonuclease. Accelerate promotes epithelialization use regenerating ointment, oil of sea buckthorn and wild rose.
In severe cases of ulcerative stomatitis appointed general detoxification and antibiotic therapy, taking antihistamines, multivitamins. In the process of treatment of ulcerative stomatitis are beneficial physiotherapy - UFO, ultrasound. After calming down of the acute inflammation is a dental health system, decayed teeth extraction, treatment of dental caries and periodontal diseases, re-rational prosthesis.
With timely treatment of ulcerative lesions intensive closed for 6-8 days; in the case of chronic forms require longer therapy and dispensary observation at periodontist for 1 year.
Prediction and prevention of ulcerative stomatitis
Forecast ulcerative stomatitis favorable, however, depends largely on the type and severity of the disease. Timely competent treatment of ulcerative stomatitis leads to recovery; in advanced cases, the process becomes chronic relapsing course, provokes the development of periodontal disease and periodontal disease. The outcome of necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis can be scarring of the gums and exposing the neck of the tooth root.
Prevention of ulcerative stomatitis is in compliance with oral hygiene; treatment of chronic infectious diseases, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disease; properly fitting dentures, smoking cessation and alcohol consumption, strengthening the immune system.