X-shaped legs - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

X-shaped legs (Valgus bending feet) - a pathology in which a person standing with straight legs and information together, the distance between the heels of more than 5 centimeters. In most cases, X-shaped legs are not a congenital disease, and develop because of excessive load on the legs of the child in the first years of life. Diagnosis is exposed on the basis of visual inspection, radiography and other studies. At an early age performed conservative correction surgery is indicated for failure of conservative treatment and progression of deformity.

  • Causes of X-shaped legs
  • Symptoms and Diagnosis X-shaped legs
  • Treatment of X-shaped legs
  • X-shaped legs - treatment

  • X-shaped legs

    lower limb deformity. When straightened legs and knees brought together the distance between the patient's foot is 4-5 cm or more, and the outer contour of the legs is shaped like an hourglass. The curvature may be physiological or pathological, congenital or acquired. At the age of 2 to 4 years 80% of children have a valgus bending the legs, while the child grows deformation decreases or disappears.

    The norm for an adult male is a deviation of the lower legs outwards up to 5-7 degrees, for adult women - up to 10 degrees. The more pronounced curvature leads to an incorrect load distribution on the articular surface of the tibia, progressive deformation of the knee and the development of early gonarthrosis. In addition, the non-physiological position of the lower limbs causes a constant surge of muscles, fatigue, violations of posture, flat feet, and so on. D. Treatment of X-shaped legs carried orthopedics and traumatology.

    rickets, but now the problem is no longer valid. However, rickets sometimes occurs, so it is necessary to exclude in the differential diagnosis.

    In some cases, X-shaped legs are inherited. Violations caused by improper ossification of the external femoral condyle. Unlike the acquired valgus curvature, genetically determined abnormality is detected immediately after birth, as is normal in infants physiological O-shaped deformation should occur. Congenital X-shaped curvature of the legs is always combined with flat and valgus deformity of the femoral neck.

    Unilateral valgus curvature of the legs is less common unilateral. The reason for such a deformation can be intra-articular fractures of the condyles of the tibia and femur, compression fractures metafizov zone and diaphyseal fractures of the femur and tibia with the non-elimination of angular displacement. Sometimes one-way X-shaped deformation develops in congenital anomalies of the lower limbs (hip dysplasia and congenital dislocation of the hip, hypoplasia of the tibia, knee joint abnormalities of development, and so on. D.), Malignant and benign tumors of cartilage and bone.

    Along with true valgus deformation of the feet due to changes in bone and joints of the lower extremities, isolated false curvature associated with features of soft tissue location. Misleading X-shaped deformation of the feet is a purely cosmetic defect and does not require special treatment.

    rentgenografii knee revealed uneven joint space, internal condyles developed better Outdoor condyles are beveled. When hereditary valgus curvature of the outer contours of the ossified condyles may be vague, unclear.

    The feet of patients with X-shaped legs become ploskovalgusnuyu installation, formed flat, which makes it more difficult walking, causes pain and fatigue after exercise. Arch flattened data plantography and definition podometric index Friedland confirms the presence of pathological changes. If one leg is bent stronger than the other, the child's torso while standing deviates from the vertical axis, which may result in a violation of posture and scoliosis.

    Pediatric Orthopedics. In marked valgus curvature of the legs is performed conservative actions. Assign physical therapy facilities to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of hips and legs, it is recommended to wear a special shoe that limits the lateral deviation of the shins. Child sent to the massage and physiotherapy. In severe cases, using special hinged orthoses and removable splints.

    Long existence valgus deformity provokes the early development of gonarthrosis, so adults and older children when there was continuing curvature surgery is indicated. treatment strategy depends on the type and causes deformation. When X-shaped legs, obuslovlennyh hereditary pathology or weakness musculo-ligamentous apparatus, is performed osteotomy of the femur. In the postoperative period prescribed physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy.

    When one-sided distortions provoked by trauma or disease processes in the middle of the lower leg, applied the Ilizarov apparatus while performing an osteotomy of the tibia. wearing Term apparatus determined by the severity of deformation and can range from 2-3 months to six months or more. After surgery, patients are referred to physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy, subsequently carried out rehabilitation activities aimed at restoring range of motion and strengthen the muscles.