Chlamydia - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Chlamydia - A group of diseases caused by various kinds of chlamydia. Affects the respiratory, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, urogenital system, organs of vision. Urogenital chlamydiosis is manifestation of inflammatory diseases: urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis, cervicitis erosion, endometritis and revealed only specific diagnostic methods. The characteristic symptom - vitreous separation from the urinary tract. Chlamydial infections are dangerous multiple complications, including ascending urinary tract infections, infertility, neyrohlamidiozy, joint damage, heart and vascular diseases, impotence - in men.
gardnerellezom, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, thrush. A combination of several infections worsen over each other and extend treatment. In women, there is great susceptibility to chlamydia.
The causative agent of urogenital chlamydiosis - Chlamidia trachomatis - is a small bacterium, parasitic in human cells. Chlamydia can long exist in the human body and does not manifest itself. During the suppression of the body's defenses, weakening of the body, they are beginning to multiply and cause the clinical manifestations of chlamydial infection. We know of 15 different species of Chlamydia that cause eye disease, lymph nodes, urinary organs, etc. The most common route of transmission of chlamydia - Sex. Infection of the newborn possible during labor, it is accompanied by the development of a child's innate chlamydia. Much less celebrated home of chlamydia transmission in the family through the bedding and toiletries, underwear etc. Typically, from the time of infection until the first symptoms of chlamydia takes 1-2 weeks (sometimes up to 1 month).
prostatitis, urethritis, epididymitis.
Urogenital chlamydiosis fraught with complications for men infringement spermatogenesis and infertility.
No less dangerous is chlamydia and women, causing various lesions of the female reproductive system. Climbing Chlamydia infection can cause genital tract inflammatory changes by:
Inflammation of the uterus and the uterus, followed by the formation of adhesions and scarring in the fallopian tubes are the cause of tubal infertility, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion.
Other consequences of chlamydia in both men and women may be inflammation of the pharynx, colon, kidneys, joints, lungs, bronchi, etc. One of the serious complications of chlamydia is Reiter's syndrome, which is characterized by a triad of clinical manifestations: conjunctivitis, urethritis, arthritis. Re-infection with chlamydia greatly increases the risk of complications.
Of particular concern are chlamydia newborns resulting from the child's infection from the sick mother during childbirth. The main forms of congenital chlamydia are:
urologists. Visit venereologist need to avoid other STIs, which the patient may be infected with chlamydia as well. Women should consult a gynecologist.
The total discharge Pap smear urethra, the vagina and the cervix does not give an objective picture of the presence of Chlamydia trachomatis. The number of white blood cells at the same time may be slightly increased or be in the normal range. With the advent of PCR diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction) venereology get the most accurate method for detecting chlamydia, allows to detect in the material, even a small amount of agent. PCR result accuracy reaches 95%.
Informativeness of up to 70% by ELISA (imunnofermentnogo analysis) to detect the presence of antibodies to the pathogen and PIF (direct immunofluorescence) - smear microscopy, stained in a certain way.
To diagnose chlamydia is also used bakposev taken the material and determination of antibiotic susceptibility.
As a material for diagnosis of chlamydia using urine, blood, semen in men, genital discharge, scraping the cells of the affected organ.
treatment of chlamydia include immunomodulators (interferon meglumine akridonatsetat), antifungals (nystatin, fluconazole), multivitamins, enzymes (pancreatin), bacteriophages (staphylococcus, proteus, etc.), probiotics, physiotherapy (ultrasound therapy, magnetic therapy, iontophoresis and electrophoresis with medicinal substances).
For topical treatment of chlamydia is used vaginal and rectal suppositories, baths, tampons, enemas.
During the course of treatment (an average of 3 weeks) is recommended to exclude sex, alcohol, spices, spicy food, excessive physical activity.
Treatment Chlamydia infection is a complex medical problem, and it should be addressed, taking into account the individuality of each patient. In the treatment of chlamydia can not recommend the use of ready-made algorithms. In the elderly with comorbidities, should take into account the state of immunity of the intestinal microflora and the urogenital tract.
maintenance of pregnancy for the prevention of diseases in the newborn;
Forecast chlamydia
In identifying chlamydia one of sexual partners is a very important examination and treatment for infection of another, even in the absence of obvious symptoms. If one of chlamydia infected sexual partners will not pass the course of treatment, the other treated, can become infected again.
To control the cure diagnostic tests ELISA and PCR in 1.5-2 months after completion of therapy (women - before the onset of menses). The criteria for cure - negative test results for chlamydia and no symptoms of chlamydia.
Acute uncomplicated chlamydia, while the treatment of all sexual partners give a favorable prognosis for a full recovery. If chlamydia is running (later diagnosed nedolechen, complicated), then in the long term can develop a variety of sexual dysfunction - impotence to infertility.