Snoring - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Snoring - Violation of breathing during sleep, accompanied by a vibration of the soft tissues of the larynx and throat, and emit a low-frequency rattling sound. It may indicate the presence of upper respiratory disease, obesity or functional disorders. Snoring is often accompanied by bouts of respiratory arrest (apnea), leading to a lack of oxygen to vital organs and systems and increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Snoring leads to disruption of sleep full of snoring and the people around him.

  • Causes of snoring
  • The effects of snoring
  • Diagnosis of snoring and sleep apnea
  • Snoring
  • Snoring - treatment

  • Snoring

    breach of full sleep of the snorer and the people around him.

    In the dream, snores every fifth person in the world. About 3% of the population suffers from periodic pauses in breathing during sleep (sleep apnea). By virtue of some anatomical features of the structure of the respiratory tract are more prone to snoring man. On a constant snoring woman, there are 10 men. Every tenth man in the world from time to time experiencing sleep apnea. Holding your breath in some cases lasting more than 1 minute.

    deviated septum, polyps in the nasal cavity, congenital narrowness of the nasal passages and throat, enlarged tonsils, adenoids, elongated uvula, the small offset the lower jaw and overweight.

    Functional causes snoring

    The narrowing and decreased muscle tone of the respiratory tract may be caused by fatigue, sleep deficiency, smoking, alcohol and sleeping pills, a decrease of pituitary and thyroid function. Pharynx muscle tone decreases with age and onset of menopause in women.

    hypertension, arrhythmias, heart attacks and strokes. Patients with snoring accompanied by sleep apnea, often have problems with potency. They often get into accidents due to sleepiness and decrease attention.

    Snoring people tend to abuse of sleeping pills and alcohol. Patients with snoring fall into a kind of vicious circle: the snoring disrupts sleep, the patient begins to consume sleeping pills, muscle tone of the larynx and pharynx is further reduced, snoring increases.

    polysomnography. In the sleeping patient change the level of oxygen in the blood, control blood pressure and heart rate. To assess sleep patterns perform brain EEG. Anatomical changes otolaryngology otolaryngologist identified during the inspection and during rhinoscopy, laryngoscopy, computed tomography, active rinopnevmomanometrii and functional tests.

    surgical treatment depends on the cause of snoring. Held correction of the nasal septum (septoplasty), removal of polyps in the nose, and laser removal of enlarged tonsils (tonsillectomy). Performed plastic surgery on the throat and soft palate: uvulotomiya and uvulopalatoplasty. Used classic surgical techniques, laser surgery and radiosurgery.