Chronic gastroenteritis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Chronic gastroenteritis - Pathology of gastric mucosa and the small intestine caused by the process of inflammation. The disease is manifested dyspeptic disorders, intense pain in the abdomen, symptoms of intoxication. In the diagnosis of primary importance are the laboratory methods (analysis of blood, coprogram, bacteriological seeding feces, H. pylori detection and so on. D.), Instrumental studies (FEGDS, pH-metry of the stomach, antroduodenalnaya manometry, ultrasound of the abdomen). Treatment is based on the elimination of the causes of diseases, relieving symptoms and restoring the functions of the digestive system.
Chronic gastroenteritis
gastroenteritis - an inflammatory disease of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines caused by various factors and is characterized by dysfunction of the digestive system. There are two main forms of disease: acute and chronic, which differ from each other occurrence causes, clinical manifestations and treatment methods. According to statistics, more than 50% of schoolchildren and adults suffering from chronic gastroenteritis. The relevance of the disease associated with permanent change of microbial strains, the prevalence of bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, frequently self-medicate, which leads to an increase in microbial resistance to drugs and weighting processes.
gastroenteritis surface, without wasting or atrophy of the villi epithelium.
dyspeptic symptoms: nausea, vomiting, loose stools. Vomiting occurs after each meal, chair fetid with an admixture of undigested food. Constant diarrhea and vomiting may worsen the patient's condition and cause dehydration (dry mouth, skin, and so on. P.) And drastic weight loss. Very often, patients complain of heaviness in the abdomen and flatulence (bloating). Malabsorption of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins manifest change in the state of the skin, brittle hair and nails - all this often leads to other diseases, contributing to the patient's state of health. For example, a typical satellite chronic gastroenteritis - anemia.
Gradually growing signs of poisoning the whole body weakness, fatigue, irritability, dizziness, insomnia, decreased performance, increased body temperature to 40 degrees.
The gastroenterologist may suspect chronic gastroenteritis, based on the results of these actions. But for an accurate diagnosis is necessary to instrumental and laboratory investigations.
Be sure to perform general and biochemical blood analysis in the dynamics determine the increase in the number of white blood cells, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, decreased hemoglobin and red blood cells (anemia during development). Always examine coprogram which detect undigested fat, muscle fibers, admixture of mucus, blood streaks, pus, starch and fats.
Basic research tools - EGD with endoscopic biopsy, which allows to assess the state of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and the degree of morphological changes of tissues. In order to determine dysmotility antroduodenalnaya manometry is performed; for measuring the acidity of gastric juice - intragastric ph-meters. If the cause of the disease were the microorganisms that carry out targeted PCR diagnosis and scrutinize blood, vomit and feces; administered a breath test for the presence of H. pylori infection.
Before the appointment of treatment should be to determine the etiology of the inflammatory process (the cause) and to stop the aggressive influence of non-infectious factors and microorganisms. Upon detection of infections, in particular, helicobacter, suitable antibiotics. To improve treatment outcome, should give up bad habits, special diet, take plenty of fluids and avoid the use of other drugs. You must make your diet so that it includes enough protein, easily digestible fat, and avoid foods rich in fiber.
If the detected increase in acidity, the doctor prescribes antacids and proton pump inhibitors. By reducing the acidity shows the use of natural gastric juice, reparative enzymes and drugs. Be sure to prescribe drugs that restore the intestinal microflora (probiotics, prebiotics, eubiotics), vitamins.
Prediction and prevention of chronic gastroenteritis
Chronic gastroenteritis involves compulsory hospitalization of the patient and its follow-up. Timely and adequate treatment, constant dieting can quickly achieve the desired results. Weather favorable, but if found severe degree of disease with severe intoxication and dehydration, there is a risk of death.
No specific prevention. In order to reduce the risk of disease and the occurrence of an exacerbation, need to wash hands thoroughly before eating, check the shelf life of food, reduce the medication, not to self-medicate, to observe a healthy diet, work and rest, as well as to completely eliminate bad habits.