Cervicitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Cervicitis - Inflammation in the vaginal cervical segment. The course is characterized by turbid (mucus or pus) discharge, pulling or dull pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination and sexual intercourse. Prolonged chronic cervicitis leads to the development of erosion, hypertrophy (thickening) of the cervix, the spread of infection in the upper genital apparatus. Under ekzotservitsitom understand inflammation of vaginal or cervical segment ekzotserviksa. Endocervicitis - an inflammation of the inner lining of the cervical canal of the cervix - endocervical.
erosion, cervical hypertrophy, the spread of infection in the upper genital apparatus.
The cervix is a barrier to the penetration of infection into the uterus and upper genital tract (cervical canal narrow, mucus plug, protective secret). Under certain factors there is an infringement of its protective function, the penetration of foreign microflora and the development of the inflammatory process - cervicitis, including ekzotservitsit and endocervite. Under ekzotservitsitom understand inflammation of vaginal or cervical segment ekzotserviksa. Endocervicitis - an inflammation of the inner lining of the cervical canal of the cervix - endocervical.
Cervicitis may occur when non-specific infection caused by opportunistic pathogens: Staphylococcus, E. coli, streptococcus, fungi and specific (chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonococcus, syphilis, trichomonas, viruses), some parasitic and protozoal infections (amebiasis). Conditionally pathogenic, causing cervicitis, it gets to the cervix by contact from the rectum or through the blood and lymph, specific - sexually.
Development cervicitis contribute to certain factors: generic cervical injury during diagnostic curettage, abortions; contraceptive use (installation and removal of IUD). Provoke cervicitis can scar deformation and benign cervical, decreased immunity.
Cervicitis rarely occurs in isolation, it is usually accompanied by other diseases of the reproductive system: vulvitis, vaginitis, Bartholinitis, cervical pseudo, ectropion (eversion of the cervix). Cervicitis is more common in women of reproductive age (70%), less often in menopause. Cervicitis is a common cause of miscarriage and premature birth. The consequence of cervicitis are polyps and cervical erosion, inflammation of the upper genital tract.
warts and cervical ulceration of various sizes.
Cervicitis, undiagnosed or untreated in the acute stage, goes into a protracted chronic process. Secretions become dull mucous membranes, pseudo observed on the vaginal part of the uterus (the expansion of the columnar epithelium). In the chronic stage of cervicitis signs of inflammation (redness, swelling) are less pronounced. It may happen replacement of columnar epithelium flat. Inflammation may spread to the surrounding breast tissue and to form infiltrates, cysts, cervical seal occurs.
consult a gynecologist about other diseases. Diagnostics cervicitis aimed primarily at identifying the reasons that caused inflammation of the cervix.
cervicitis Diagnosis is based on the following data:
In acute cervicitis smears during contains many leukocytes (30) and B lymphocytes and histiocytes, columnar epithelium with hypertrophied nucleus and squamous epithelium with degenerative changes. In chronic cervicitis seen columnar epithelial cells of different sizes, a phenomenon sometimes cytolytic (cell destruction).
Bacteriological examination reveals the genus and species of microorganisms, as well as choose the appropriate antibiotic. Cytomorphology smear when cervicitis shows structural damage to the cells and the dynamic changes during treatment. The detection of certain infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, HPV, herpes) when cervicitis impossible without PCR - diagnosis and enzyme immunoassay (EIA).
GYN uses in his practice a lot of different methods for the treatment of cervicitis. But primarily cervicitis treatment should be aimed at the elimination of predisposing factors (hormonal, metabolic, immune disorders) and related diseases.
cervicitis treatment involves use antibacterial, antiviral and other drugs and depends on a specific pathogen, its sensitivity to the drug, the stages of the inflammatory process. So, if chlamydial cervicitis appointed tetracycline antibiotics (doxycycline, monomitsin), macrolides (erythromycin), quinolones (ofloxacin, lomefloxacin) azalides (azithromycin). When Candida cervicitis shows the use of fluconazole. In the treatment of cervicitis widely used combination of local products. Medications may be in the form of suppositories and creams.
Local treatment is recommended when cervicitis stihanii sharpness process lies in the processing of the vagina and cervix with 3% solution of dimethyl sulfoxide, 1.2% chlorophyllipt solution, silver nitrate solution.
It's hard treatable viral cervicitis. With genital herpes required long-term therapy, including antiviral drugs (acyclovir, valacyclovir), application specific antiherpetic of Ig, vitamins, immunostimulants. In the treatment of infections papillomovirusnoy use inteferony, cytostatics, carried out the removal of warts. In the treatment of atrophic cervicitis topically applied estrogen, particularly ovestin which promotes restoration of the epithelium and the vaginal mucosa and cervical natural microflora. If specific infections parallel treatment is sexual partner.
In the chronic stage of cervicitis conservative treatment is less successful, so the surgical techniques used - diathermocoagulation, cryotherapy, laser therapy; prerequisite is the absence of infection. At the same time treat comorbidities (ectropion, coleitis, salpingo-ophoritis, functional disorders), and restore the natural microflora. cervicitis Treatment is carried out under the control of colposcopy and laboratory tests.
Prevention cervicitis is in compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the exclusion of sexually transmitted infections, prevention of abortion, the right conduct of labor, treatment of endocrine disorders.