Cystitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Cystitis - Inflammation of the bladder wall. Characterized speeded up (every 15-20 minutes), sharply painful urination in small quantities, sometimes mixed with blood, low-grade body temperature. Possible transition of the disease into a chronic form, climbing infection and the development of inflammation in the kidneys, at the descent - in the urethra. In the diagnosis of cystitis urologist help urinalysis data and ultrasound of the bladder. In order to determine the etiology of bacterial cystitis is conducted urine culture and smear from the urethra. Treatment of cystitis involves first effective drug caused an impact on its infectious agents.

  • Symptoms of cystitis
  • The prevalence of cystitis
  • Cystitis in summer
  • Cystitis in pregnancy
  • Children cystitis
  • Causes of cystitis
  • Treatment of cystitis
  • Tips for preventing cystitis:
  • Cystitis - Treatment

  • Cystitis

    cystitis in women. Most often ill cystitis women of childbearing age. Cases when cystitis occurs in a woman repeatedly, significantly impairing the quality of her life.

    As a rule, representatives of cystitis caused by opportunistic pathogens - Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, etc. Sometimes cystitis occurs due to infection with pathogens, sexually transmitted infections - mycoplasma and ureaplasma.

    urinary incontinence, appearing with a strong desire to urinate.

    The urine in cystitis can become cloudy or acquire a reddish tint due to impurities of red blood cells. The temperature sometimes rises to 37.5 degrees. Temperature rise in cystitis can indicate possible kidney disease, so in such cases, an urgent need to seek professional medical help .

    Acute cystitis is one of the most common urological diseases. The most common uncomplicated cystitis in which microbes affect only mucosa without affecting the submucosal layer.

    According to domestic research in the field of urology in Russia acute cystitis each year become ill between 26 and 36 million. Man. This incidence among women is 500-700 episodes in 1000 while among men aged 21 to 50 years, the same figure is only 6-8 cases per 1000.

    Girls suffer from cystitis is three times more likely than boys. The disease is rarely found in infants and children under the age of 1 year and is more common in children aged 1-3 and 13-15 years. Most often, cystitis occurs in children between the ages of 4 to 12 years.

    Chronic cystitis also relates to a number of common urological diseases. According to studies, chronic cystitis suffers from 11 to 21% of the population. Considerable scatter in the data due to different definitions of chronic cystitis. Some research authors believe that the diagnosis of "chronic cystitis" should be placed, if the frequency of exacerbations of 2 times a year or more, while others do not specify the frequency of exacerbations.

    urologist. To clarify the diagnosis will need to undergo ultrasound of the bladder and pass urine. Modern antibiotics effective against pathogens cystitis, can speed recovery and prevent the transition to chronic acute cystitis.

    Unlike previous generations of drugs that affect the entire body, modern antibiotics are used to treat cystitis, selectively act on the inflamed tissue of the bladder, almost no effect on other organs and systems. The concentration of drug reaches a maximum value only in the urine and inflamed bladder mucosa. This minimizes the toxicological stress on the body in the treatment of cystitis and to increase efficacy.

    Of the drugs used for the treatment of cystitis, it should be noted monural, which, along with the high selectivity of action and minimal toxicological load on the body, has another remarkable quality. This drug does not cause phototoxicity.

    Phototoxicity - the unpleasant side effects caused by many drugs for the treatment of cystitis. It manifested in increased sensitivity to sunlight, the appearance of redness and burns, even when exposed to ultraviolet rays of low intensity. It develops due to the presence of substances in the preparations which have properties of photosensitizers and fotoreaktivov. Such substances cause the appearance of the skin a large number of free radicals, which in turn causes destruction of cells of the skin, burns, and inflammation.

    Unlike other drugs for the treatment of cystitis, Monural does not cause phototoxicity, which means - you can take it without breaking a planned beach holiday mode. The advantages of the almost complete absence monural may also include side effects, which makes possible the safe and effective treatment of cystitis in children and pregnant women.

    In acute uncomplicated cystitis, a single reception monural, which means - no need to carry tablets and distracted by the treatment while on holiday. Monural copes well with chronic and complicated forms of cystitis, but in these cases it is taken on a more complex scheme.

    When planning a long-awaited summer vacation, do not forget to make a list of necessary medicines Monural. This precaution will provide reliable protection against cystitis during long-distance travel.

    consultation gynecologist who performs maintenance of pregnancy, and tell him about the symptoms appear. If necessary, the doctor will give the patient a referral to a urologist.

    viruses, mycoplasmas, Trichomonas, Chlamydia, and various fungi.

    The prevalence of cystitis in women is caused by a short length and wide lumen of the urethra and its location relative to other bodies. Female urethra, unlike male, is close to the anus. The anatomical features of the female body and topography contribute to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms in the urethra, they migrate to the bladder and the development of cystitis.

    In men, cystitis is rare. The cause of cystitis in men usually becomes inflamed urethra, prostate, epididymis and seminal vesicles. Sometimes, urethral infection is due to bladder catheterization in women and in men.

    The risk of cystitis increases during catheterization of the bladder in men suffering from BPH, one symptom of which is the constant delay incontinence. The risk of cystitis increases and the introduction of a catheter pregnant or recently gave birth to a woman, due to a decrease in the tone of the urinary tract.

    and treatment using the drug sufficient efficiency. It should be stressed that the chances of complete freedom from cystitis increases with timely diagnosis and the use of drugs, which is detrimental effect on pathogens. The late onset of treatment and prescribing that only eliminate cystitis symptoms without affecting the pathogenic environment can result in a transition into chronic acute cystitis.

    The main challenge for the physician who is treating cystitis, - the destruction of pathogens, penetrated into the bladder and cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. The choice of drugs for antibacterial treatment of cystitis is determined by parameters such as disease duration and severity of symptoms. In addition, the selection of medicines include possible side effects, the absorbability of the drug, the method and rate of excretion, presence of concomitant diseases, etc.

    The effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of cystitis is determined by the ability of this drug to work on those or other microorganisms. It should be remembered that the bacteria adapt and become insensitive to antibiotics. A few decades ago for the treatment of cystitis successfully used Biseptol, kampitsillin, nitroksalin and palin. However, over time, the main causative agent of cystitis (E. coli) has become resistant to these drugs. In addition, preparations for the treatment of cystitis, related to the previous generation of antibiotics, possess a sufficiently high level of toxicity and cause various side effects.

    When choosing a drug for the treatment of cystitis should be taken into account and the cost of treatment, which is determined not only by the cost of one tablet, but the real effectiveness of the antibiotic, duration of admission and the possible risk to the patient.

    Today, there are available drugs for the treatment of cystitis, selectively acting on pathogens. Once in the body, the drug concentrates in the bladder, thus increasing its efficiency. Furthermore, the use of the latest generation antibiotics provides shortening the treatment of cystitis, reduces the likelihood of side effects and reduces the risk to the patient.

    One of the modern drugs for the treatment of cystitis - monural. The drug reaches maximum concentration in the urine, can significantly reduce the treatment duration. Low probability of occurrence of side effects and weak expression makes it possible to use the drug in the treatment of cystitis in pregnant women and children. The absence of phototoxicity (increase skin sensitivity to sunlight, causing a lot of drugs for the treatment of cystitis) allows for Monural for the treatment of cystitis, even on a sunny summer.

    In the event of acute cystitis enough single dose monural. In the treatment of chronic cystitis may increase the dose to two bags of the drug, to be taken once a day.

    Taking Monural, do not forget about other ways to treat cystitis. It should be excluded from the diet of fatty and spicy foods, increased fluid intake and avoid hypothermia. Good help in cystitis warm heating pad is placed on the lower abdomen. Perhaps the comprehensive treatment of cystitis in the use of iontophoresis, UHF or inductothermy. We must not forget that the presence of certain gynecological diseases physiotherapy and thermal procedures are contraindicated.

    Tips for preventing cystitis:

  • Try to avoid hypothermia.
  • Despite the circumstances, rules of personal hygiene.
  • For hygiene, use neutral detergents sparing.
  • During menstruation timely change sanitary pads.
  • At the time empty the bladder.
  • Increase your fluid intake.
  • Excessively tight clothing may impair blood circulation in the pelvic area, so from such clothes should be abandoned.
  • Try to normalize bowel function. When a tendency to constipation should increase the share of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.