Black piedra - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Black piedra - Dermatological hair disease fungal origin, mostly typical of tropical countries with warm and humid climate. This condition manifests itself in the appearance of the hair of the head (at least - a beard or mustache) stealth black nodules measuring 1-2 mm stony hardness, hereinafter - the fragility of hair and alopecia. Diagnosis is made by black Piedra inspection hair microscopy nodules, sowing scrapings for special protection for the identification of the pathogen. For the treatment used as the physical techniques (shaving of hair) and hair treatment special substances detrimental to the fungus.

  • Reasons black Piedra
  • Symptoms of black Piedra
  • Diagnosis black Piedra
  • Treatment black Piedra
  • Black piedra - treatment

  • Black piedra

    athlete's foot, striking the hair cuticle of the head, beard and mustache, common in regions with a warm climate. For the first time this condition was described in 1878 later it was found out that the disease is spread almost all over the tropical belt - in South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. Among the cases of black Piedra dominated by women aged 25 to 40 years, men and children, this pathology is very rare. Basically, the disease is transmitted from person to person, but the presence of the pathogen in the soil and the water stagnant water gives reason to suppose, and other methods of infection. Indirectly, the possibility of other modes of transmission also proves the more frequent development of black Piedra swimmers and fishermen - some species of freshwater lakes on algae contain a large number of fungus-parasite. An important role in the spread of the disease is the level of population health and cultural characteristics of some people. Thus, customs tightly braided hair, rub in their oils or wear tight hats contribute more severe black Piedra.

    diabetes, various embodiments of immunodeficiency, cancer. Because of this, the presence of black Piedra dermatologist often recommends a general survey to identify possible hidden pathologies.

    brittle hair. If you do not observe good personal hygiene, and (especially) hair tied tight beam by bleeding nodules with different hairs together. This leads to the development of characteristic symptoms of black Piedra - "Colombian Koltun." So called beam stuck together due to fungal infection of hair that looks like a sheaf of wheat or barley. In the far advanced cases black Piedra alopecia occurs. The disease is chronic and can last for months or even years.

    Dermatology presents no particular difficulties because of specific symptoms. However, in temperate latitudes often have difficulties due to weak awareness of physicians about this disease because of its rarity in this climate. An important diagnostic criterion black Piedra in this case will be a history of the patient's recent trip to tropical countries. Less infection occurs without departure from another man, recently arrived from a journey. On examination revealed very dense hair black nodules of 1-2 mm. When bending the affected hairs may come crunch caused by the destruction of fungal structures.

    In controversial cases, to confirm the diagnosis of black Piedra resort to microscopic and mycological research. In reviewing the affected hairs or scrape them from under the microscope to detect a wide fungus mycelium, which are formed from solid, generally rectangular arthrospores. To diagnose a black Piedra also applies crop on Wednesday Saburo - if the hair Piedraia hortae on medium formed black or gray colonies round shape. The differential diagnosis is carried out with head lice and false Piedra - tricology contagious disease of bacterial origin.

    Treatment black Piedra

    The simplest and most effective approach to the treatment of black Piedra - complete removal (shaving) hair. Since Piedraia hortae in most cases affects only the hair bars after this procedure the pathogen is eliminated, and raised the hair appear healthy. However, such a method of treatment of black Piedra approve, not all patients, especially when you consider that the disease mainly affects young women who do not want to shave bald. Upon cancellation of hair removal using various antifungal agents - amikazol and its analogs. Effectively shampooing also in a 0.1% solution of mercury dichloride, combing hair comb thick, followed by washing with shampoo or antifungal solutions. The duration of treatment of black Piedra varies depending on the degree of destruction of hair, but is usually at least a month.

    Prediction and prevention of black Piedra

    With the right treatment or shaving the affected hair black Piedra favorable prognosis - patients recover fully and restore normal hair. In the absence of treatment, as well as the presence of comorbidities (diabetes, immunodeficiency, malignant tumors) may develop alopecia and fungal infections of the internal organs. To prevent black Piedra observe personal hygiene (especially - when traveling in tropical countries), avoid swimming in stagnant water, do not use other people's combs, hats, hair ornaments. Also, there are cases Piedraia hortae infection when using the local "national" means for care of hair, so buy and use them should not be.