Ball acne - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Ball acne (Piled up acne, acne conglobata) - severe variant of acne persists into adulthood. Characterized by merging individual comedones to form a dense spherical infiltrates and blue-purple color, which is accompanied by the opening of a discharge of pus. Allow, spherical acne leave behind severe scarring. Diagnosis is based primarily on clinical disease and the results of bacteriological examination. In addition, the identification is performed concomitant hormonal, immune and somatic disorders. Treatment of acne include globular binding antibiotics, hormone therapy, injections of vitamins A and E, immunocorrection, opening and handling of acne, physiotherapy.
Ball acne
Dermatology classification spherical acne, along with the inverse and late acne, blackheads are of adult age. Appearing at puberty, they are stored up to 40 years or more. The most frequently observed spherical acne in men with XYY chromosome set (extra Y-chromosome) and are combined with manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis and seborrhea. Due to the vastness of purulent process in globular eels are a number of authors consider them one of the variants of pyoderma.
The emergence of globular acne can contribute to permanent neuro-mental strain, hormonal shifts (hyperandrogenism in women, ovarian dysfunction), decreased immunity, violation of gastrointestinal normal functioning (intestinal dysbiosis, gastritis, pancreatitis), and various infectious processes in the body (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, chronic cystitis, pyelonephritis, bronchitis etc.).
Acne is characterized by prolonged and recurrent course. They are formed as a result of the merger of several comedones in one large conglomerate, for which he received the title of piled or acne conglobata.
Globular dense inflammatory acne presented painful knots the size of a large cherry. Nodes appear above the skin, their uneven surface has a purple-bluish color. Over time, there is a softening and opening units with output of thick pus-like cream. Then begins the process of healing, which in most cases results in the formation of hypertrophic, atrophic scar or keloid. Scars have a whitish color and uneven contours. Often they are thrown on the skin, reminding "bridges". Attempts of surgical removal often leads to further widening of the scar tissue.
Ball acne can be located in any area of the skin, except the palms and soles. Most often they appear on the face and back, at least - on the skin of the chest and abdomen, and extremities. Patients with acne spherical mark constant and rather intense pain, feeling of tightness of the skin in the affected areas. When you try to collect the skin to fold or move the detected its stiffness. Chronic course of the disease leads to the fact that in one section of lesions observed dense infiltrated nodes, has revealed the globular and acne scarring.
dermatologist to diagnose them at the initial examination. To determine the extent of the lesion dermatoscopy performed in some cases - of individual ultrasound elements. For the selection of adequate antibiotic therapy produce bakposev separated spherical acne with detection sensitivity of the pathogen to the main spectrum antibiotics. Diagnostics related background diseases may include consultation of the endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, urologist, gynecologist; Hormonal studies and immunogram; bakposev swabs from the throat and the urogenital tract; analysis on a dysbacteriosis; Abdominal ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys.
paraffin baths, UHF. Produced autopsy globular soften acne scrubbing them with pus and treatment with antibacterial drugs. Also used ihtiolovaya ointment, ointment Vishnevsky, sintomitsinovoy emulsion and other external agents.