Cervical spondylosis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Cervical spondylosis - Degenerative disease of the cervical spine. It includes changes in the intervertebral discs, ossification of the anterior longitudinal ligament and the emergence of bony growths on the front and side surfaces of the vertebrae. Usually it occurs in the elderly. Maybe a long time asymptomatic. By reducing the height of the disk and joining spondyloarthrosis evident limitation of neck mobility, pain in the neck and head. To clarify the diagnosis using X-ray, MRI, CT, myelography, electromyography and other studies. Treatment is usually conservative.

  • Anatomy and pathogenesis of cervical spondylosis
  • The causes of cervical spondylosis
  • Symptoms of cervical spondylosis
  • Diagnosis of cervical spondylosis
  • Treatment of cervical spondylosis
  • Cervical spondylosis - Treatment

  • Cervical spondylosis

    spondylosis varying degrees of severity. In some cases, the disease can occur in younger people. Cervical spondylosis - the most common type of spondylosis. This is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the cervical spine.

    The neck is very mobile, and the muscular system in this area is less developed than in other parts of the spine. When the household and work responsibilities people often need a long time to keep not physiologic position of the neck, leading to an overload of intervertebral discs, muscles and ligaments of the spine apparatus. In most cases, clinically manifested by cervical spondylosis involutive combined with other lesions of the spine: osteochondrosis and spondyloarthrosis.

    arthrosis of small joints of the spine), there is a mutual aggravation. the progression of pathological conditions of rate increases. Formed gross anatomical abnormalities: reduction of the height of the intervertebral disc, limited mobility and ankylosis of small joints. Possible compression of the nerve roots and spinal stenosis, accompanied by the development of neurological symptoms.

    fracture of the cervical vertebrae) or multiple small injuries of the spine in the cervical region. The probability of occurrence of early and rapid progression of spondylosis increases for violations of exchange, which have resulted in the cervical region of the spine hard calcium salts are deposited. Matter hormonal disorders, chronic infections and hypothermia.

    In a separate group should include the reasons for the circumstances in which there is a long Physiology does not load on the cervical spine. Such circumstances include violations of posture, scoliosis and strengthen the cervical lordosis. Most often, cervical spondylosis occurs in manual workers, persons performing professional duties in a static pose, and those leading inactive lifestyle (often in patients with cervical spondylosis combination of these factors is observed). The forced position of the head when working on a computer, microscope, or typewriter creates excessive strain on certain parts of the cervical spine. A weak muscles are not able to compensate for this load.

    dizziness and headaches caused by deterioration of blood supply to the brain. Combined compression of nerves and blood vessels can cause disturbances of vision and hearing. Patients worried about the inability to concentrate the mind, flickering flies, tinnitus and hearing loss. As the progression becomes more prolonged and intense pain pathology. Subsequently, the pain becoming a permanent nature and not disappear even after sleep.

    Because of the pain and disruption of the normal anatomic relationships between the individual elements of the spine neck muscles are in constant tension. Spasm of the neck muscles helps to limit the movements of the cervical spine, and eventually he becomes the cause of neck pain. Further exacerbating the lesions may occur neurological symptoms caused by compression of the nerve roots (sciatica) and spinal canal stenosis (compression myelopathy). There may be muscle weakness, sensory disturbances of the upper and lower extremities, and pain radiating to the back, shoulders and arms.

    X-rays of the cervical spine. If necessary, designate CT of the spine, with the help of which you can see in detail all the dense structure of the neck. To assess the state of soft tissues using MRI of the spine. Nerve conduction studies performed using the electromyography.

    Previously, to detect spinal stenosis usually used myelography - radiopaque study in which a contrast fluid or air is injected into the spinal canal via lumbar puncture, and then made a series of shots. Currently, this method gradually loses its value because of the advent of CT and MRI. These methods allow to obtain the same data but have no side effects and is much better tolerated by patients.

    vertebrologists, neurologists and specialists in the field of traumatology and orthopedics. The main goals of treatment is to eliminate pain, improve local blood circulation, maintaining the cervical spine mobility, the restoration of normal anatomic relationships between the individual elements of the spinal column and the slowing of degenerative processes in the tissue of intervertebral disks.

    Patients discharged chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs. When pain intensity is used analgesics, when expressed spasms of the neck muscles - muscle relaxants. Assign physiotherapy (ultrasound, diadynamic currents, electrophoresis with novocaine) and special gymnastics complexes. Patients who have a long time to be in a forced situation, recommend the use of an elastic collar to reduce the load on the cervical spine.

    In the absence of contraindications prescribed manipulation and gentle massage. Strongly contraindicated rough massage techniques and self-massage, conducted by non-specialist. In sharp pain caused by compression of the nerve roots, perform blockade of the affected area (paravertebral blockade and blockade dugootroschatyh joints). Surgical treatment is rarely required. Traumatology and neurologists to refer patients for surgery with a combination of several pathological processes (eg, spondylosis and heavy spondyloarthrosis), failure of conservative treatment, as well as in the presence of progressive neurological symptoms, demonstrating the spinal canal stenosis and compression of the nerve roots. Surgeries performed on the spine vertebrologists or neurosurgeons.