How to realize any dream in life
"Just take it and do" - it seems that the most common "recipe for success", which we share with everyone. But when it advised us it turns out that it does not work. To understand what fails and how to dare to take a step to the most incredible goals, coaches sometimes offer their clients the technique of Walt Disney.
Walt Disney invented the prototype of this technology to stimulate the creativity of their employees at work on new cartoons and a coach and consultant Robert Dilts transformed it for use in your personal life and business. The method is based on the assumption that each of us plays three roles: the dreamer, implementer and criticism. Thanks to our desires are born dreamer: he sets goals and does not see the impossible. Implementor is responsible for the planning and implementation of ideas into practice, and critic expresses doubt and evaluates risks.
Each of the roles is necessary and useful, the main task is to establish effective interaction between them.
Step 1. Give the dreamer
Start with desire. What and when you want to get? Describe in detail the picture you imagine. What is the desired outcome, what thoughts and feelings cause? What changes in your environment?
If this is a new apartment, then what? How many rooms in it, what area? What color wallpaper? Who lives in the apartment with you? Described may seem naive, even impossible. The main thing that it was desirable.
Pitfalls: "yes, but »
Began "realistic" approach to the issue and to correct his desire, given the objective factors? As you awake critic. Thank him for his participation and promised to return later and listen to all his fears. And now is the time to dream.
STEP 2. PASS THE DREAM implementers
Take a look at the picture you painted and think about how you could come to the desired. What opportunities do you have? What and who can help realize the dream? Gather together the resources and make a plan that will lead to the goal. It seems that the possibilities to find interesting work quite a bit: specialized websites and recruitment agencies. Who and what else can help? Ask yourself this simple question at least three times, and you'd be surprised the number of fresh ideas!
Pitfalls: "Only if »
Yes, the critic often can not wait for their turn. If you can not move his statement, write down all the "only if " and set aside to continue the development of the plan.
STEP 3. Set aside time for criticism
The time has come to resolve our most eager to speak incarnation - criticism. Gather all your fears and concerns, assess risks. What are the difficulties which may arise obstacles? The more you see in your terms of vulnerabilities, so thoughtful, he will be the more effective your actions.
Will there be enough money for regular classes with an instructor? Will it restrict the diet to 1000 calories a day if you are working a lot and intensively? Will there be enough willpower to get up every morning for a jog? Write down everything you can stop and go to the next step.
Pitfalls: "it does not matter»
And at this stage it may be difficult: some dreamers refuse to look at the obstacles and risks. In this case, it is important to understand what the criticism helps you to be effective in achieving the goals, so make an effort and think: what could go wrong?
Review the plan, taking into account the difficulties and obstacles found. Maybe you want to include additional steps to attract new resources, to lay more time? Heed all key risks and adjust the planned activities so that the criticism had nothing to comment on.
Choose where to begin the path to a dream, and set the time. And now there is only really pick up and do it!