Psychological rehabilitation after stroke

After suffering a second stroke psychological rehabilitation occupies an important place among the various forms of rehabilitation. For the practice of psychosocial rehabilitation is important for patients to health and disease, focus on a speedy recovery, return to work, social life, says Elena Belianska in the book "Rehabilitation after stroke."

In drawing up the rehabilitation program are taken into account the following provisions:

- Any disease develops on the background of a certain mental state, which can be without a history (a healthy person with the features of character inherent in it), or burdened (psychopathic traits, neurosis, psychosis);

- In the development of cerebral circulation various changes of the psyche, which are either the result of the disease itself or the person to respond to the peculiarities of the disease.

Of great importance in the psychological rehabilitation of the conversation have informational, expository and persuasive content. It is important to educate the patient reassessment of values, try to switch its focus from disease to other problems, particularly in the interests of relatives, friends and staff. This work is carried out not only with patients but also with members of his family.

The optimal psychological environment at home contributes to a quick recovery. Patient, gentle treatment allows patients to adjust to the disease, to avoid severe depression, it helps to enjoy life, to make plans for the future in view of its new status. Communicating with patients, it is necessary to emphasize that the disease impairs the quality of life, but it is not currently a threat to her.

Many people feel overwhelmed in the morning, in a state of depression. At this time, it is especially needed encouraging words, tokens, such as fresh flowers on the table beside the bed.

Climb out of bed unassisted patient is very difficult, he needs help with this, the process of getting up itself better to split into 2 stages: first he has to sit on the edge of the bed, and then - back on its feet.

Help the patient to sit on a chair and get up from the table - these movements it is also difficult given.

The food, including bread, need to be cut into small pieces, so that the patient was easier to take and bring it to his mouth. You can offer the patient to drink through a straw.

the patient's daily routine should include the usual lessons for him, it will help him to maintain a feeling of confidence and security. In addition, it is important to try to help him maintain a sense of self-esteem. In the presence of the patient should refrain from discussing his condition, as the words and actions of others can cause anxiety and resentment.

If the disease to man loved working in the garden or in the country, it can be fun to use the remaining skills. This is unacceptable to involve the patient's attention to its failure. Any conflict only leads to unnecessary stress for the patient and for the caregivers of people behind him. Displays of anger, bitterness or resentment only worsen the situation and exacerbate the problem. Try to stay calm, try to laugh with (but not over) patients. Humor is often an excellent remedy for stress! It is necessary to constantly show love and spiritual warmth, hugging the patient, if it did not hesitate to listen to it carefully, to avoid negative criticism, disputes, conflicts. Offering to help a patient, try to keep his dignity. If the patient is angry, afraid, try to calm him down, take him gently by the hand and spoke softly, calmly, try to distract him from the exciting topics to switch his attention to some quiet activity.

Those who care for patients after stroke, and need help and support, both physical and psychological. If you find yourself in this situation, do not reject the help of other family members, do not try to take on the entire burden of caring for the sick. For example, you can use the services of special services. Nor should keep their problems to themselves, this will only complicate the situation. Seek support from friends or go to a consultation with a therapist.

Be sure to leave time for yourself. If you need to absent himself for a while, try to find someone who could replace you - you have to see with friends, doing things you love and, most importantly, get pleasure from life.

If you feel that you lose touch with loved ones, try to determine what separates you and discuss this issue with them. Do not forget that your relationships with other people can be your indispensable source of support, and it is useful for you as well as for the patient.

Consider their limits. How much you will be able to stand before patient care will become a burden for you? If you feel overworked, get yourself a temporary replacement so you can relax, and seek professional help to prevent the crisis. Do not forget that your condition is extremely important both for yourself and for the patient. For him, you - are indispensable, without you it would not be able to live. This is an additional reason to take care of themselves.

Do not blame himself or the patient for the challenges you face. Remember - it is only the fault of the disease.

In a number of neurological diseases developed system phased application of psychotherapeutic interventions, taking into account the stage of the disease and the location of the patient (hospital, home - under the supervision of a neurologist).

Rehabilitation systems include the following activities:

- Individual psychotherapy. This kind of treatment assists the patient in a reasonable resolution of his traumatic situation, change his social status and attitude to those around him. It is necessary to help the patient to properly treat the disease and to behave so that accelerate the restoration of the lost functions of the body;

- Group therapy. Finds wider application in practice of the specialized agencies. In the group of patients with similar diseases combined, there are special conditions for dialogue, allowing new possibilities of psychotherapeutic techniques. The effect depends on the influence of not only the doctor on a group of patients, but also patients at each other.

A particular embodiment of collective therapy - family therapy, which is aimed at addressing the emotional disorders in the family setting due to the illness of a family member a new relationship;

- Therapy with the use of acupuncture and other methods of non-drug treatment;

- Autogenous training. As a method of psychotherapy is shown in terms of psychosocial rehabilitation in order to create greater confidence of the patient in their abilities and capabilities. Autogenous training can be considered as one of the options of self-hypnosis. Of particular note is a calming effect autogenous training on the emotional sphere. However, it should not be passive and indifferent calm, sleepy state. Be sure to instill in the patient's optimism and cultivate positive emotions saturated confidence in their strength, as well as therapeutic possibilities applied methodology;

- Bibliotherapy with a special collection of literature ( "The will to fight the disease," etc), As well as albums, reflecting the concrete achievements in the rehabilitation of individual patients;

- Kulturoterapevticheskie activities as film screenings and theater performances with specially selected themes, literary debates, the organization of festive evenings with the participation of patients in the preparation of the program;

- Psihogimnastiki using rhythm, pantomime, dance. Shown in groups of persons with impaired ability of independent movement (as in the initial manifestations of cerebral circulation insufficiency, as well as after a stroke);

- Organization of clubs' former patients "to the various forms of psychotherapy (kulturoterapiya, listening to music, autogenic training, and mutual interference, etc), Using the study circles of the system, etc. It contributes to the restoration and preservation of personal and social status

Conduct psychological rehabilitation of vascular diseases of the brain increases the overall effectiveness of remedial measures and means of medical and social rehabilitation. It noted a more favorable course of the underlying disease, raising the level and completeness of rehabilitation.

Recommendations to help patients set to fight for the restoration of the lost functions of the body:

1. Specification of action. Anyone who has had a stroke, feels just like a man who has got into trouble or being in an extreme situation - he lost. It is difficult to imagine how he would be able to cope with a huge amount of "work", which it had fallen as a result of the disease. The yield is quite simple: do not need to talk and think and act very specifically.

It is necessary (with a doctor) to make a detailed action plan, better calendar (it may vary depending on the characteristics of the disease and speed recovery). The fact of drawing up a plan to mobilize the patient does not allow him to "go to the disease." For the implementation of the plan should follow relatives and doctors.

2. Comparison with those worse. The reception, which can be called as a method of contrast: for a completely hopeless situation chosen more dark background. Located example of a terrible disaster, which people coped thanks to optimism, physical exercises, etc.

3. Help others. Man in painfully stressful situation often becomes selfish. He "picks his bleeding wound," infinitely exaggerates its problems, more and more deeply immersed in the disease. One way to break this vicious circle - to switch to care for loved ones in need of help, or a pet. This "dilutes" its own problems. Of course, this care should be feasible for the patient. Most importantly, to convince him that he is needed, and so needs. D.

4. Therapy future or hope therapy. Hope is always ahead. Ahead of, for example, a great time - the summer, new features and a lot of good. A person living with hope, is able to overcome enormous difficulties. Thus it is necessary to emphasize that the problems are transient and disease necessarily retreat, etc. We must try to instill in the patient's self-confidence - It gives strength, it gives hope for recovery.

5. Live for today. Even Dale Carnegie advised to isolate the past, not to think about the future, and live in the bay today. Georgia's future, adding to the burden of the past, which has taken on itself in the present, makes the stumble in the way of even the most powerful. The senseless waste of energy, mental distress, nervous anxiety relentlessly followed on the heels of the person who is worried about the future. The best way to prepare for tomorrow - to focus their energies and abilities in the best performance of current affairs. Of course, you need to think about your life in the future, to plan their business, but do not worry ahead of time. For the wise man opens a new life every day. The meaning of life is life itself, to the rhythm of each day and the hour.

6. The need to come to terms with what had happened. The main thing - to calm down, take the incident as a fait accompli, do not compare yourself with the same current. Complaining about the fate of not only useless, but very harmful, it will only lead to a painful condition of depression, insomnia, and so on. D. It is necessary to mentally come to terms with the disease (because you are alive), to devote their time, energy, recovery of lost functions, perhaps even return to work. Only a newfound peace of mind can give power to fight disease fall upon you. Now you can finally get rid of bad habits, start to eat properly and so. d.

It is necessary to adapt to the real of the situation, not to go into my own world and trying to get rid of anxiety and excitement, only then can we hope to return to normal life. Remember, anxiety is reflected in the work of the heart, it improves blood pressure, lowered immunity, exacerbation of chronic disease.

In addition, little that can wear out, embittered woman (and men too), destroy its beauty as quickly as anxiety. It gives the person repulsive expression, gloomy look.

Stress Relieving promote music, sleep, laugh and so on In addition, displace anxiety and gloomy thoughts helps busy. Every minute should be filled with activities (of course, depending on the patient's condition).

There should be time to recall their experiences, nervous and complain about life - only then will increase your vitality, which will help you to overcome the disease. Activities must defeat despair. You can not lie down and be sad (crying), or visit our "spirits of sadness" that destroy our ability to act, the will power.

Persistently striving for the goal, do not irritate for nothing, do not lose your self-esteem. Of course, some little things are unpleasant and we can bring to the white-hot, but that's because we exaggerate their importance in our lives. You can not lose precious hours, thinking about the grievances, which will soon forget. Let us inspire bright ideas, genuine affection.

Remember: a person has internal resources striking force, which, if used correctly, can help make all that imposed fate. Therefore, if the confidence to strive for this goal, we can achieve success, which can not be expected in the normal behavior or depression and bad mood. Be optimistic! Tell yourself: "I'm going to live!»

Our attitude towards life - the factor that determines our destiny. The great philosopher Marcus Aurelius, who ruled the Roman Empire, put it this way: "Our life is what we think about it." In fact, if we think of the happiness we feel happy. If we visit the sad thoughts, we are sad. If our thoughts present fear, we fear. If we think about the disease, it is possible that we will get sick. If we think about the failures, something we certainly will fail. If we wallow in self-pity, everyone will avoid us. Life is complicated. But we have to work out in his positive attitude towards the world. You can not afford to blossom, to give in to discouragement and to think about the bad.

Our mindset has a huge impact on our physical strength. Despite the very bad mood - try to smile, straighten shoulders, breathe deeply, try to sing a verse from some cheerful songs murlychte it himself. Physically, it is impossible to be sad or depressed, if you put on a mask of a happy man. You will be feeling better and turn out unhappy, embittered patient in the venerable and beloved family member.

"Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today" - the well-known proverb. It is today and it is necessary to adapt to a new state, to the life that surrounds you, take care of your body. It is now necessary to make a charge, the full range of planned physical therapy, quit smoking, start to eat, and so on. D. At the same time lead through their fortunes, rather than trouble.

For many people who have suffered a serious illness, great importance is faith. It helps to have confidence in his victory over the circumstances.