Communication of emotions and pain
As is known, very frequently arise back pain due to poor posture and wear of joints and bones. But do not underestimate the impact on the physical health of our emotions.
As we have long been forced to endure the stress, tension and anxiety, our back begins to experience an increased load.
Negative human emotions, stress and accumulated tension directly linked to back pain.
Emotions and pain back.
Very often, chronic stress, repressed fears and find no exit tension (no matter whether they are associated with a person's private life or his work) are reflected in his physical condition.
For example, developing irritable bowel syndrome, or there are problems with the spine.
The spine and nervous tension
Our spine is in the upright position and forced to bear the burden of our body weight. In this case the spine is connected with a large number of complex bone and joint, which together form the skeleton that is common to all vertebrate structure.
Our spine - the main axis of the body, from which the state of the other muscles and bones depends. Thanks to him, we live and able to withstand many hardships of life. The latter, alas, can be added and load of negative emotions and experiences.
Do not forget, that negative emotions cause changes in our metabolism.
They affect the hormonal background of the person and neurotransmitters. Because of these increases in blood levels of cortisol, heart rate quickens. All of this has an impact on the work of all our organs.
Vital functions of our body is accelerating, which is why our muscles tense. This causes dysfunction of nerves and ligaments.
Our spine is not ready for such a change, and this is due to the relationship of emotional turmoil and pain in the back, neck or lower back.
Exactly how those or other problems provoke pain in various parts of the spine?
Pain in the cervical spine
Back pain is not limited by pain in the lower back. Very often the people concerned it is a pain in the cervical spine.
It is here arranged vertebrae C1 to C7 the first of which is also called Atlanta. It was he who supports our head and is responsible for the balance of our body.
To these vertebrae were healthy, our movements must be harmonious and balanced. The muscles of the neck must be sufficiently flexible and mobile. In this case, the pain will not bother us.
Unfortunately, it is this area of the spine most often affected due to stress at work and emotional stress, experienced by our anxieties and worries.
To cope with the pain, try to meet every morning calm, try to feel the peace and equilibrium in the life around them.
Also, you can get help from such a smooth and neat exercise, such as the rotation of the head or shoulders.
Pain in the chest cells.
In the thorax vertebrae located D1-D12 and they make up a large portion of our back. It is in this zone located our heart.
It thoracic spine suffers most from our experience emotions.
How do we experience emotions affect this part of the back? This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance:
Sadness, fatigue and bad moods make our back to lean forward.
View of a man, as a rule, also directed downwards.
Physical activity at the same time is limited, we spend a lot of time sitting down, head tilted forward. In this case, the diaphragm function are also disabled.
Weight emotions we become not under force, our breathing slows down, there are circulatory disorders. Because of this, there may be headache, stomach pain, or a feeling of heaviness in the chest.
All these unpleasant sensations arise from incorrect posture and bad posture. The thoracic spine is experiencing an increased load. In this situation, it is important to move more: go out for a walk in the fresh air, the sun.
To cope with the pain in the thoracic spine, you need to watch your posture and learn how to give vent to negative emotions.
In the lumbar spine vertebrae are located L1-L5. They are very sensitive to inflammatory processes.
The problems in the lumbar spine can cause back pain and influence the work of bodies such as the kidneys and bladder.
This area of the spine is also quite sensitive to irregular posture, because of this bone and joints can deteriorate.
As far as our emotions, the lumbar spine is vulnerable to fear, nervous tension and depression.
Very often the pain disturb the people in the back, which is too much worried about the others and forget themselves. They spend a lot of time on their feet, loaded those or other chores, they are constantly worried about the feeling that they do not have time to perform all the necessary tasks that others remain unhappy that they themselves will not remain at the same time.
They often have the feeling as if the spin is in two parts. This problem can not overlook.
What should I do first? The first thing you need to lead a more quiet and measured life, paying more attention to yourself and your health. If you encounter problems, you should seek the advice of health professionals.
Try to fill your life with harmony and pay more attention to the emotional sphere.
Do not forget to perform daily range of relaxing exercises, when in doubt, seek professional help. Remember that back pain should not affect the quality of life.