Relaxation techniques for strengthening the lymphatic system
The stronger the person overcome the problem, the more stress he is experiencing. Man - being indivisible, and therefore tension entails and muscle tension.
Such an individual, even if he is not engaged in any active operations, does not cease to feel the fatigue. The higher it is, the less he can do and the more he thinks about why he has so little strength and that it was his tires. In this way he constantly inflates itself, and day by day it is getting worse, weakening the immune system that affects the whole body, leading to an aggravation of chronic diseases, including lymphatic system.
Relaxation techniques help a person physiologically adapted to survive in a dense forest, to live a better life in a civilization. Despite the fact that over the last fifty thousand years, the image of a person's life radically changed, the basic physiological responses of the body remained at the same level. everything is solved relatively simply in the natural environment: getting in a stressful situation, the individual has resorted to tactics, characteristic of all mammals: to escape or aggression. If you meet the forest saber-toothed tiger, the face a simple choice: either to quickly take flight, or try to get a trophy. In both cases, the body's physiological disposition one: as an escape or an act of aggression require significant physical activity and involve the release of energy. Our body "knows" how to do it.
For millions of years old physiological mechanisms are running on empty and adrenaline almost spills out of you. Very often you can not help yourself by active physical discharge, such as firewood splitting or play tennis. At best, you sit with a colleague over coffee and cry on his shoulder. This is also a certain form of relaxation. Especially if your colleague shows solidarity with you and you do not forget to put sugar in the coffee, including the regulation of the parasympathetic nerves. Thereby, however, you just put down an increased activity of the sympathetic nerves. In general, this is sorely lacking. If "lucky" in life you can face dozens of similar situations (all we go to crowded public transport, we are all consumers, spouses, parents, children). In short, the dangers lie in wait for us at every step.
However, there are people who are immune to all sorts of worries and stresses and capable of preserving peace of mind and a good mental attitude, even in situations deemed emergencies. But the more common opposite reaction. People either suffer or resort to some simple and affordable means allegedly able to bring relief. Often, it is the means by which, if taken regularly are hazardous to health, such as alcohol, coffee, a variety of drugs, large doses of vitamins, and God knows what else. As an efficient and friendly way we can recommend sleep or active exercise. However, a number of social situations are unacceptable.
One way to overcome the internal stress is learning to relax. It is available to everyone, for some techniques require neither any additional resources nor much time. The ability to relax will come in handy not only for "sucking" the current states of tension. Without this it is impossible to conduct and speech of a number of techniques that allow to know themselves more deeply.
All relaxation techniques are based on a more or less conscious muscle relaxation. Since man - a single whole, as we have already mentioned, and mental stress leads to increased muscle tension, then the converse is also true. If you can reduce muscle tension, with it goes down and nervous, so that a state of relaxation in itself has the effect of psycho-hygiene, and some individuals this is quite enough. Those who wish to move on, be able to enjoy the relaxation of the state in carrying out the following exercises that help deepen self-knowledge and the improvement of mental (and thus physical) condition. In this case, the process also goes in two directions, that is not only "in a healthy body - healthy mind", but "with a sound mind - healthy body."
Relaxation techniques are best to train under the guidance of a specialist. But this is not a prerequisite. The criterion of proper training can serve as a fact delivered to your classes fun and go on whether you feel good even after a long time for their completion, as if cleansed from within. If such pleasant feelings do not arise, or are fast disappearing or after them, you begin to experience fear, stress, muscle fatigue - meaning you make some mistake; consult a specialist (currently find it is not difficult; it does not necessarily have to be a psychologist or psychiatrist, let it be a specialist in the field of rehabilitation or yoga teacher).
Rapid relaxation
1. Lie down comfortably (clothing in any case should not hamper your movements, it is best to have bare feet). It can be covered by a light blanket.
2. Close your eyes, lie still, watch the thoughts that arise in the mind. Do not repulse mental images, let them do what they want.
3. Call any nice idea (think of something or a little pofantaziruet) and watch it like a movie. If in the future will be wedged unpleasant visions (eg, memories of such banal things as a crush on a bus, or something really serious), do not take anything. Do not try to get rid of them by an effort.
4. Bending legs in the shape of the letter "L", pat him on the back and from the bottom up - thus you will relax the muscles.
5. Taking a deep breath, hold your breath. Without an exhalation, pull your stomach and push protruding lumbar vertebrae to a bed on which lie. Fix this position (lying so long, until it becomes your burden). Breathe out and relax completely. Soak a little quiet. Repeat this exercise three times.
6. Take a breath, for a maximum period hold the breath in the chest. After exhalation lie down in a relaxed position (do not forget to start again to breathe, but does not affect the breath, let the body breathe by itself). Repeat this three times.
7. Breathe in, hold your breath and cross your hands, hug self shoulders, squeezing them as hard as possible. "Stay", exhale and relax. Hands can be left in the same position. Lie down a bit.
8. Continue to keep your hands in the "embrace" (if before you were pulling them along the body, then return to this position). When the legs bent at the knees, if it's more convenient, swaying from side to side.
Pampered so unclench his arms and remained in the supine position, feel relaxed.
9. Do not rush to finish relaxation (this is a general rule for all of these techniques). Lay until you want it. Then stretch, like after waking up from a dream, and he opened his eyes, slowly sit down slowly.