Psychosomatics colitis
In addition, there are physiological causes psychosomatic diseases. Psychosomatics colitis - is the link between health and the brain activity of the nervous system. In this connection all too great. In another way, we can say that colitis nerves arose from the close relationship between the nervous part of the man and his condition. Due to the surge of negative emotions arise consequences. Colitis and other diseases in the nervous system prompted researchers to pay more attention to this factor and they still reveal new connections.
It is known that some experts were able to prove that the human mind has a certain microarray. And all that has mass can radiate energy and to have the force of gravity. Oddly enough, but the physics of Psychosomatics friends here and against this can not push no contradiction even the most stubborn skeptics.
Thus psychosomatic medicine confirms that thoughts are material and sensual state of man may well affect a person's health and even cause disease such as colitis in the nervous system. Psychosomatics connected thin thread with colitis arising in the nervous system, because the stressful situation faced by most of the population do not go unnoticed.
The reason for the emergence and development of colitis in a certain category of patients are factors such as pain, fear, cruelty. Also, most of the adherents of the theory of psychosomatic origin and development of colitis believe that this disease contributes to such factors as human dissatisfaction with work or lifestyle.
In addition, since, as colitis was considered to be a psychosomatic illness, and apply to eliminate its causes psycho-correction, to identify additional factors and disease characteristics of patients. These mostly include:
Difficulties in making decisions.
Sentimentality and passivity.
Emotional instability.
Acute mental trauma in the past.
Participation in protracted conflicts.
All these factors, according to supporters of the theory of psychosomatic diseases, and are a major cause of colitis patient.