Envy and comparison with other illness provokes
If fears of a sad man constantly comparing yourself with others and feel envious of the fact that they have everything in order, and he does not, then affects the kidneys, says a well-known psychotherapist Luule Viilma.
Human Kidneys - body providing allocation process. Kidney - bean-shaped organs, filtered waste of chemical reactions from the blood to form urine. Two kidney located in the rear upper part of the abdomen, one on either side of the spine. The right kidney is usually 1-2 cm lower than the left.
We envy unpredictable consequences. One - revenge, resulting in the permeability of blood vessels in the kidneys and renal failure.
Renal failure - a condition in which the kidneys partly or completely lose their ability to form (highlight) the urine.
There are acute and chronic renal failure.
In acute renal failure both kidneys suddenly stop functioning. The symptoms may develop within a few days: the amount of urine output decreases and the liquid to be withdrawn, and accumulates in the tissues causes swelling (particularly in the ankles).
Chronic renal failure is a gradual (over many months or years) decrease in renal function (to extinction). Renal tissue gradually dies and is replaced by connective tissue, the kidney shrinks.
From what are kidney disorders? All our problems start because the parents are not able to communicate with themselves and with each other. If the relationship of parents are bad, you do not expect anything good from them. For example, parents are poorly communicate with each other, between them in the quarrel breaks out again, to which you certainly will treat as a natural phenomenon, that is, will not be disappointed, because the poor we are not disappointed, the enemy will never disappoint us. The enemy might be better than we had imagined, but it does not cause frustration. But when we really want a good, we tried awful and out of this good will pop bad - then comes the disappointment. Correctly? Disappointment is the initial energy of kidney problems. In renal function may fail, may disrupt the organic, that is there physical illness.
Impaired renal function is based on two great stress: breach of trust, or use; meanness.
If we are afraid that we attract what we are afraid. At one point, just start to hate it and fight it. And then we have certainly disturbed renal function. Enuresis or incontinence, - a disease can only be at the level of impairment of function. And organic kidney disease until the very severe disease - glomerulonephritis - based on the betrayal of the problem. A betrayal of the peace-time and family - this is treason.
Glomerulonephritis - a kidney disease. It refers to the infectious and allergic diseases (combines the formation of infectious allergy and non-immune renal damage). It is much less likely to have an autoimmune form of the disease, in this case there is damage to the kidney tissue with antibodies to their own body.
His fear of betrayal or treason ourselves provoke it attracts, "swallow". At some point, we can provoke the other person, then it will change, betray, and the child will react to kidney disease.
Since the kidneys are always connected blood pressure problems. High blood pressure occurs today even in children. Incredible, but true. Why is this happening? Very briefly: increase of pressure - it is a struggle with his jealousy. I do not want to express his jealousy, do not want to scream in the face: "You do not love me! Parents, you do not love me! What are you doing with him, with me ?! "This is a struggle with his jealousy, which causes severe kidney disease - vital organs.
If a person is ashamed of frustration, wants to show that he's all right, it will compress the energy of disappointment so deep hide it. But the fear that it will become obvious to others, suppresses the energy getting stronger and it may suppress the disease goes to the kidneys to "ground floor", and there will be a disease of the bladder.
Blood pressure - Blood pressure is the major arteries of the human. Distinguish the systolic (upper) blood pressure - it is the blood pressure level at the time of maximum contraction of the heart and the diastolic (lower) blood pressure - it is the blood pressure level at the moment of maximum relaxation of the heart. For the pressure of constant monitoring, measurement is desirable to conduct several times a day.
Energy urine - a disappointment. And if bitterness is very strong, and I am ashamed, I'm afraid that all this is seen, then the day my grief is not shown. And at night, especially when the children are relaxed, whereas urine and flowing, it is - enuresis.
The old people - is urinary incontinence, because the old people feel shame and fear of disappointment and grief of. Older people have accumulated stress has exceeded all possible limits. And in order not to suffer, they want to get rid of your frustrations and get rid of the problems on the energy level - it's like to throw away, so the bladder and releases urine, which would very much like to keep. This is again a game of desire: I want to - I do not. For desire always hides the fear that attracts what we fear. "I want" - the fear of not getting what I want. "I do not want" - the fear to get what you do not want (I'm afraid), and the person who wants something, always wants what really does not want to. He would know what is behind his desire
Enuresis - the involuntary urination during sleep. The most frequently observed in children 4-7 years (boys 2-4 times more often than girls). Before that age incontinence can be considered as the norm.
Kidneys - organs teachings. Life moves forward only by the fact that people constantly learn, and if you already do not learn, it leaves this world to rest. Man learns from the obstacles arising in the way of their destiny. The obstacle is fear. The more fear, the more difficult obstacle. Fear is a teacher of modern civilization, which teaches people to be wiser than the animal and to develop further, in spite of all the larger obstacles. Development is a process of liberation from fear.
In humans, the left kidney is located above the right. Medicine explains that the pressure of the liver on the right kidney. On the spiritual level, it means that women have a stronger oppression of fear, than men. Fear and anger are always the corresponding equal area. The low level of development of a civilization called the physical struggle for existence, in which the defeat suffered weakness - woman. female sadness because sufferings heavier right kidney. Primitive people are still many in our days, and the energy of a female suffering extends to every woman who is afraid of harassment from men. This anger frightened woman passes and also to their children.
The driving force for human suffering is frightened. It has developed a feminine sensitivity, giving women more hidden features, but the frightened women do not realize it, though, and use their privileges.
When paired organ removed the left, then continue to live easier. But when the right is removed, it becomes more difficult, because spirituality is removed. It is difficult to live with only one business-like. From now on, you will have to consciously nurture your soul.