Psychosomatics peptic ulcer

The first question asks the psychologist to the client with a stomach ulcer, "What's in your life, you can not stomach?" Psychodynamic looks at psychosomatics quite right: each disease is a metaphorical reflection of a conflict. If stomach ache - the person of someone or something does not digest in your life. Like many other psychosomatic diseases, peptic ulcer begins with the alarm. That is, it includes the processes of excessive food consumption, which leads to an increase in gastric acidity. Then comes the transition from anxiety to anger (increased concentration of gastric juice and carried antistalsis - reflux).

The stomach is among the most important internal organs. Without it, as well as without a heart, man can not live. It is located between the esophagus and the small intestine. Gastric function: with the help of gastric juice to transform all solid food in a liquid, thereby responding to a crucial stage in the process of digestion.

Moreover, in these patients, there is usually a problem of acceptance. Self-acceptance, other people and events. Often, in the course of conversation, it turns out that what lies beyond the patient's sympathy, not merely indifferent to him, and often causes anger, anger and fear. The overall negative attitude towards the world of such people is very high.

People suffering from stomach diseases, particularly ulcers, - categorical conservatives. They resist to the last innovations. That is why gastric cancer in recent years has become so often affects older men - began to happen too fast changes in the world. But we can not keep silent about the other character traits "ulcer".

Psychological portrait "ulcer»

Fear. Solid confidence in their own inferiority. Man afraid that is not good enough for their parents, teachers, bosses, etc. And it can not "digest" what's he like in reality is.

Lack of self-esteem. Man tries to please others. At the same time it has atrophied sense of self-esteem.

Almost all patients suffering from ulcer exists a deep internal conflict between the desire for self-sufficiency, which they appreciate, and pledged to childhood need to protect, support and care.

These are people who try to prove to all their necessity and indispensability.

Man often feels jealous, is ashamed of this feeling and suppress it in the bud.

People with peptic ulcer disease characterized by anxiety, irritability, heightened sense of duty and a keen sense of duty. They are characterized by low self-esteem, accompanied by excessive vulnerability, shyness, resentment, self-doubt and with it increased demands on himself, suspiciousness. It has been observed that these people tend to do significantly more than can really. For them, the typical tendency to actively overcome difficulties, combined with strong internal anxiety.


Irritation, anger and helplessness at the same time from trying to change themselves, down to fit someone else's expectations.

Stomach ulcer often giperotvetstvennye sick people, those that take on too much, but do not see a real return on their efforts.

But duodenal ulcer make impulsive lovers of thrills. Once this disease is associated with unacceptable to the self-perception of the need for protection and patronage. Such people have a strong sense of fear.

They literally oversaturated them to completely different things. It causes a feeling of contempt for himself. This is especially true for men. A vicious circle: fear and then I scold myself for it. What does it look like? Correctly. On samoedstvo. A plague - is not nothing but a hole, tissue destruction.

Therefore, a good way to recover from the "ulcerative" problems - learn to love themselves and others, to learn to trust others, to learn to respect themselves. Spend own investigation and make sure that self-respecting people rarely suffer from stomach problems.

The most difficult and at the same time the most necessary in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease - is the improvement of the psychological state of the patient and the removal of his life at least a part of the negative emotions. If you feel that again trapped in a vicious circle, and again in the same way as before the illness, respond to the same event (or one and the same person), you should take a course of treatment, the therapist or learn to regulate their emotional reactions independently.

Try to spare your body especially during those periods when the disease can worsen, ie. E. In the fall or spring. Do not take this time an additional burden on the work and cancel upcoming trips or, on the contrary, go on business away from home, if you feel that you can mentally relax during a business trip.

Anti-stress exercises

Using these techniques will help you to focus on the internal processes in the body, help to achieve a sense of safety and security.

This exercise is to perform better in the morning, without getting out of bed - it will charge you with cheerfulness for the whole day. Hands rewound back. Bend the right leg, touch the elbow of his left hand in his right knee - exhale. Return to the starting position - a breath. Do the same for the other pair of arms and legs.

The following exercise can be done at any time of the day and night - at the first sign of anger, irritation or fatigue. Take the hand in front of the castle itself. Slowly inhaling, raise your hands palms up and slightly tilted back. Look up, hold your breath for 5 seconds. Exhale slowly, leaning forward.

Scientists have long noticed that monotonously repeated movements relieve anxiety, relax muscles. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, raise your hands to your eyes (your elbows at shoulder level) and look through them as through glasses. Without changing the position of the hands, upper body rocking from side to side, shifting the center of gravity from one foot to the other.

The following exercise is taken from yoga. Prodelyvat Suffice it twice a day for 5 minutes and you will be able to withstand any trouble. Lie on your back, arms stretched out along the trunk. Exhale all the air to vacuum sensation in the chest and at the same time pull your belly. Deeply inhale and slowly, inflating the abdomen. Take 2 - 3 breaths. The main thing - to provide breath negative emotions, and in the inspired - positive.