Diseases of the stomach, which arise from the experiences

Stomach - a body that not only performs the function of digesting food, it also helps us to "digest" the different situations of life, to experience the problem.

For human food is a means of filling the energy of the body, when someone refuses to help others and not able to draw energy from other sources, unmet need is compensated by a large number of food consumed, resulting in gastritis or ulcer. These diseases - only part of the potential hazards that may be encountered because of inner feelings.

Even if, if mental health is normal, every individual has certain character traits, habits and way of life. Recent and may suggest a specialist which potential diseases will disturb a particular patient.

Pain in the stomach, not only provoked by an unhealthy diet, they often have just a psychological nature. So, according to experts, gastric ulcer for the most part caused by psychological reasons.

When a person is in a difficult situation, and feels that he can not find a way out of this situation, this can result in sickness.

Another psihosomatichekskoy cause stomach diseases is the lack of support. When a person feels the need to communicate, but he does not manage to fill the spiritual void, comes to the aid food in large quantities. As a result, excessive and unhealthy diet causes the development of gastritis or ulcers.

When the sore stomach, psychosomatic medicine is often the main component of this problem. Judge for yourself, not for nothing that before an important event, "sucking in the stomach" and "reduces belly." In this way the body is demonstrating its response to strong emotion pent person (excitement, fear, etc.).

Gastritis often affects people who are on a long time in limbo: they do not see prospects for the future and believe that nothing good is not going to happen. Also, gastritis can be triggered by a sharp flash of strong anger, "drive inside." This retention of emotions in themselves and provoke the development of various diseases.

The disease usually manifests itself in some time after the events that resulted in the inner experiences.

Heartburn usually tortures people, who suppress the aggression or feels fear of something. For example, a person is aware that life circumstances are not in his favor, but still trying to convince himself that "all is well".

Regarding ulcer, in this case, Psychosomatics in this case the procedure is more complicated. There are a variety of causes that trigger the development of the disease, among them: envy; perfectionism; "inferiority complex"; increased anxiety; the contradiction between the autonomy and the need for care.

These causes can provoke the development of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, because if a person leaves their problems unresolved, the stomach is forced to "digest" them.

psychotherapist Help required in such cases:

Man on a regular basis during the month of experiencing sleep problems, feel depressed, tired quickly, at the same time feels discomfort in the abdomen or other gastrointestinal problems.

The patient is being treated by a specialist, gastroenterologist, but only gets in a stressful situation, the disease returns.

A man suffering from a disruption of the normal digestive process - continually arises discomfort, pain, bloating, cramping or diarrhea without apparent reason.