The impact of emotions on the pressure

And hypertension and hypotension are often caused by psycho-emotional overload, so it is important that the household and industrial spheres such patients all was well. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, says Anastasia Krasichkova in the book "Hypotension".

With positive emotions caused by the violation of blood pressure changes, including changes in the cardiovascular system, gradually disappear; Negative emotions cause a reaction that does not go away for a long time: heart and vascular regulation violation. Observations showed that the blood pressure rises, for example, students in the exam at the time of taking a ticket and gradually decreases when thinking about the issue.

Of great importance is the human response to verbal stimuli.

Very dangerous neotreagirovnnye emotions - those people did not show, in itself survived. Therefore it is useful sometimes to cry, quarreling or dummy beat your boss, as is done in Japan. If this is not possible, you can climb to the top floor, without using an elevator, or do some vigorous push.

Most often, hypertension and hypotension have been reported in people who are experiencing negative emotions systematically, repeatedly, over and over again. However, there are cases where, for example, for the occurrence of hypertension, took one big nervous breakdown.

The relationship between the nervous tension and pressure violation scientifically proven and confirmed experimentally. Most scientists believe psychoneurosis pressure disorders.

personality type, prone to hypertension, characterized by the desire to advance, to achieve a high position in society. Such a person always acts consciously and intensely. After reaching the goal it has set itself new. As a result, the state of internal tension never goes away. Such people are always pressed for time. The risk of hypertension ill they are 3-4 times higher than the average.

By hypotension predisposed people passive, timid, unsure of their abilities, a bit infantile, those who are afraid to take responsibility. For any person, especially susceptible to pressure disturbances, it is important to learn the culture of human communication to resolve conflicts the most gentle way. It helps in difficult situations a sense of humor.

You must be able to remove nervous tension, such as engaging in a hobby, listening to music, take a walk in nature.
Promotes mental relaxation some special relaxation techniques, such as auditory training (self-hypnosis).

Autogenic training is done by repeating the strictly chosen words and phrases that trigger the body's positive changes, and then the same change in mental status. Under the guidance of a doctor in the autogenous of the position of passive-anxiety waiting a sick person goes into action, aimed at their recovery.

The first stage - development of complacency, the ability to remove the feeling of inner tension, which is often manifested muscle tension.

During the sessions the patient lies on his back or sitting in a chair in a pose "the coachman on the droshky": without relying on back, legs slightly extended, hands lie loosely on his hips, his head slightly lowered, back a few bent, the shoulders are above the hip.

Relaxed muscles subjectively seem heavy, and dilated blood vessels create a feeling of warmth. Recommended exercise, causing a state of general calm, gravity, heat.

Having proper posture, close your eyes, then relax, breathe deeply and slowly. Mentally pronounce these formulas in a strict sequence. Every formula can be repeated 2 - 4 times:

"I am perfectly calm. Calm and relaxed my body. Tranquility and relaxation. Every muscle is relaxed and lethargic. I am calm. I am completely calm. The right arm limp and relaxed. It is hard. The right arm limp and heavy. The severity and spread ripples across his right hand over his shoulder, forearm, in the brush to the fingertips. The right hand of the heat flows. Pleasant warmth fills the right hand, flows over the right shoulder, right forearm to the right hand. The right hand is filled with warmth and heavier. I am completely calm. Peace and harmony filled me. Calm envelops me like a soft blanket. Calm protects me. I totally surrender to calm and relaxation. I am completely calm. "

Through training, you need to focus on repetitive phrases, avoid extraneous thoughts, every phrase seek to experience. It would be good to carry out this exercise 1 - 2 times a day.

Headaches can go, if you hold an exercise recommended Kleynzorge:

"The head is light. It is free from the heavy thoughts. The forehead is pleasantly cool. I feel like my head is surrounded by coolness. The whole body is loose, relaxed and calm. The head becomes clear, bright and free. My head is fresh as a mountain spring. Clear as crystal. It could concentrate on any thought. clear head, fresh and relaxed. "

After the lesson should be a sense of satisfaction. Finally, you need about 1 minute. to stay in a state of deep rest with your eyes closed, and then take a deep breath and exhale and open them.

The verbal formula can be selected individually, depending on what ails the individual. With the help of autogenous training, for example, can successfully deal with insomnia.

Some researchers believe that sustainable effect auto-training exercises should be carried out for at least 6 months. Even those people who did not amenable to self-suggestion, after classes are becoming more sensitive to the drug therapy.

Scientists have noticed that stress is easier to tolerate people trained, physically strong. Physical training improves not only muscular system, but also the cardiovascular and nervous.