Receipt of power provokes poyavlpenie helminths

The emergence of worms in the human body has a natural addition to the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, underlying) cause.

Dr. Volkov writes: "It is proved that about 85% of all illnesses have psychological causes. It is believed that the remaining 15% of diseases related to the psyche, but to establish this relationship has yet to be in the future Among the causes of the disease feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors - hypothermia, infection - are secondary, as the trigger »

Dr. A.Menegetti in his book "Psychosomatics" writes: "The disease - is the language of the subject we are To understand the disease you need to open a project that creates a subject in his unconscious then requires a second step, which is to make the patient: it should change. If a person is psychologically change, disease, being an abnormal flow of life disappear »

This is what they write about this world-renowned experts in the field and authors of books on the subject.

Liz Bourbeau in her book "Your body says" Love yourself! "," Writes about the possible metaphysical causes of parasites in the body.

Emotional lock.

A person who suffers from parasites, allows others to parasitize it - in regard to thoughts and lifestyle. Children often suffer from parasites, because they are too strongly influenced by the world of adults. They feel obliged to pretend that is not to be themselves, to earn the love and attention of adults. People often picks up parasites when traveling to other countries. The more a person allows himself to the parasite, the more value it gives insignificant details. These little things filled his mind, take his life too much space.

Mental lock.

Suffering from parasites, your body tells you that no one can parasitize on you if you did not let me. You make yourself to be a different person, because you believe that these deserve anyone's love. But you already have everything you need to be loved and respected man. Others will respect you only if you respect himself. You do not have to indulge in his mind unhelpful thoughts and beliefs - just as not allowed in your home suspicious of strangers.

Louise Hay, in his book "Heal Yourself" indicates a major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing ideas (leading to healing) associated with the emergence of parasites and healing:

Inferior power to others, let them take over.

Harmonizing thoughts: Again, I gladly take the power into their own hands, thus putting an end to all interference.

Sergey Lazarev in his books "Diagnostics of karma" and "Future Man" writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the lack of, lack of or absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above love for God (and God, as the Bible says, is love), it tends to something instead of gaining divine love another. Besides that (wrongly) believes it is more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and a lot of other material and spiritual values ​​ But it's not a goal, but only a means for attaining the divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in my heart, as the feedback from the universe, come disease problems and other troubles. This is to ensure that people thought, to realize that there is not, thinks, speaks and does something wrong and began to mend, stood on the right path! There are a lot of nuances, as the disease is manifested in our body.


Dr. Luule Viilma in his book "Light source is love," writes:

Ascariasis, which are the causative agent of specific types of Ascaris. They live in the small intestine, but before the aging, while in the egg stage, they are transported through the intestinal wall into the blood vessels, heart, lungs and swallowed together with saliva again fall into the intestine. Ascaris say: "Dear people thy unkind attitude towards women's work or to the woman's life is because you're not in anything you put love and freedom Emancipate his cruelty, which you're trying to hide, and violence will lose its power over you.".

Diphyllobothriasis (tapeworms)

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book "Light source is love," writes:

This tapeworm, which is attached to the small intestine wall and can grow to several meters in length. Tapeworms says: "Dear man Your secretive cruelty like me: clinging to the little things and do mountains out of molehills suffer himself and distributed the seeds of its cruelty to others As usual, the most well-intentioned who fall for the bait, he is the same violent and in addition makes and tapeworm. "

SOLITAIRE (tapeworms)

Liz Bourbeau in her book "Your body says!" Love yourself "," writes about the possible metaphysical causes of parasites in the body:
Solitaire - a tapeworm, a parasite in organs and tissues of humans and animals. Some parasite fills the entire life of the patient and there is no place for the relatives of people in it. On the other hand, it makes it alone.

Louise Hay, in his book "Heal Yourself" indicates a major negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing ideas (leading to healing) associated with the emergence and the healing of the tapeworm:

A strong belief that you are a victim and that you are sinful. You are helpless in front of what you take to be relevant to you other people.

Harmonizing thoughts: Other only reflect the good feelings that I have for myself. I love and appreciate all that is in me.

Enterobiasis (pathogen - pinworm)

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book "Light source is love," writes:

Enterobiasis, the causative agent of which is the pinworm, says: "Dear people You have a lot of small cruel tricks associated with the completion of the work and the work that you're trying to hide They do not give you at rest at night, because when you are no busy to invent something!. new cruel tricks. I can not leave before you have released the cruelty of the will. "

At night, pinworms come out of the anus to lay eggs, causing itching. Invisible eggs fall from his fingers in his mouth and begins the development of a new parasite.